40 million people in poverty, USA.

So ? That has nothing to do with the murder of Jesus of Nazareth being orchestrated by Jews. The Pharisees were bad, bad boys, the story goes. Still the same today.
You should check out the conditions in Bethlehem.

Again- there are no ' acts of god '. Natural conditions, good and bad, are the result of universal chemistry. There is nobody in charge of the cosmic laboratory.

However, I respect your right to invent a manager if you want to. Doubtless- many of the 40 million in poverty try to pray their way to their next meal and some shelter.

As I stated and you continue doing......"Do you ever fell like you are deliberately pissing in circles in order to feign intelligence? You are yet to answer the simple question.....how are you going to ELIMINATE POVERTY? Your words not mine. Its already demonstrated that certain things are beyond any insulating Government can do......illness, sickness, personal injury, natural disasters and accidents. How do suggest LEGISLATING/insulating away these physical realities that happen everyday? You cannot....thus the circular pissing. ;) Your suggested GOVERNMENT INSULATING acts of legislation have accomplished nothing in ELEIMINATING POVERTY....but there are very many side effects such as Generational Welfare, the creation of inner city crime havens, gangs, fatherless children as Big Brother declares himself the father to as many as 20 children per female voter. Got any more good intention plans?

Do you really want to know how "NOT TO BE POOR IN AMERICA"? 3 basic rules that results in over 85% of all those who endorse these rules moving up into the Middle Class of American Citizens.

1. Get a simple high school education, if that's not possible get a GED.....simply educate yourself to the 3 basic skills of Reading, Writing, and Math.....to hell with all the philosophy and liberal arts....just get the basis.

2. Get an entry level Job.

3. the most important.....do not have any children out of wedlock.

The formula is simple and self engaged......there is no insulating required, one insulates themselves as much as possible and then they can deal with the unknown variables that always accompanies everyone along this path we call LIFE.

Those 15% that do not move up into the Middle Class population? They make piss poor free will decisions. Its that simple. No one in the United States has to be poor, even if you are born into poverty and called an UNCLE TOM....its your personal decision to NOT BE POOR.
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US wasting billions on nuclear bombs that serve no purpose and are security liability – experts

The US is to spend billions of dollars upgrading 150 nuclear bombs positioned in Europe, although the weapons may be useless as a deterrent and a potentially catastrophic security liability, according to a new report by arms experts.


Billions wasted. Even ONE billion shared between 40 million in poverty would be 25 bucks each. What sort of a mindset rates bombs higher than poverty ?
Billions wasted. Even ONE billion shared between 40 million in poverty would be 25 bucks each. What sort of a mindset rates bombs higher than poverty ?

Fuck that noise. ONE Billion shared between 400 million could get the poor $2.50 each. Don't be so shortsighted.
Originally Posted by moon2012 "Billions wasted. Even ONE billion shared between 40 million in poverty would be 25 bucks each. What sort of a mindset rates bombs higher than poverty ?"

Your solution to poverty is giving people tax dollars? What happened to teaching them to fish?
Originally Posted by moon2012 "Billions wasted. Even ONE billion shared between 40 million in poverty would be 25 bucks each. What sort of a mindset rates bombs higher than poverty ?"

Your solution to poverty is giving people tax dollars? What happened to teaching them to fish?

Splitting the billions wasted on obsolete weaponry amongst the poor is purely for the illustration of US stupidity.
Having been homeless, however, I assure you that my hypothetical dollars wouldn't be spent on a fishing rod- so don't be so pedantic.
Splitting the billions wasted on obsolete weaponry amongst the poor is purely for the illustration of US stupidity.
Having been homeless, however, I assure you that my hypothetical dollars wouldn't be spent on a fishing rod- so don't be so pedantic.

I certainly agree about wasting money although a lot of that spent on weapons is not obsolete but for the latest high-tech stuff, but, there are plenty of areas where defense could be cut. There are sill many U. S. military base considered obsolete that Congress will not close because it will destroy the economy of the community. I would shut those base, but I would keep them open (and the weapon factories) before I would just give the money to the poor because they provide many jobs that keep people from being poor that we then would have to support.

There are still plenty of programs available to teach people to fish that would help get them out of poverty. There are literally thousands of jobs programs in various communities and community colleges to teach skills. There are still 390 Jobs Corps centers that provide free room and board, training, clothing, a living allowance, child care allotment, and medical care. So, if a person is poor and wants to get a skill or training to have a better job, the opportunities are available. Money spent on defense or anything else is not taking away from these programs because they already exist and are generally under-utilized.
Isn't Job Corp a bit narrow ? 16-24 years old ?

Training programs are a very good idea though. Close a thousand military bases and open a thousand Job Corp centres.

Incidentally- the notion that manufacturing weapons in order to slaughter people overseas is GOOD because it provides American JOBS totally SUX !
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Isn't Job Corp a bit narrow ? 16-24 years old ?

Training programs are a very good idea though. Close a thousand military bases and open a thousand Job Corp centres.

Incidentally- the notion that manufacturing weapons in order to slaughter people overseas is GOOD because it provides American JOBS totally SUX !

Job Corps is just one example. Train while young to prevent poverty later. Many jobs programs do not have such age limits. It would be a waste of money to create job training centers when Job Corps and many other job training programs are not fully utilized. Many are canceled because of lack of enrollment.

You do not have to manufacture weapons in order to slaughter people--many are defensive in nature and are not used--we haven't used many nuclear weapons lately. My point was that to end their jobs to give the money to the poor is self-defeating since it creates more poor people you have to give more money too. I would rather my taxes go to a person working in an aircraft factory than going to poor people because the aircraft factory is preventing those workers from being poor while money to the poor must be paid regularly. The War on Poverty started in 1965 and our level of poverty has remained relatively stable calling into question its effectiveness.
Billions wasted. Even ONE billion shared between 40 million in poverty would be 25 bucks each. What sort of a mindset rates bombs higher than poverty ?

I see you are now "crawdading/backpedding" with YOUR, "Its not about inequality its about insulating the poor against poverty....rant"? Typical.....now you are going back to the beginning and pretending to engage with supposed NEW FACTS...that are actually nothing but parroted talking points..i.e., propaganda used in an attempt to tug on the hearts of those you have self defined as heartless. Now the TRUTH in objective, testable evidence's of record.

Reality: The actual demonstrable truth from the government's own accounting systems. Big Brother has spent over 20 trillion (not including SS and Medicare), not the crumbs you are projecting but 20 + trillion adjusted for inflation US dollars on a supposed war on poverty over the past few decades.....in comparison, when the accounting is calculated The United States of America (Department of Defense Spending) has spent 6.7 Trillion from the time this nation was conceived until TODAY on the industrial military complex WAR MACHINE....that's right, 3x more dollars have been wasted attempting to do the impossible, "Eliminate" poverty with a self defined Declared Spending War in just a few decades compared to centuries of war expenditures, the math is not difficult.....looks like its time to toss in the towel, as this liberal warfare is on the verge of dragging the world into a Great Depression like has never been witnessed all due to the quest of Social Justice and income redistribution. But here we again......with hat in hand coming to THE PEOPLE.....we need more soup please. It appears that a Bloshevik's belly is a difficult thing to fill.

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There's a disproportionate number of morons on this JPP cesspit of a website who believe that the thread should have been entitled ' 40 million scroungers in the US ' .

Of course- they really are morons. It isn't just a handy descriptive term .
There's a disproportionate number of morons on this JPP cesspit of a website who believe that the thread should have been entitled ' 40 million scroungers in the US ' .

Of course- they really are morons. It isn't just a handy descriptive term .

Moron: Mirror;)
As one LEGAL immigrant once remarked:
America is the only country I know of, where the "poor" drive cars, own TVs and are fat.


That quote is so true and another reason why the federal government is failing in the "War on Poverty". We have the richest poor people in the world and paying out all the stipends (welfare, food stamps, Section 8 housing, SS Disability) just creates a generation of dependent Americans that can't or refuse to fend for themselves.

But let me talk about your signature, if I may:
Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss, whereas they stand to receive infinite gains and avoid infinite losses.

I've heard people use this argument before and it puzzles me. First of all, it assumes that all you have to do is "believe in God" to receive "infinite gains". Didn't Hitler believe in God? Wasn't he very religious?

I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 2

You really think someone who believes in God and is selfish and greedy will receive "infinite gains" as opposed to an atheist who is magnanimous and altruistic?

And if there is a God, what do you think He would think of someone who believed in Him based on what he has to gain? Doesn't sound very sincere, now does it.
It's like if you were a multi-millionaire and someone wanted to be your friend to take advantage of your wealth.

And does God really care if someone believes in Him? Why would that matter to Him? If he's immortal, then he has no ego and wouldn't care. What would matter to Him, it would seem, is that people lived their life with benevolence and goodwill. Wouldn't you want to be surrounded by people like that rather than people who believed in you for their own selfish reasons?
There's a disproportionate number of morons on this JPP cesspit of a website who believe that the thread should have been entitled ' 40 million scroungers in the US ' .

Of course- they really are morons. It isn't just a handy descriptive term .

Since a scrounger is someone that lives off others, it would be appropriate for the welfare leeches in poverty.
I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 2

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." - Matthew 7:21

Since I'm not God, I can't judge Hitler. However, I have a very good idea how God did.
That quote is so true and another reason why the federal government is failing in the "War on Poverty". We have the richest poor people in the world and paying out all the stipends (welfare, food stamps, Section 8 housing, SS Disability) just creates a generation of dependent Americans that can't or refuse to fend for themselves.

But let me talk about your signature, if I may:
Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss, whereas they stand to receive infinite gains and avoid infinite losses.

I've heard people use this argument before and it puzzles me. First of all, it assumes that all you have to do is "believe in God" to receive "infinite gains". Didn't Hitler believe in God? Wasn't he very religious?

I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 2

You really think someone who believes in God and is selfish and greedy will receive "infinite gains" as opposed to an atheist who is magnanimous and altruistic?

And if there is a God, what do you think He would think of someone who believed in Him based on what he has to gain? Doesn't sound very sincere, now does it.
It's like if you were a multi-millionaire and someone wanted to be your friend to take advantage of your wealth.

And does God really care if someone believes in Him? Why would that matter to Him? If he's immortal, then he has no ego and wouldn't care. What would matter to Him, it would seem, is that people lived their life with benevolence and goodwill. Wouldn't you want to be surrounded by people like that rather than people who believed in you for their own selfish reasons?

It's just not believing in God; but also doing your best to follow His word.
No; because someone who is "selfish and greedy" (needs a definition) is not following His word.
The belief is not just what you will gain; but how you live your life.
Living a life of benevolence and goodwill, is part of His word and doing so, along with a belief in Him is the determining factor.

We were given free will, to make choices of good or evil (short version).

There is no easy answer and it's my opinion, that an easy answer is exactly what many people feel they need; because without the easy answer they remain unsure.

I was raised with the belief that everyone will have to answer (atone) for things they've done in their life; because none of us are perfect (free will).

A person can't help anyone else, unless they've made them self right.
They can't truly help anyone outside of their family, until they've made their family right.
And this just follows up the ladder; but we all don't have the same view of the ladder.

Off topic:
I once had some Jehovah Witnesses talking to me and in the conversation they said that if you have sinned; but never knew it was a sin, that as soon as the sin was pointed out and you stopped, then God would not hold you responsible.

I sat there for a minute and said; so if Hitler never woke up in the middle of the night and questioned what he was doing, then God won't hold him responsible.

They both looked at each other, got up, thanked me for my time, and left.
I was raised with the belief that everyone will have to answer (atone) for things they've done in their life; because none of us are perfect

Just wait until you're judged on the crap you've posted here, addlepate.