7.6% unemployment in MI now.

3 days ago, it was 7.4%

That is not the only income problem for our own people. We also make less money than we used to, and raises are not keepiong up with the cost of living. What does that mean? You don't have a futrure if your at least not lkeeping up with the cost of living.

Can one of you conditioned drones who back irresponsible trade globalization please explain to me how this is suppose to work for the American people? Is the game plan to make m9oney for shareholders, while making the American people broke? (closer to the China population every day)

Dig deep---our failing economy for the people is against your philosophies.

Better yet---just keep your ill concieved and conditioned thoughts to yourself. Your not going to do anything but piss me off---because, you are responsible for a 7.6% unemployment rate in MI right now.

Hey you guys voted for Mitt Romney...

And I agree, reckless free trade agreements, with nations who do not trade freely, especially China, should be abandoned. They've gotten to where they are by manipulating their currency, while we blindly sold them the house in the name of free trade, which they gladly exploited with child slave labor. How's an American worker to compete freely with a Chinese child slave laborer.
Hey you guys voted for Mitt Romney...

And I agree, reckless free trade agreements, with nations who do not trade freely, especially China, should be abandoned. They've gotten to where they are by manipulating their currency, while we blindly sold them the house in the name of free trade, which they gladly exploited with child slave labor. How's an American worker to compete freely with a Chinese child slave laborer.

I voted for Paul in our primary, but it looks like Romney is going to get my vote for the general election. I would rather have Fred T. or Ron P. (IMO-the only honest people running)

Now, Ron P is a liberitarian running on the republican ticket because he can reach more people. If your not in the two party rigged system, the odds are really stacked against you. McCain is a liberial running as a republican. To me, that is pretty deceptive and enough for me NOT to vote for him. The fact that the liberials would rather see McCain and Huckabee on the top of the republican ticket, is also more than enough for me NOT to vote for McCain or Huckster.
I made the prediction 5 years ago that Michigans economy will spread throughout the United States. CA has just broke above 6% unemployment this week (and don't forget about the MI unemployed that left the state that are no longer on the list--for every 1 person coming in right now, there are 2 moving out), and MI is no longer the state with the most home forclosures.

When we crash---You will see me say "I told you so"
It is about time for damo to come on here and tell you that it is a cylical thing and if you predict it long enough it will happen.


Or is that just reserved for me damo ?
It is about time for damo to come on here and tell you that it is a cylical thing and if you predict it long enough it will happen.


Or is that just reserved for me damo ?
No, it is reality. If you predict anything long enough in a cyclical environment it will become reality.