
I guess Kam thought they wouldn't fact check her "policies" as she reads them off the prompter......ooooopppps....;)
Let the "ooportunity" economy falsehoods commence...
I guess Kam thought they wouldn't fact check her "policies" as she reads them off the prompter......ooooopppps....;)
Let the "ooportunity" economy falsehoods commence...
In one of her propaganda ads she said she was going to make it so that families only need one income to survive.
In one of her propaganda ads she said she was going to make it so that families only need one income to survive.
That plays about a hundred times a day...Which is perfect...She reminds everyone of why they're working multiple jobs and still struggling...BidenKamenomics...She really thinks they don't know who's responsible for their very bleak situation...
That plays about a hundred times a day...Which is perfect...She reminds everyone of why they're working multiple jobs and still struggling...BidenKamenomics...
Correct. Four years and they have done nothing but I guess they need 4 more to ruin us all.
That plays about a hundred times a day...Which is perfect...She reminds everyone of why they're working multiple jobs and still struggling...BidenKamenomics...She really thinks they don't know who's responsible for their very bleak situation...

At least people are working jobs. Biden & Harris took over from literally the worst jobs President in modern American history.
You mean the stupid, incompetent woman who within 3 weeks has completely changed the energy of the Presidential race, flipped the polls, caught the "smart" Trump campaign completely flatfooted and left them bumbling & looking for answers, and has completely changed the fortunes of Democrats & the nation?

How dopey - she must just be lucking into all of that or something.
I heard she slept her way to the very top. It was with some guy named Doug. Doug Emhoff. :rolleyes::ROFLMAO::sneaky:
Wasn't the so-called black woman cackling harris a DEI hire for veep?
Yes...the only reason she was selected...and a disaster...
At least people are working jobs. Biden & Harris took over from literally the worst jobs President in modern American history.
Some people are back to work...That's not helping much in this economy, though is it? The economy is going to be the deciding factor in this election...followed closely by other Biden & Harris failures....
She can promise the moon, but if people realize she can't/won't deliver, it's just cheese, not cheddar...
More of The Script... That's too funny... ;) ( Still confused I see... One never does
well when you jump into the middle of a conversation with no knowledge of what's been written earlier.... just sayin...)
And who are you addressing here with this nothing-to-do-with-the-topic passive-aggressive snark? Me? @christiefan915? @NakedHunterBiden? @Concart? @Althea? We've all seen you use the quote function correctly. Put on those big boy panties, Toxic, and speak up instead of from behind your hand!
Wasn't the so-called black woman cackling harris a DEI hire for veep?

I'm struggling to read your caveman syntax there but I'm just gonna say it's always amazing to me how in the view of people on the Right there is NO WAY a black person or a woman could EVER be in a position of authority without they're being affirmative action or DEI.

Meanwhile NEPO-BABY Donny Trump (who inherited his wealth) gets a pass for failing up.
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You have anything resembling proof for this or is your opinion all we need?
Yes...the only reason she was selected...and a disaster...
Some people are back to work...That's not helping much in this economy, though is it? The economy is going to be the deciding factor in this election...followed closely by other Biden & Harris failures....
She can promise the moon, but if people realize she can't/won't deliver, it's just cheese, not cheddar...

Not helping much?

The unemployment rate is low. Wages are up. Inflation is going down. The stock market - which had a couple of bad days that conservatives tried to make a big deal out of - is back up bigtime, over 40K now.

It's not just significantly better than when Trump left office - it's night & day. They mythologizing of the Trump Presidency by MAGA is actually comical. He left office w/ the economy in shambles.
scared little trollop can't quote christie directly.
Nope. It's her version of "ignore." She reads every one of our posts, but if she's scared of you, she quits replying directly. Instead, she posts little cryptic snarks like the one I just quoted. She thinks it hurts our feelz. She's too stupid to realize that it just makes her look weak and frightened and incapable of defending her words versus our truths.