7.6% unemployment in MI now.

I'm not betting the unemployment rate, we could have 2% unemployment with 15% inflation and that would be bad. I'll bet that GDP keeps increasing, unemployment stays low in historic terms and living standards will continue to increase across the board. Even the lowest income brackets increased faster than the rate of inflation last year.

You keep saying our economy is on the uprise. Yet, you filled out many more loans three years ago. You don't give out loans if you think they don't have the ability to pay them back. So tell me--if people are doing better now than 3 years ago--why are you not dising out loans like you were back then?
Tell me how Comparative Advantage does not make both sides better off and I may take you seriously. You make emotional arguments not economic ones.

Because I am not blind to the people around me. What we have here may not fit into comparative advantage philosophies. I see them losing their jobs. I see them not getting raises---and I bet you don't have a lot of stock in companies that make product here. Am I right?

If it takes 10 people to design a product and market it---it takes 300 to make it. What so you think will happen when those 300 get laid off from outsourcing---while the companies stock is going up? Well---there are 300 people you wopn't be able to write a loan for, but the sharholders are doing fine. Your nujbers do not reflect the average Americans well being---just big business.

Your not in manufacturing---I am. bankers, walstreet and Washigngton have no idea what we did to our people. I do.

You go ahead and make any terms of a bet if you want--I gave you 5 years, and you only say we are going to hurt for 1.

I am ready--with cash for the bet. Of course, I will have to wait 5 years to collect---or would you rather just wait 1 year?
Being better off as a whole doesn't mean some sectors of the economy are not bad. Again read about Creative Destruction. As far as homes, it's an asset that is subject to supply and demand like any other asset, supply went way too high now things need to head towards equalibrium before prices and applications rise again, part of the normal buisiness cycle.

I'd be happy to make the bet in the terms I wrote above even though 5 years from now you won't pay anyway.
Being better off as a whole doesn't mean some sectors of the economy are not bad. Again read about Creative Destruction. As far as homes, it's an asset that is subject to supply and demand like any other asset, supply went way too high now things need to head towards equalibrium before prices and applications rise again, part of the normal buisiness cycle.

I'd be happy to make the bet in the terms I wrote above even though 5 years from now you won't pay anyway.

Creative destruction huh. Boy--this is pretty creative. man--you just don't see the light do you?

We are forced to elect rich cock suckers who don't care about any economic below their own. The key work is Own. You are owned--and you buy their bs--all the while your loan pen sits on your desk.

I would not have to pay--and you won't have the ability to pay.

do you have children? What would you advise they get into for a career? I thought manufacturing would never die in this country--we are based on it. Every country that makes stuff is based on it. The rest are poor.

Yea--I thought manufacturing, beging so big in the USA was safe. I did not figure that some rich pen pusher woud creativtly destruct our back bone. That is what is gone man--our countries back bone is fractured. That is manufacturing--weather you believe it or not.

What are your kids gonna do--become a doctor? Opps--national health care is expensive, and the goverment can't pay good money to employees anymore. OK--how about being a banker? City bank has a couple of thousand openings right now---right?

Be a poltitican--they make good money as ong as they can take it from us,

I am glad you are optomistic--but I don't believe you are realistic.

and--you won't bet. I will.
Like I said you make emotional arguments I make factual economic arguments.

tell me this fact then. If you have been in your position for the last 3 years, did you or did you not write more loans 3 years ago than you do today? If so--what is the reason for that? The banks have lost the optomism that people can pay back theri loans for a reason. The reason being--people are defaulting on their loans. Tell me how good it is again? And how much stock do you have with companies that actually make product here? Nobody is putting stock into American companies today to speak of. Is that a fact?

My argument is much more factual than yours---and I will bet on it.

]your wrong, you won't bet, and you know it. Your are not telling me facts, you are telling me the BS that you sold out with. The facts like are the home forclosure and rising unemployment rates. I would be willing to bet that Americans made more money 10 years ago. How come nobody is showing us those numbers. I bet Americans made more than 10 billion more dollars 10 years ago. Your lack of loans is pretty strong evidence of that.

When you lose your job---I think you will change your mind.

Because of people like you--I hope we have one hell of a depression.
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It does not apply. Put your money where your beliefs are---if your so smart.

I say--your full of crap--and I will bet on it.

you can sit here and say I don't understand anything---so please--bet me.

My intuition trumps your education. I will bet on it--how about you?
this is funny shit majority
if your not smart enough to go to college and get a high paying cush job whine about politicians. LOFL:clink:
usc did you not go to college cause you couldn't get in.
why didn't you take the gi bill if you qualified to take classes?
usc did you not go to college cause you couldn't get in.
why didn't you take the gi bill if you qualified to take classes?

Cause I did not want to turn out like you. :D

actually I hated the military so bad I wanted nothing to do with them at all. It took me years to get my head back together aftrer Nam.
He was in Viet Nam. He is kidding about the Hanoi Jane thing. The Viet Cong escorted her, not the US troops.
About 4 years ago--our stat of MI., and the nation had a unemployment level of about 2%. Then--we really picked up the outsourcing. 5% is not high nation wide--but it is over double that of a few years ago.

I never mentioned subsities. I am against them for anything. You say our standards of living are increasing across the baord. So, please explain the rising unemployment nation wide, and the home forclosures that are at record high--and will continue as long as we globalize irresponsibly.

Let me guess. You are either on welfare (but most of those people don't have your opinion) or you are rich and got more so by ousting the American worker and have never lived from pay check to pay check like most over taxed Americans.

Which is it? Tell us what you do for money---becuase you can not possibly be in the majority tax brackets.

I am right on this profile--and yo8u won't answer because of it.

Wanna bet folks? Ten bucks says this guy has not lived from pay check to pay check for much, if any of his life. A welfare check is not a pay check--liberials confuse that. A welfare recipient lives from subsidized check to subsidez check--and workers live from pay check to pay check. If I do leave this country--I am taking MY money with me.

Sir---3 degrees here in manufacturing. I was a higher paid employee in a machine shop that does not do automotive (why I choose to work for them). I got a 25 cent raise in two years there, and my work and attendance is awesome. they can't afford to give nice raises anymore--and I was better off 5 years ago (before I started my own business)

How is that nice penthouse you have? Anybody lose a job over it? If so, I hope it lays heavly on your mind when you are on your death bed.

Unemployment in the US has never been at 2%. The lowest it got was around 4.2%. It has been around 4.6% for most of the last several years.

Michigan is high due to the failures at the auto manufacturers. They lost their competitive edge and thus are not selling as much as the Japanese. Thus, they cut back their work force. All the while Japan was INCREASING the number of jobs in the US.