40 million people in poverty, USA.

You either don't have as big of a problem with me having them or you're simply too much of a cowardly raghead to try and do anything about it.

Go swat some more butterflies with your banjo-bat, wanker.
OK- so the thread has squeezed a couple of zits. Now does any genuinely concerned person have any ideas as to why there are 40 million people in poverty in North America ?
Social science research has found there is almost no poverty among those who: 1) finish high school 2) defer having children until marriage 3) work full-time.

"Behavioral Aspects of Poverty"

Accepting that then- almost 40 million Americans did not finish high school ?

No, that can't be right. Some of those 40 million people in poverty will be kids that aren't old enough yet to finish high school.
OK- so the thread has squeezed a couple of zits. Now does any genuinely concerned person have any ideas as to why there are 40 million people in poverty in North America ?

When one must blame others for their own failures, success becomes unreachable. Think about it...
When one must blame others for their own failures, success becomes unreachable. Think about it...

Go away, fool. You've already made your negative contributions. Don't you have something that needs oiling ?
Accepting that then- almost 40 million Americans did not finish high school ?

No, that can't be right. Some of those 40 million people in poverty will be kids that aren't old enough yet to finish high school.

High school is only one criteria. A high school graduate with no job and children with no spouse is likely to be poor. The children (who are not old enough to finish high school) are poor because their parents failed to meet those conditions.
High school is only one criteria. A high school graduate with no job and children with no spouse is likely to be poor. The children (who are not old enough to finish high school) are poor because their parents failed to meet those conditions.

Do you think that the current government is capable of initiating something similar to the ' Public Works Administration ' of the Great Depression without negative projects like wars or The Wall ?

How about the de-mechanization of farming ?
Do you think that the current government is capable of initiating something similar to the ' Public Works Administration ' of the Great Depression without negative projects like wars or The Wall ?

How about the de-mechanization of farming ?

I don't think a PWA is a good idea since we are already making huge increases in the debt. Also, it is unnecessary. When the PWA was created there were no jobs but today unemployment is only 4.1% which is almost full employment. Many employers cannot find enough employees. A local lumber mill is hiring young workers at $29 an hour but cannot find enough (mostly because they can't pass the drug test). Maybe we should add "pass a drug test" to the requirements to stay out of poverty.

I think the de-mechanization of farming is going backwards. It increases the price of food and creates jobs most people don't want.
I don't think a PWA is a good idea since we are already making huge increases in the debt.

What has caused this debt and how is it being added to ? Isn't it wars, weapons and hand-outs to bum foreign regimes ?

Also, it is unnecessary. When the PWA was created there were no jobs but today unemployment is only 4.1% which is almost full employment. Many employers cannot find enough employees. A local lumber mill is hiring young workers at $29 an hour but cannot find enough (mostly because they can't pass the drug test). Maybe we should add "pass a drug test" to the requirements to stay out of poverty.

Where are the city jobs ? Isn't there scope for PWA there ? Most cities, apart from their show-case centres, are run-down.
Are you sure that drug-taking precedes being unemployed and not the other way around ?

I think the de-mechanization of farming is going backwards. It increases the price of food and creates jobs most people don't want.

I'd pay more to reduce the 40 million.
What has caused this debt and how is it being added to ? Isn't it wars, weapons and hand-outs to bum foreign regimes ?

Too much borrowing and government spending caused it. Wars/weapons only accounts for a relatively small amount (defense spending is 16%) of the federal budget. It is growing because of a $1.5 trillion tax cut and new spending of $160 defense and $138 domestic.

If I can't get a job because I can't pass the drug test then drug-taking precedes unemployment.

The unemployment rate for all 388 metropolitan areas in the U. S. averaged 3.9% (lower than the national average) in December. The top 298 metropolitan areas range from 1.5% to 4.9% unemployment.
What has caused this debt and how is it being added to ? Isn't it wars, weapons and hand-outs to bum foreign regimes ?

Where are the city jobs ? Isn't there scope for PWA there ? Most cities, apart from their show-case centres, are run-down.
Are you sure that drug-taking precedes being unemployed and not the other way around ?

I'd pay more to reduce the 40 million.

If you're talking about the U.S. many cities have experienced gentrification and flight of people with money back to them. In many places poverty is being pushed out to the suburbs.
I'm the thread's author. Where's your anti-poverty thread ?

Tell me- all those hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of tonnes of munitions expended in Iraq- to name but one. Who did they enrich ? Who did they enrich ?

Hopefully the company that designed and manufactured the munitions