40 million people in poverty, USA.

Your posts are loaded with racist rhetoric. You think that attacking Muslims is not racist. You're clearly out of your skull. Please don't ban yourself though. Decency needs you as an example of its opposite.

there's a significant difference between attacking muslims and attacking people who strap on suicide vests and blow up school buses.......one is bigotry, the other is common sense......
My belief and what His word teaches.

The rest of course, is just you looking for another excuse or complaign.

Still kinda ambiguous. Sounds like you conveniently customized your religion to fit your lifestyle.
Once again, God doesn't give a crap if you believe in Him. He cares how you live your life and how you contribute to the welfare of others.
So, an atheist has a better chance of experiencing "God's infinite gifts" if he is more charitable and altruistic than you are. Sorry but those are the rules.
You don't get to change them to improve your odds.
Perhaps you think mind broadening involves follow the pedophile Mohammed and flying planes in to buildings.

Perhaps you think Dylan Roof is a good kid with a few unfortunate issues.

In jailhouse visits with relatives and experts handling his case, Dylann Storm Roof did not express any remorse about the nine black parishioners he shot and killed at a historic church nearly two years ago in South Carolina.

Nor did he mention any fear for his own fate leading up to his convictions in state and federal court, and the death sentence that was handed down earlier this year.

Experts said Roof was more concerned with how many meals certain family members were eating together and how his cats were getting along without him, what was written on his Wikipedia page, and what he was going to wear to court — provided that he was not allowed to keep on the jail coveralls he preferred.

He also resisted the autism diagnosis from a psychologist for the defense, saying autism was for “nerds” and “losers,” according to recently unsealed court records, which perhaps provide a glimpse into the 23-year-old’s mind.

“The state psychiatrist told me there is nothing wrong with me,” said court records paraphrasing Roof’s statements. “I don’t have autism. I’m just a sociopath.”

Perhaps you think Dylan Roof is a good kid with a few unfortunate issues.

In jailhouse visits with relatives and experts handling his case, Dylann Storm Roof did not express any remorse about the nine black parishioners he shot and killed at a historic church nearly two years ago in South Carolina.

Nor did he mention any fear for his own fate leading up to his convictions in state and federal court, and the death sentence that was handed down earlier this year.

Experts said Roof was more concerned with how many meals certain family members were eating together and how his cats were getting along without him, what was written on his Wikipedia page, and what he was going to wear to court — provided that he was not allowed to keep on the jail coveralls he preferred.

He also resisted the autism diagnosis from a psychologist for the defense, saying autism was for “nerds” and “losers,” according to recently unsealed court records, which perhaps provide a glimpse into the 23-year-old’s mind.

“The state psychiatrist told me there is nothing wrong with me,” said court records paraphrasing Roof’s statements. “I don’t have autism. I’m just a sociopath.”


I think he's a piece of shit that deserved the death penalty.
Still kinda ambiguous. Sounds like you conveniently customized your religion to fit your lifestyle.
Once again, God doesn't give a crap if you believe in Him. He cares how you live your life and how you contribute to the welfare of others.
So, an atheist has a better chance of experiencing "God's infinite gifts" if he is more charitable and altruistic than you are. Sorry but those are the rules.
You don't get to change them to improve your odds.

You can continue to try to phrase it anyway you wish; but it's not going to change what I've said.

I've changed no rules.
The part about the atheist having a better chance is your determination, not mine.
I'm pretty sure it has a specific meaning, of which you are unaware.......

On another thread posters argued racism and sexism has to be prejudice + power so blacks cannot be racist and women cannot be sexist. That seems much too narrow, but "all manner of mindless dollop" seems a little too broad.

Seems like it would just have to apply to race--black, white, Asian. It is not nationality, religion, ethnic group........