40 million people in poverty, USA.

How about that beggar EARN his means instead of expecting someone to give them to him? If you constantly give people things, they'll expect you to bait the hook, take the fish off the hook when he catches it, and clean/cook them for him. Sooner or later the beggar has to stop being a beggar.

I say don't give the beggar a fish and if he isn't willing to find the means with which to fish, starve.

You sound like a professional parasite.
You sound like a professional parasite.

You sound like a professional beggar.

Interesting how you consider someone that has done, is doing, and always will do for himself a parasite while thinking a beggar is an upstanding individual. I don't know what they teach you ragheads in terrorist school but I'm not sure their curriculum is up to par.
C'mon, it's obvious. You can feed a beggar a fish a day for ever. Give him the means and he'll catch his own.

And? Is that not the point? Just how are you going to teach someone to fish....when they freely decide they would rather have BIG BROTHER simply give them a fish a day for life..i.e., the bare necessities of life that has one purpose....to make sure BIG BROTHER has hooked a generational poverty vote for the next several generations.

If you don't believe me ask LBJ who is quoted as to the reason for the Great Society WAR ON POVERITY. Was it to eliminate poverty? Nope.......it was as recorded in history actual, to gain and retain the black vote. Like LBJ is quoted, "I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years........". Its a documented fact that LBJ was a racist...a DIXE CRAT, but the left will fight you tooth and nail in order to "suggest" this quote was never uttered by LBJ. The problem they face is the overwhelming PRIMA FACIE evidence that LBJ often used such terminology on a daily basis.

So...again, I will ask the question that you attempted to DEFLECT without ever addressing. Just how are you going to force people not to be poor when......free will, nature, and even acts of God are beyond the control of any human?

I prefer the record found in the Holy Scriptures and to How Jesus (God incarnate) thought about poverty....he comprehended one reality; "The Poor will be among you ALWAYS..............." -- John 12:8

I would suggest to you that the POOR are nothing a tool, pawns to be used as Political fodder by the evil socialist agenda such as propagated by Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Charity begins at home. Why? Your home is where you can look around and actually see who is in need and where your charity needs to be directed. Some politician in DC has no idea about who needs what at the local level.....government propagates a cookie cutter politically correct self serving agenda. Government's sell ideas not reality.
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I prefer the record found in the Holy Scriptures and to How Jesus (God incarnate) thought about poverty....he comprehended one reality; "The Poor will be among you ALWAYS..............." -- John 12:8


Oh very profound. A right genius that Jesus. I'm surprised that the Jews ever bothered having him murdered.

So...again, I will ask the question that you attempted to DEFLECT without ever addressing. Just how are you going to force people not to be poor when......free will, nature, and even acts of God are beyond the control of any human?

This irrational babble is difficult to address with any element of sincerity- but I'll try. There are no ' acts of god '. It's a phrase developed by insurance companies to avoid paying claims.
You don't FORCE people out of poverty. You insulate them from the factors which cause poverty. One of these is bad government , which in turn denies adequate education and medical treatment. Poverty itself is a major force which propels the poor into the military- which is what bad government wants. Once these poor saps have finished creating poverty in foreign counties- to the enrichment of the military/industrial complex - they can be dumped on the streets , totally unemployable, to become the beggars you are denigrating.
How many of those 40 million in poverty are vets and their families ?
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If you don't believe me ask LBJ who is quoted as to the reason for the Great Society WAR ON POVERITY. Was it to eliminate poverty? Nope.......it was as recorded in history actual, to gain and retain the black vote. Like LBJ is quoted, "I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years........". Its a documented fact that LBJ was a racist...a DIXE CRAT, but the left will fight you tooth and nail in order to "suggest" this quote was never uttered by LBJ. The problem they face is the overwhelming PRIMA FACIE evidence that LBJ often used such terminology on a daily basis.

Blacks had been voting Democratic since 1934.
Oh very profound. A right genius that Jesus. I'm surprised that the Jews ever bothered having him murdered.

This irrational babble is difficult to address with any element of sincerity- but I'll try. There are no ' acts of god '. It's a phrase developed by insurance companies to avoid paying claims.
You don't FORCE people out of poverty. You insulate them from the factors which cause poverty. One of these is bad government , which in turn denies adequate education and medical treatment. Poverty itself is a major force which propels the poor into the military- which is what bad government wants. Once these poor saps have finished creating poverty in foreign counties- to the enrichment of the military/industrial complex - they can be dumped on the streets , totally unemployable, to become the beggars you are denigrating.
How many of those 40 million in poverty are vets and their families ?

Surprise....someone that apparently has never opened a single page of scripture does not comprehend the fact that JESUS CHRIST was one of those "JEWS"....bigoted much?

Again.....you are attempting to play semantics...by suggesting because you do not accept natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanos and violent storms, and injury and illness....as natural unpreventable acts of God, your lack of accepting this reality, prevents them from existing? That about sum up your ILLOGICAL POSITION. Again I will ask the question and you can attempt to avoid it once again. Just how do you insulate PEOPLE from their own free will errant life defining decisions that make them POOR.....how do you insulate anyone from acts of (wink, wink) NATURE that is beyond the control of any government on earth? In other words how do YOU suggest we eliminate poverty....its clear and demonstrable that no government can insulate anyone from nature, free will and sickness/illness. You have just lied your ass off.

Eliminate: TERMINATE, MAKE END. If the left in this nation has not eliminated POVERTY with its WAR ON POVERTY over the past 60+ years by wasting some 20 Trillion US TAXDOLLARS.....what makes you assume you can insulate anyone from being poor? Poverty cannot be legislated away.....after 60 years and hundreds of thousands of regulations resulting in the expenditure of 20 Trillion Dollars without moving the poverty index....WHAT'S YOUR REAL PLAN to end POVERTY?

One more question? You are yet to present the documentation of just one child in the US that has starved to death....because of the lack of available food. Parental neglect does not qualify as per your own defined objectives as neglect is a free will choice...a bad decision....if you attempt to present such a circumstance then you prove your own contradiction....poverty cannot be eliminated/ended once and for all time.

Name one time in US history were poverty has been eliminated. You do comprehend the defined reality of insanity? Doing the same failed things over and over with the expectation of having a DIFFERENCT outcome. Do you ever "feel" the sensation that you are just PISSING IN CIRCLES?
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Surprise....someone that apparently has never opened a single page of scripture does not comprehend the fact that JESUS CHRIST was one of those "JEWS"....bigoted much?

So ? That has nothing to do with the murder of Jesus of Nazareth being orchestrated by Jews. The Pharisees were bad, bad boys, the story goes. Still the same today.
You should check out the conditions in Bethlehem.

Again- there are no ' acts of god '. Natural conditions, good and bad, are the result of universal chemistry. There is nobody in charge of the cosmic laboratory.

However, I respect your right to invent a manager if you want to. Doubtless- many of the 40 million in poverty try to pray their way to their next meal and some shelter.
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The best ways to address this shocking indictment is to build a wall, produce more nuclear weapons, maintain 1600 military bases and remove people's health care. Not.
Wrong again, dumbass. Poverty is a tool to groom the disadvantaged into democrat voters.

Don't you goat worshippers know anything?