40 million people in poverty, USA.

There appears to be a consensus amongst a certain level of JPP strata that inflicting poverty overseas upon millions of people in order to create wealth for a handful of Americans is the way to solve poverty in America. Small wonder that the world at large wants the US taken down.
Even Obama's supporters can't explain why he didn't help his own people despite getting 95% of their vote.

There appears to be a consensus amongst a certain level of JPP strata that inflicting poverty overseas upon millions of people in order to create wealth for a handful of Americans is the way to solve poverty in America. Small wonder that the world at large wants the US taken down.

I heard nobody make such a claim much less a consensus.
Accepting that then- almost 40 million Americans did not finish high school ?

No, that can't be right. Some of those 40 million people in poverty will be kids that aren't old enough yet to finish high school.

And yet, Kanada has a higher percentage of their population living in poverty and you're doing nothing about it.
There appears to be a consensus amongst a certain level of JPP strata that inflicting poverty overseas upon millions of people in order to create wealth for a handful of Americans is the way to solve poverty in America. Small wonder that the world at large wants the US taken down.

Can you provide proof that anyone wants to "inflict" poverty overseas?
What.....are you attempting to strip others of their INTELLIGENCE? The poor will be among you forever....and that's a long time. Why? Because of free will....you can't legislate poverty from existence, as 20 trillion dollars has been spent on the war on poverty since it began....and the poverty level remains basically static.

Idea? Show us a link were a child in the US actually starved to death. If any child goes hungry or goes without a roof over their head in the United States of America....the problem is piss poor parenting, not wealth distribution. Damn Russians.


Nothing has changed since this 2014 study on poverty...except, more money has been wasted to pay people not to work, not to educate themselves, penalize the poor for being married....and the poverty index remains unchanged when one uses all the data readily available under the freedom of information act. The poor in this country would be considered MIDDLE CLASS anywhere else around the globe. The majority of those defined as poor by BIG BROTHER have two tvs, car/s, phones, video games, etc., when a family that earns upward of 45K+ counting government benefits, we the people don't have an inequality problem we have an accounting problem.

The only method of making income equality real....is to become a Fascist/Totalitarian regime...in order to make everyone EQUALLY POOR. Just like in China, Russia, Cuba, central America, etc.,

Its the damn socialists that are attempting to KNOW WHAT'S BEST for everyone that's gradually turning this nation into a mirror of the shitholes mentioned. Logic and common sense dictate the reality: You don't help the wage earner by bringing down the wage payer. Its the same damn drum beat of the Bolshevik's that brought down the FORMER USSR....how'd that experiment in social communism and income redistribution work out for ya?

And those Scandinavian nations touted by the left as the quint essential SOCIALIST example. Exposed as the myth it is.

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Accepting that then- almost 40 million Americans did not finish high school ?

No, that can't be right. Some of those 40 million people in poverty will be kids that aren't old enough yet to finish high school.

If the kids of those that did quit school follow what their parent(s) did, they're well on their way to doing the same thing.