40 million people in poverty, USA.

The only method of making income equality real....is to become a Fascist/Totalitarian regime...in order to make everyone EQUALLY POOR. Just like in China, Russia, Cuba, central America, etc.,

Income equality ? The idea is simply to eliminate poverty. You don't need income equality in order to do that.
Income equality ? The idea is simply to eliminate poverty. You don't need income equality in order to do that.

The U.S. has tried to eradicate poverty for over 50 years with worthless programs that hand one group something that the other group earned believing the former deserves something they didn't earn and that it will motivate people to do better. $22 trillion wasted for NOTHING. That poverty still exists despite that much being spent on such programs is all the proof anyone needs to know that mindset doesn't work.

I have a way to solve poverty. There are two groups in the country when it comes to this issue. Those that work for a living and those that vote for one. Stop the government from giving to those that don't want to do for themselves. One of two things would happen. The smart one will figure out they have to do something to get something and the dumb ones we won't have to worry about anymore.
The best ways to address this shocking indictment is to build a wall, produce more nuclear weapons, maintain 1600 military bases and remove people's health care. Not.

First of all, I don't believe that statistic that 40 million are in poverty. It all depends on how you define "poverty". Being a free society, everybody in America has the right to be rich or poor. What do you do about a person that's content on working at a minimum-wage job and has living accommodations that many of us would call the poverty level? But if this person has no desire to improve his situation, why is it the government's responsibility to intervene?

Everybody has a level of satisfaction with his socio-economic place. Everybody doesn't aspire to be billionaires because it takes persistence, tenacity and hard work that many aren't willing to commit to. In a free-market, capitalist society, everybody tends to reach their level of socio-economic competence and aspiration.
Many aren't willing to do the things (work and education) necessary to reach a middle class socio-economic level. Giving them a government stipend is not the answer. And the government has proven over the last 50 years that they're incompetent at managing these "social safety nets" which waste billions of taxpayer dollars annually.

It's a fact. The government wastes money. Tons of it. They don't help the poor. They just make the poor more reliant on government assistance and that keeps them in poverty. And when that happens, they tend to vote for the party/candidate that can continue the assistance. That's called 'buying votes' and it sets a dangerous precedent.

People say, "40 million in poverty shouldn't happen in the richest country in the world" but the fact is a country with $20 trillion in debt ISN'T the richest country in the world. Yes, our economy and capitalist system is the envy of the world but our government is not. Keep the government out of people's lives and our country will thrive. If the government continues to saddle its citizens with exorbitant taxes to pay for entitlements and other wasteful programs (defense), our capitalist system will no longer be the best in the world.
I'm expert at defining ' moral poverty '- but you're advised to read the details of the report that you dismiss .

I read it and there's so many things wrong with it but I'll start here:

As the wealthy continue sucking the country dry, the question now isn’t if the US will cease to provide a decent standard of living for its people. Rather it is how many people will be sacrificed on the way down.

First of all, how are the wealthy sucking the country dry? Wealthy people donate billions of dollars to charity every year and charities are much more efficient at helping the poor than the wasteful, inefficient government. Second, wealthy businessmen successfully take advantage of our free-market capitalist system which is the best in the world. And many of us are able to invest in their businesses and share in that success. I turned a middle-class salary into a seven figure retirement nest-egg over 35 years. Only in America. It wasn't because I was greedy or "sucking the country dry". I was taking advantage of American Opportunity that's available to all Americans if they're willing to work hard, be smart and live within their means.

Also, it's not the job of the US government to provide a decent standard of living for its people. Why? Because it can't. It has failed in the past and it continues to fail. In a free society, the only goal for the government is to provide a fair and equal OPPORTUNITY for their citizens to succeed, not to provide a decent standard of living. And what is a "decent standard of living" anyway? Who defines that? What if someone isn't willing to work hard enough to achieve your definition of "decent standard of living"?

Everybody in America has the ability and opportunity to achieve any level of socio-economic success they want. They can choose to be wealthy or they can choose to be poor. It's called Freedom.
Income equality ? The idea is simply to eliminate poverty. You don't need income equality in order to do that.

Answer this.....HOW ARE YOU GOING TO ELIMINATE POVERTY....as long as the pesky things like FREE WILL, ACCIDENTS, and ILLNESS exist on planet earth? What? Are you suggesting throwing 20 more trillion at a problem that will exist as long as mankind exists and is endowed with free will decision making...i.e., judgments? Can you CONTROL everyone's thought processes, nature and illness, acts of God such as catastrophic weather events and natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanos.....etc.? If you can't you will never "Eliminate" poverty......especially the poverty that comes from the bad decisions people make every day concerning their own lives.

The only alternative is to establish a fascist totalitarian state where BIG BROTHER controls all aspects of human behavior through threats and violence. The modern day slavery system known as the PENAL SYSTEM is a good example of how everyone is made equal and provided for by the STATE....the only problem with such a system is its not compatible with a free society based upon Representative Republicanism.

fyi: The United States Constitution "guarantees" representative republicanism at all government levels. Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1 You can "feign" ambiguity all you want....but the companion document of the US Constitution.....the federalist papers explains with no ambiguity whatsoever why republicanism was the government of choice for the citizens of the United States. FEDERALIST NO. 10
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Why didn't the black President help his own people instead of expecting white people to do it?

Answer this.....HOW ARE YOU GOING TO ELIMINATE POVERTY....as long as the pesky things like FREE WILL, ACCIDENTS, and ILLNESS exist on planet earth? What? Are you suggesting throwing 20 more trillion at a problem that will exist as long as mankind exists and is endowed with free will decision making...i.e., judgments? Can you CONTROL everyone's thought processes, nature and illness, acts of God such as catastrophic weather events and natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanos.....etc.? If you can't you will never "Eliminate" poverty......especially the poverty that comes from the bad decisions people make every day concerning their own lives.

The only alternative is to establish a fascist totalitarian state where BIG BROTHER controls all aspects of human behavior through threats and violence. The modern day slavery system known as the PENAL SYSTEM is a good example of how everyone is made equal and provided for by the STATE....the only problem with such a system is its not compatible with a free society based upon Representative Republicanism.

fyi: The United States Constitution "guarantees" representative republicanism at all government levels. Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1 You can "feign" ambiguity all you want....but the companion document of the US Constitution.....the federalist papers explains with no ambiguity whatsoever why republicanism was the government of choice for the citizens of the United States. FEDERALIST NO. 10

C'mon, it's obvious. You can feed a beggar a fish a day for ever. Give him the means and he'll catch his own.
C'mon, it's obvious. You can feed a beggar a fish a day for ever. Give him the means and he'll catch his own.

How about that beggar EARN his means instead of expecting someone to give them to him? If you constantly give people things, they'll expect you to bait the hook, take the fish off the hook when he catches it, and clean/cook them for him. Sooner or later the beggar has to stop being a beggar.

I say don't give the beggar a fish and if he isn't willing to find the means with which to fish, starve.