
I guess you've totally forgotten about the global pandemic, supply chain disruptions, cargo ships backed up outside ports for weeks, multiple bailouts and stimulus checks, crude falling to a negative number per barrel, massive global inflation which is still bad in many countries,* one million dead Americans, and so on. Those were the good old days to you Trumpsuckers, weren't they? :rofl2:

* Source

I forgot about none of that. I attribute most of that to the intelligence of the Chinese in releasing that virus a year before our election in an effort to get Trump out of office. They were successful.
The pandemic was somewhat similar to 911 in that we were attacked on our own soil and caught flat footed. Trump's gut was to let this thing run its course and I completely agreed with him. Build your immunity through contact until a 100% effective vaccine can be produced. Faucci is a criminal and Trump and the press lapped up every drop of his misinformation which now has been proven to be bullshit. Too bad the "scientists" that opened their mouths were squelched.

Shutting down was not the answer. You probably know morons who have had EIGHT China Virus booster shots and still have have claimed to only have had covid THREE times, go figure.

Looking rearward, Trump screwed this up bigly but Brandon doubled down and then some. I give Trump a bit more credit because he had no prior plan in place but Brandon and Heels Up Harris had the time to create one.

Instead, And we were warned by economists,

Brandon day one, in the middle of a pandemic, reversed nearly all of Trump's energy policies (much of the produced oil and LNG would have been shipped to Europe), and then printing more money to distribute in an effort to appease, was a direct cause of inflation here and around the world.
The result, oil prices skyrocketed, and Europe was forced to buy more oil from Russia which financed their eventual attack on Ukraine. Iran free from Trumps sanctions recovered financially and is now nuclear capable and they fund much of Hamas terror

Walz locked down the state long after the "scare" had subsided and that fucked MN's economy to the point where nearly a billion dollars of taxpayer money, $430 million paid to people fraudulently plus an additional $400 MILLION stolen by the Somali community in Feeding our Future and previous childcare scams. All that resulted in the government printing more money to cover the losses.
Walz never fired anybody over this misuse of public funds.

You frigging leftie morons need to understand damn near everything we touch is a result of some sort of interaction with the low cost and plentiful supply of petrochemicals derived from oil. That goes worldwide. Understand that and we have a start.
His message is the same reality show nonsense that the nation is clearly tired of. He has no policy message that isn't the same message from '16.
But Harris and Biden haven't been the definition of nonsense for the last three and a quarter years?

Are you really stupid enough to want four more years of malaise, divisiveness, hate, corruption and malfeasance of the last four? Wow.
Right, Trump’s very stupid non-strategy of attacking her as one more stupid woman.
That isn't Trump strategy. So you're okay when Harris personally attacks Trump and his supporters?

You're okay that Harris has not indicated any policies if she is elected?

You're okay with a word salad, unaccomplished hack who gets nothing right running the country? Wow.
Why are you scared of women? Are you so fragile?
Rather ironic coming from a leftist snowflake who supports men dressing as women competing in women's sports.

The definition of stupid is claiming that a man can just become a woman, or woman become a man if he or she so desires. :laugh:
Wow. That's some textbook misogyny right there.

She is actually infinitely more qualified than the TV show host was when he ran in 2016. She has a list of accomplishments and a resume that makes her much more qualified for the Presidency than almost any Republican candidate in modern history.

Calling her a "DEI hire" is not only lazy - it's racist, and misogynistic. And I'm not one to cry "racism" at every turn. But there really isn't another word for it, given her qualifications for the office - which are indisputable. You can disagree w/ her on issues and policy, but there is nothing about her resume that makes her a "DEI hire." I mean, what would you call Trump in 2016? He had zilch on his resume that was relevant to the job.
Democrats are leading the destruction of women in women's sports, in their bathrooms and locker rooms. Dunce.
I can give you dozens, but that would be overkill.

The number one reason that anyone needs to vote Harris, is that she isn't Dementia Don.

That's significant
So you have nothing else "significant".... I did hear about this six thousand dollar so have some more babies thing... That should
reel in a certain group...lol
I was referring g to the fact that 92% of air-ingesting Americans are smarter than her. Prove me wrong.
I think you don't quite understand how this works. If you make a claim, the burden of proving that the claim is true belongs to you. Or to one of your other socks. Whichever comes first.

Repeating your bitter lies isn't working, dear. Just makes you look unhinged, weak, afraid. You should be afraid. Your fat bloated felon is not going to set foot in our White House ever again. Now toddle along and pretend to cook something. Scoot! lol
I don't know why Toxic bothers, she's just SO non political... :laugh:
Rather ironic coming from a leftist snowflake who supports men dressing as women competing in women's sports.

You paint with a rather broad brush, dontcha think?

Speaking of "snowflakes" how funny is it that you guys on the Right lost your collective shit over a boxer who was born a woman, always competed as a woman and never claimed any other status than woman in her entire life, but she was kinda "mannish" looking so you ASSUMED she was trans and you lost your shit!

LOL. I'd say you guys are scared of women but more scared of women you don't find attractive.
