
I also think it's funny that Trump & Republicans keep going w/ "dumb" and "stupid" to describe her.

Her campaign since Biden dropped out has been seamless - a marvel, and that is reflected in the polls and dramatic shift in enthusiasm. Even Republicans are lamenting how Trump & his campaign were caught completely flatfooted and have struggled to this day to find a way to counter what's happening - not too smart, considering that most knew Biden was going to drop out eventually after that debate, and most also knew that Harris was the logical choice.

She's been brilliant.
THAT...is what is bothering them! Not the bullshit that she is not qualified.
This is because she hasn't spoken without a teleprompter yet...
This is because the public polls are fiction, they are narrative construction, they are brainwashing.

Come the date of the alleged election the polls will say that Harris is either going to win or almost so, so when Harris is proclaimed the winner the masses will accept the claim without revolt.

Managing Expectations.
Agenda 47 is on his website.

What are HER policies?? Oh wait, none are listed on her website...................
LOL. Who the fuck would peruse his website?

Her policies will largely continue/improve upon Biden's overwhelmingly successful tenure as POTUS despite a militant House/Senate Republican mess.

Great things are on the horizon once trump crawls back under his rock.

Not to worry. Once he gets an ass beating in November he will (once again) immediately file to run for office the next day in order to continue to fundraise for his legal bills.
This is because she hasn't spoken without a teleprompter yet...
There is an expectation game. She is letting you guys make it into a big deal, so when she does a medium job it will seem like she did great.

I’ve worked on campaigns, they are letting Trump set low expectations for her.

Trump is getting played here
LOL. Who the fuck would peruse his website?
You asked what his policies were, and I told you where you can find them. Obviously you aren't interested in his policies at all because you are Team "Vote Blue No Matter Who".
Her policies
What policies??? She doesn't have any listed on her website.
will largely continue/improve upon Biden's overwhelmingly successful tenure as POTUS despite a militant House/Senate Republican mess.
:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Great things are on the horizon once trump crawls back under his rock.
:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Not to worry. Once he gets an ass beating in November he will (once again) immediately file to run for office the next day in order to continue to fundraise for his legal bills.
:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
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So...no policies.

Exactly what I said.

And exactly what you prefer.

Oh, well...sorry you won't get to see him in the White House.
Why would anyone vote for Kam and Tim? Who will read whatever it says on the teleprompter to get elected...( People are So much smarter than you give them credit...it's so cringe-worthy to see that Phony joy, taco, Prince vibe which surrounds them both...in the Venn diagram of life, none of that pays bills, you know...:))
It will be so perfect if another debate (or interview) is what ultimately exposes them for what they really are...
This is because she hasn't spoken without a teleprompter yet...

Repeating your bitter lies isn't working, dear. Just makes you look unhinged, weak, afraid. You should be afraid. Your fat bloated felon is not going to set foot in our White House ever again. Now toddle along and pretend to cook something. Scoot! lol
how soon people forget the 2016 election ROFL
Kam's got her victory t-shirts made snd she's following right along in Hillary's pantsuit, including a pocket full of hot sauce...poor dear... They didn't think this one through...
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She is actually infinitely more qualified than the TV show host was when he ran in 2016.
how so.......when Trump ran in 2016 it was because Republicans chose him in their primary process.....same in 2020 and 2024......Harris has never won a single vote from a Demmycrat voter......
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52% of the nation. Because they aren't trump/Vance.

No other reason necessary.
There is no other reason ...not a single one..and that was my point... Thanks for the confirmation...;)
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Well, with respect to Heels Up Harris.

We have had nearly four years of this bimbo and even the democrats deemed her unfit for president as she was the first in a long line to be ousted.

1. Her rise in politics is well known and was substantiated by her lover who was 30 years her senior.

2. Harris was a DEI hire as stated by Brandon himself so don't pull that crap by saying she wasn't. For that matter, a large number of brandons cabinet and staff are DEI hires. My personal favorite is/was little Sammy Brinton but the tiny little liar KJP is a close second with double DEI swag being a lesbian AND black which she reminded us all of on her first day on the job.
3. Her ability to think, speak, and make decisions is well documented in hundreds of YouTube videos which are far too numerous to list so I will trust you to do it for me, and on threads like these,

Indeed...one hundred percent accurate.

I nave the same number of primary votes as Heels Up Harris...zero (0).
His message is the same reality show nonsense that the nation is clearly tired of. He has no policy message that isn't the same message from '16.

trump doesn't understand economic/tax issues. He wants billionaires to pay no taxes via a 'no tax on tips' platform.

Harris would have service workers get a tax break (silly issue anyway, as most don't earn enough to pay taxes) but make it so the wealthiest in the nation can't avoid taxation altogether.

trump's 'message' in '16 was 'On day 1, I'm getting rid of carried interest...my friends are going to be so mad at me'.

Meanwhile, not only did he NOT get rid of it, he reduced cap gains so hedge fund billionaires pay less in taxes now.

He wants that to be zero.
Exactly. Sadly though your excellent post is in reply to someone who has zero clue about economics and only embraces the soundbites and talking points issued by Fox, Infowars, Breitbart, OAN. The moron insists that the economy is in the crapper, people are starving, and can't afford Taylor Swift tickets so she needs to cut prices. **eyeroll**

Did you see the joint Biden-Harris appearance yesterday and how they plan to cut prices on prescription drugs for those of us on Medicare? This is the kind of thing Americans want and need, not more tax cuts for zillionaires. BTW, the pittance of Trump's middle-class tax cut expires next year, but the cuts on the uber wealthy are permanent. At least till the (D)s fix that little problem.