40 million people in poverty, USA.

But, but, but you said it's more than just 'believing'. You have to live it.

Make up your mind. Geez, you don't know what you believe, do you?

And you still won't answer my question because it destroys your argument.


What did I say that was in contrast to what else I've said??

You seem to be spoiling for a fight and I don't intend to enable you.
What did I say that was in contrast to what else I've said??

You seem to be spoiling for a fight and I don't intend to enable you.

Why are you so afraid to answer a simple hypothetical question? Is it because you know what the answer is but you can't accept it? Are you afraid that you're more like the first person in the scenario and ashamed you may lose to an atheist?
So be a man and answer the freaking question:

if you have two people, one who goes to church every Sunday, prays every day, worships God every day and follows his word. The other is an Atheist but is twice as altruistic, twice as charitable, twice as magnanimous as the first one. Which one do you believe has the better chance of receiving your "infinite gains"?
Why are you so afraid to answer a simple hypothetical question? Is it because you know what the answer is but you can't accept it? Are you afraid that you're more like the first person in the scenario and ashamed you may lose to an atheist?
So be a man and answer the freaking question:

if you have two people, one who goes to church every Sunday, prays every day, worships God every day and follows his word. The other is an Atheist but is twice as altruistic, twice as charitable, twice as magnanimous as the first one. Which one do you believe has the better chance of receiving your "infinite gains"?

No fear involved.
I've told you, that it doesn't matter what I think about either one; because God isn't relying on my answer, nor is it my decision, and between the two of us, you seem to be the one who's having trouble accepting an answer. :dunno:

You do seem upset that I won't dance to your music, though. :D
Even taking your position at face value, it does not change that the DNC routinely bends over backwards to screw southern states. Killed Tobacco; Killed small manufacturing; Trying to Kill Coal; Trying to kill farming. It doesn't matter how much you cut from defense if you send it all to NYC and Silicon Valley.

You are such a uniformed clown it isn't worth discussing anything with you
Would you like to take a bet, that I've deleted the posts that you say I have; because I can ask the MODs to look at any deleted posts of mine and resurrect them.

If they find a racist one, I'll go on permabam; but if there are none, then you get placed on permaban.

What RACE are Islamic and Palestinians??

As I said- you don't know what ' racism ' is. You're a cowardly moron. Your posts are stuffed with racist rhetoric- and you don't even know it. You truly are a contemptible dumbass.
No fear involved.
I've told you, that it doesn't matter what I think about either one; because God isn't relying on my answer, nor is it my decision, and between the two of us, you seem to be the one who's having trouble accepting an answer. :dunno:

You do seem upset that I won't dance to your music, though. :D

Your lame excuses for why you won't answer are laughable and speak volumes on your belief flaws. You can't answer truthfully because it shoots your belief system full of holes. Your belief system is flawed and you just can't deal with that.

Man is judged on his contributions to the human spirit, not by how many times he walks into a church and genuflects to worship God.
God doesn't care how many times you praise him and tell him how great he is. He cares if you helped the person less fortunate than you who needs help.

I hope to God you'll start seeing the flaws in your beliefs. You'll be a better person for it.
As I said- you don't know what ' racism ' is. You're a cowardly moron. Your posts are stuffed with racist rhetoric- and you don't even know it. You truly are a contemptible dumbass.

Then you are able to show that "racist rhetoric" and yet you've been unable to do so.

Is it because it's not there or are you just being lazy?
Your lame excuses for why you won't answer are laughable and speak volumes on your belief flaws. You can't answer truthfully because it shoots your belief system full of holes. Your belief system is flawed and you just can't deal with that.

Man is judged on his contributions to the human spirit, not by how many times he walks into a church and genuflects to worship God.
God doesn't care how many times you praise him and tell him how great he is. He cares if you helped the person less fortunate than you who needs help.

I hope to God you'll start seeing the flaws in your beliefs. You'll be a better person for it.

How have my answers been untruthful?

You keep adding to your requests, in an apparent desire to have me react to what you post; but as I said:
It doesn't matter what I think about either one; because God isn't relying on my answer.

Where did I say anything about walking into Church and genuflecting?

When did God start depending on you, to judge others?
How have my answers been untruthful?

You keep adding to your requests, in an apparent desire to have me react to what you post; but as I said:
It doesn't matter what I think about either one; because God isn't relying on my answer.

Where did I say anything about walking into Church and genuflecting?

When did God start depending on you, to judge others?

We're talking about the logic behind Pascal's quote, not about talking to God.
God isn't interested in your answer. God didn't ask you the question. I did.
I'm the one to which you're answering the question, not God.
You posted Pascal's quote so it matters to me what you think. That's what debate and conversation is all about.
You ask me a question. I answer it. I reciprocate by asking you a follow up.
But when you bring up these silly comments like:
It doesn't matter what I think about either one; because God isn't relying on my answer.
the conversation deteriorates.
It's not about God depending on me or me judging others. You're just throwing that out there because you got nothing else.
If you don't want to answer the question, just say so and save the reasons why BS.
But if you're going to put a Pascal quote as your signature, you should be able to defend it, don't you think?
If you can't, maybe you should delete it and put something else.
We're talking about the logic behind Pascal's quote, not about talking to God.
God isn't interested in your answer. God didn't ask you the question. I did.
I'm the one to which you're answering the question, not God.
You posted Pascal's quote so it matters to me what you think. That's what debate and conversation is all about.
You ask me a question. I answer it. I reciprocate by asking you a follow up.
But when you bring up these silly comments like:
It doesn't matter what I think about either one; because God isn't relying on my answer.
the conversation deteriorates.
It's not about God depending on me or me judging others. You're just throwing that out there because you got nothing else.
If you don't want to answer the question, just say so and save the reasons why BS.
But if you're going to put a Pascal quote as your signature, you should be able to defend it, don't you think?
If you can't, maybe you should delete it and put something else.

Why does it matter so much to you, which one I think is better then the other?

Are you aware that your behavior is similar to the behavior of a poster that acted the same, during our last two Werewolf games and kept demanding that I provide a list of who I thought was who?? :D
Then you are able to show that "racist rhetoric" and yet you've been unable to do so.

Is it because it's not there or are you just being lazy?

Are you saying that if I produce a post by you that demonstrates your Islamophobia and hatred of Arabs then you will perma-ban yourself ?

Over to you for some wriggle-time.
Why does it matter so much to you, which one I think is better then the other?

Are you aware that your behavior is similar to the behavior of a poster that acted the same, during our last two Werewolf games and kept demanding that I provide a list of who I thought was who?? :D

We were having an intelligent conversation about Pascal's quote. Then you put the brakes on because one of my questions/responses seemed to make you uncomfortable. I'm just wondering why. If you post a Pascal quote as your signature, shouldn't you be able to defend it?

I find his quote very interesting that someone would apply such logic to faith and religion and trying to get opinions from other people on the subject.

That's all. Not sure why you're so nervous about answering it. It's a pretty benign question.
Are you saying that if I produce a post by you that demonstrates your Islamophobia and hatred of Arabs then you will perma-ban yourself ?

Over to you for some wriggle-time.

I suggested you post one that shows my racism; but I can see how you would want to change the parameters of the bet.

Arabic is not a race. :D
We were having an intelligent conversation about Pascal's quote. Then you put the brakes on because one of my questions/responses seemed to make you uncomfortable. I'm just wondering why. If you post a Pascal quote as your signature, shouldn't you be able to defend it?

I find his quote very interesting that someone would apply such logic to faith and religion and trying to get opinions from other people on the subject.

That's all. Not sure why you're so nervous about answering it. It's a pretty benign question.

You now seem to be projecting; because there was no me being uncomfortable.

There's also no nervousness. :D
There are pockets of poverty here. And always will be.

But in what other country can millions of the ‘poor’ check their food stamp balance from $800 smart phones lol?
You now seem to be projecting; because there was no me being uncomfortable.

There's also no nervousness. :D

You may not think so but that's what you're projecting. I'm just not buying your excuses for not answering. They just don't make any sense.
If you apply the same logic that Pascal uses, it would make sense that God would welcome the atheist who is twice as altruistic into his kingdom.
The person that does good with no reward expected would be the one that God would want in his kingdom rather than the guy that did good for selfish reasons.
Doesn't that make sense to you?
You may not think so but that's what you're projecting. I'm just not buying your excuses for not answering. They just don't make any sense.
If you apply the same logic that Pascal uses, it would make sense that God would welcome the atheist who is twice as altruistic into his kingdom.
The person that does good with no reward expected would be the one that God would want in his kingdom rather than the guy that did good for selfish reasons.
Doesn't that make sense to you?

Just because you feel you can "see it", doesn't mean that it's a fact; but you are appearing to becoming desperate. :D

How is doing it for selfish reasons, following the path that God has said.
the Lord has said that the person must accept him and an atheist hasn't, so your example is moot.
Just because you feel you can "see it", doesn't mean that it's a fact; but you are appearing to becoming desperate. :D

How is doing it for selfish reasons, following the path that God has said.
the Lord has said that the person must accept him and an atheist hasn't, so your example is moot.

But you said doing God's work is the same as "accepting Him". How does one "accept" God?
By going to church and worshiping him or going out and being altruistic and helping his fellow man with no expectation of reward?
I would guess the latter. Pascal says if you believe in God and there is none, you only have a finite loss but if you don't believe in God and He exists, then you lose "infinite gains". That is a selfish reason. It's like being friends with someone only because he buys you dinner every night.
I still say Pascal's quote is flawed. Following God's path with no reward is much more redeeming than doing it because of the expectation of reward.
It's really that simple.
But you said doing God's work is the same as "accepting Him". How does one "accept" God?
By going to church and worshiping him or going out and being altruistic and helping his fellow man with no expectation of reward?
I would guess the latter. Pascal says if you believe in God and there is none, you only have a finite loss but if you don't believe in God and He exists, then you lose "infinite gains". That is a selfish reason. It's like being friends with someone only because he buys you dinner every night.
I still say Pascal's quote is flawed. Following God's path with no reward is much more redeeming than doing it because of the expectation of reward.
It's really that simple.

But I never said "...doing God's work is the same as "accepting Him"..."; but what I did say is "It's just not believing in God; but also doing your best to follow His word." and now that it appears that you've found the need to fabricate things, that hopefully will support your comments.

And since the start of your post is based on the lie you created, it makes the rest of your opinion inconsequential.