40 million people in poverty, USA.

It's just not believing in God; but also doing your best to follow His word.
No; because someone who is "selfish and greedy" (needs a definition) is not following His word.
The belief is not just what you will gain; but how you live your life.
Living a life of benevolence and goodwill, is part of His word and doing so, along with a belief in Him is the determining factor.

We were given free will, to make choices of good or evil (short version).

There is no easy answer and it's my opinion, that an easy answer is exactly what many people feel they need; because without the easy answer they remain unsure.

I was raised with the belief that everyone will have to answer (atone) for things they've done in their life; because none of us are perfect (free will).

A person can't help anyone else, unless they've made them self right.
They can't truly help anyone outside of their family, until they've made their family right.
And this just follows up the ladder; but we all don't have the same view of the ladder.

Off topic:
I once had some Jehovah Witnesses talking to me and in the conversation they said that if you have sinned; but never knew it was a sin, that as soon as the sin was pointed out and you stopped, then God would not hold you responsible.

I sat there for a minute and said; so if Hitler never woke up in the middle of the night and questioned what he was doing, then God won't hold him responsible.

They both looked at each other, got up, thanked me for my time, and left.

But your quote doesn't state that. Your quote advances the notion that you should believe in God (and follow his word) because of the benefits you would get from it. But shouldn't doing good be its own reward? Isn't that what charity is all about? Being generous and charitable because you know it's right, regardless of what you get in return? If someone needs a reward for doing good, it tarnishes the act, don't you think?

Also, if you have two people, one who goes to church every Sunday, prays every day, worships God every day and follows his word. The other is an Atheist but is twice as altruistic, twice as charitable, twice as magnanimous as the first one.
Which one do you believe has the better chance of receiving your "infinite gains"?
But your quote doesn't state that. Your quote advances the notion that you should believe in God (and follow his word) because of the benefits you would get from it. But shouldn't doing good be its own reward? Isn't that what charity is all about? Being generous and charitable because you know it's right, regardless of what you get in return? If someone needs a reward for doing good, it tarnishes the act, don't you think?

Also, if you have two people, one who goes to church every Sunday, prays every day, worships God every day and follows his word. The other is an Atheist but is twice as altruistic, twice as charitable, twice as magnanimous as the first one.
Which one do you believe has the better chance of receiving your "infinite gains"?

Everyone is entitled to take what they want or believe the quote means.
I've posted mine.

The rest of this is just you voicing your opinion and I've already answered them.

Also, if you have two people, one who goes to church every Sunday, prays every day, worships God every day and follows his word. The other is an Atheist but is twice as altruistic, twice as charitable, twice as magnanimous as the first one.
Which one do you believe has the better chance of receiving your "infinite gains"?


I'll not only say the first example has a better chance, the first one has the only chance.
I'm more then prepared.

Are you prepared to answer for yours; should be something you might want to be more concerned about.

Look at post #161. DT seems to think there's a possibility that people can buy their way into heaven based on his second paragraph.
Everyone is entitled to take what they want or believe the quote means.
I've posted mine.

The rest of this is just you voicing your opinion and I've already answered them.

No, you conveniently avoided this question so I'll ask you again:

if you have two people, one who goes to church every Sunday, prays every day, worships God every day and follows his word. The other is an Atheist but is twice as altruistic, twice as charitable, twice as magnanimous as the first one. Which one do you believe has the better chance of receiving your "infinite gains"?

And regarding the quote, there's really not much ambiguity to it. Essentially, Pascal is saying you should believe in God and be a good person because of how you will benefit from it in the end. I think that's an insincere and disingenuous message to advance. Like I said before, doing good is its own reward. God would rather see people doing "His work" because they know it's the right thing to do, not because of the "infinite gains" they will be rewarded with.

Pascal's quote is seriously flawed and deep down inside, I think you realize it.
Just wait until you're judged on the crap you've posted here, addlepate.

Funny how some of the racists here claim they're "religious" or "following God's word". I can bet without any doubt that God hates racism and those who practice it are NOT following God's word.
They're in for a BIG surprise when they take their final dirt nap.
No, you conveniently avoided this question so I'll ask you again:

if you have two people, one who goes to church every Sunday, prays every day, worships God every day and follows his word. The other is an Atheist but is twice as altruistic, twice as charitable, twice as magnanimous as the first one. Which one do you believe has the better chance of receiving your "infinite gains"?

And regarding the quote, there's really not much ambiguity to it. Essentially, Pascal is saying you should believe in God and be a good person because of how you will benefit from it in the end. I think that's an insincere and disingenuous message to advance. Like I said before, doing good is its own reward. God would rather see people doing "His work" because they know it's the right thing to do, not because of the "infinite gains" they will be rewarded with.

Pascal's quote is seriously flawed and deep down inside, I think you realize it.

I'm not avoiding it; because it doesn't matter who I think has the better chance.

As before the rest of your comment(s) are just you failing to understand free will.
Funny how some of the racists here claim they're "religious" or "following God's word". I can bet without any doubt that God hates racism and those who practice it are NOT following God's word.
They're in for a BIG surprise when they take their final dirt nap.

Since moon's post was directed at me, are you suggesting that I'm a racist?
Funny how some of the racists here claim they're "religious" or "following God's word". I can bet without any doubt that God hates racism and those who practice it are NOT following God's word.
They're in for a BIG surprise when they take their final dirt nap.

I can bet without a doubt that you've claimed people are racist when, in fact, that couldn't be further from the truth.

I can bet without a doubt that God looks at you as violating the Commandment of "thou shall not bearing false witness" when you do. You're in for a big surprise when you take that dirt nap. Add that to you believing someone can buy their way into heaven and you'll have a surprise you won't be able to overcome.
You're an established JPP racist. Aren't you even aware of that ?

Then you should be able to prove it, by posting a multitude of my comments that would support your accusation.


I'll settle for just one.

Let me know, when you think you've found it.
Then you should be able to prove it, by posting a multitude of my comments that would support your accusation.


I'll settle for just one.

Let me know, when you think you've found it.

You mean you've deleted ALL of your anti-Islamic and anti-Palestinian screeds ?

Wait.....you don't even think that's racism, do you .
I'm not avoiding it; because it doesn't matter who I think has the better chance.

As before the rest of your comment(s) are just you failing to understand free will.

You're avoiding answering it because it shoots Pascal's quote full of holes. Just admit it so we can all go home and stop with these silly excuses.
Does it bother you that an atheist that's kinder, more generous, more altruistic than you may have a better chance of getting to Heaven than you do?
You mean you've deleted ALL of your anti-Islamic and anti-Palestinian screeds ?

Wait.....you don't even think that's racism, do you .

Would you like to take a bet, that I've deleted the posts that you say I have; because I can ask the MODs to look at any deleted posts of mine and resurrect them.

If they find a racist one, I'll go on permabam; but if there are none, then you get placed on permaban.

What RACE are Islamic and Palestinians??
You're avoiding answering it because it shoots Pascal's quote full of holes. Just admit it so we can all go home and stop with these silly excuses.
Does it bother you that an atheist that's kinder, more generous, more altruistic than you may have a better chance of getting to Heaven than you do?

And you would be wrong; because it doesn't matter who I think is more right or more wrong.

If they don't believe then there is no chance.
And you would be wrong; because it doesn't matter who I think is more right or more wrong.

If they don't believe then there is no chance.

But, but, but you said it's more than just 'believing'. You have to live it.

Make up your mind. Geez, you don't know what you believe, do you?

And you still won't answer my question because it destroys your argument.
