75% of America thinks country is headed in wrong direction!

What I find fascinating is how jokers like you love to hype any bad gov't run by non-corporatist or autocrats and such, but you ignore the history of such bad gov't when it's done by dictators, autocrats, corporatists, etc.

Such is the history of Venezuela.

Also, since your fat ass isn't inconvenienced, you ignore the unnecessary levels of poverty in your own country. Nope, you'll back the status quo until it's in your backyard....then you'll blame any and everything else because stubborn pride won't let you do otherwise. Pathetic.

Venezuela was doing pretty good until Chavez, then Maduro, both autocratic dictators, took over and socialized the country. They destroyed the oil industry, then started running businesses out of business.

A good example of the later were bakeries. Bakers wanted to sell their goods at a profit, even if only enough to keep their own families fed and such. Maduro took control of flour supplies and rationed it to bakeries. The bakeries were then told they had to make bread and sell it at a loss because people couldn't pay full price with the collapse of the local currency. Bakers who refused saw their businesses taken from then and incompetent, but loyal, Maduro supporters were put in charge. This just fucked things up further as the incompetent Maduro supporters didn't know how to make bread properly so they wasted the flour they were given.

Same thing with the oil industry. All the skilled workers fled the country and got jobs somewhere else. The management went to prison and reliable supporters of the dictator were put in charge. The machinery quickly fell into disrepair and the new management didn't know anything about managing so the whole thing became a disaster.

Venezuela pre Chavez / Maduro didn't suffer frequent blackouts like it does now because the electric grid and generating stations are falling apart due to mismanagement and lack of skilled operators (who fled).

Socialism leads to suffering and poverty.

Venezuela was doing pretty good until Chavez, then Maduro, both autocratic dictators, took over and socialized the country. They destroyed the oil industry, then started running businesses out of business.

A good example of the later were bakeries. Bakers wanted to sell their goods at a profit, even if only enough to keep their own families fed and such. Maduro took control of flour supplies and rationed it to bakeries. The bakeries were then told they had to make bread and sell it at a loss because people couldn't pay full price with the collapse of the local currency. Bakers who refused saw their businesses taken from then and incompetent, but loyal, Maduro supporters were put in charge. This just fucked things up further as the incompetent Maduro supporters didn't know how to make bread properly so they wasted the flour they were given.

Same thing with the oil industry. All the skilled workers fled the country and got jobs somewhere else. The management went to prison and reliable supporters of the dictator were put in charge. The machinery quickly fell into disrepair and the new management didn't know anything about managing so the whole thing became a disaster.

Venezuela pre Chavez / Maduro didn't suffer frequent blackouts like it does now because the electric grid and generating stations are falling apart due to mismanagement and lack of skilled operators (who fled).

Socialism leads to suffering and poverty.


My God, your head if firmly up the ass of any right wing/corporatist propaganda! Here, for your education on your first sentence:

The media myth of ‘once prosperous’ and democratic Venezuela before Chávez
By Joe Emersberger, Justin Podur (Posted Aug 28, 2021)

My God, your head if firmly up the ass of any right wing/corporatist propaganda! Here, for your education on your first sentence:

The media myth of ‘once prosperous’ and democratic Venezuela before Chávez
By Joe Emersberger, Justin Podur (Posted Aug 28, 2021)


Yea, sure. A radical Leftist source shows us Venezuela under socialism right up until the money ran out. With the collapse of world oil prices and then the collapse of production in Venezuela, the combination left the government without the cash sources to continue to prop up a very generous social-welfare system. Venezuela's GDP collapsed with the socialization of more and more of the economy. Inflation shot out of control into hyperinflation.



Between unemployment and inflation, Venezuelans started fleeing the country with almost a third of the population now gone.



Timeline: How the Crisis in Venezuela Unfolded

Venezuela: The Rise and Fall of a Petrostate

Venezuela’s Economic Collapse Explained in Nine Charts
Venezuela’s decline is now deeper than that of the Soviet Union after its breakup, and comparable only to Zimbabwe’s in the late 1990s, economists say

Until the government takes your guns, bans fishing and hunting, and makes you get a bunch of expensive licenses to raise chickens and cows... Leftist government is an onerous and totalitarian disaster.

No cows! Cow farts are killing the planet...
No cows! Cow farts are killing the planet...

So, according to the radical envirotards on the Left are: Fertilizer, pesticides, soil enhancers, genetically select seeds, and a whole plethora of other modern farming methods that produce enough food to feed everyone...
Yea, sure. A radical Leftist source shows us Venezuela under socialism right up until the money ran out. With the collapse of world oil prices and then the collapse of production in Venezuela, the combination left the government without the cash sources to continue to prop up a very generous social-welfare system. Venezuela's GDP collapsed with the socialization of more and more of the economy. Inflation shot out of control into hyperinflation.



Between unemployment and inflation, Venezuelans started fleeing the country with almost a third of the population now gone.



Timeline: How the Crisis in Venezuela Unfolded

Venezuela: The Rise and Fall of a Petrostate

Venezuela’s Economic Collapse Explained in Nine Charts
Venezuela’s decline is now deeper than that of the Soviet Union after its breakup, and comparable only to Zimbabwe’s in the late 1990s, economists say


Once again, YOU DON'T READ THE INFORMATION PROVIDED. Instead you scan/skim the net for whatever appeals to your ideology.....NEVER READING CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY.

Case in point, ACCORDING TO ONE OF YOUR CHARTS, Chavez did a hell of a good job for his country and his people. I seem to recall right wing flunkies like you screaming bloody murder as to how Chavez was the devil incarnate ... destroying Venezuela with every breath he took. NOW you provide proof that wasn't the exact, encompassing truth.

I never said or alluded to Maduro doing a good job.

You can't have it both ways, but Lord knows your MAGA mooks will try. But hope springs eternal, so here's the article again. READ IT THOROUGHLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY (damn, I'm tired of repeating that to the willfully ignorant). Fault it if you can with FACTS, not your silly assed MAGA machinations.
Once again, YOU DON'T READ THE INFORMATION PROVIDED. Instead you scan/skim the net for whatever appeals to your ideology.....NEVER READING CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY.

Case in point, ACCORDING TO ONE OF YOUR CHARTS, Chavez did a hell of a good job for his country and his people. I seem to recall right wing flunkies like you screaming bloody murder as to how Chavez was the devil incarnate ... destroying Venezuela with every breath he took. NOW you provide proof that wasn't the exact, encompassing truth.

I never said or alluded to Maduro doing a good job.

You can't have it both ways, but Lord knows your MAGA mooks will try. But hope springs eternal, so here's the article again. READ IT THOROUGHLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY (damn, I'm tired of repeating that to the willfully ignorant). Fault it if you can with FACTS, not your silly assed MAGA machinations.

Chavez did good until the money ran out, as it always does. For him, he died before that point was reached leaving Maduro to take the blame.
Chavez did good until the money ran out, as it always does. For him, he died before that point was reached leaving Maduro to take the blame.

".... The money ran out..."

:confused: Venezuela has gone bone dry on it's oil production/reserves? This is earth shattering news, bunky. Why hasn't any news outlet picked this up?

Could it be that you're just (once again) pulling MAGA mumblings out of your ass?

".... The money ran out..."

:confused: Venezuela has gone bone dry on it's oil production/reserves? This is earth shattering news, bunky. Why hasn't any news outlet picked this up?

Could it be that you're just (once again) pulling MAGA mumblings out of your ass?


In simple terms that you can understand what Venezuela under socialism of Chavez and Maduro did:

They put in place a social welfare system that used all available money to run it.
The inputs for that money, particularly oil, were reduced by external forces on it.
They no longer had the money to support the social welfare system
With no reserves of cash, they printed more money to pay for it instead.
The money was worthless resulting in rampant inflation.
The economy collapsed.

To make things worse, the government-imposed price controls on many goods pricing them below market value. Businesses stopped selling the goods because they just lost money.
The government took over many of those businesses saying the owners were traitors to the state, then proceeded to run them into the ground with mismanagement.

The result has been Venezuela's economy collapsed.
Yeah, I agree. I am part of the 75%.

But analysists seem to think that because so many people think the country is headed in the wrong direction, a change in the presidency from Joe Biden to Trump is what is wanted.

Horse shit!

The reason I think our country is headed in the wrong direction is BECAUSE so many of our people think that Trump should be put back into the White House.

He is a disgusting person...he is incompetent...he is a divider...he is a moron, just like the people to whom he most appeals.

Sure wish the weather would turn. I want some warm times. I really miss golf. It makes me testy.

Frank, you don't "think", you "emote." You're intense TDS causes you to be delusional and dishonest. There is hardly anyone who has a working brain that thinks that Biden is the guy we need. Only delusional, mentally challenged, leftist loons would want more of this disaster of a President.

November will be harsh on loony leftist morons with severe TDS. I hope they self-deport or their heads explode. :laugh:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
".... The money ran out..."

Venezuela has gone bone dry on it's oil production/reserves? This is earth shattering news, bunky. Why hasn't any news outlet picked this up?

Could it be that you're just (once again) pulling MAGA mumblings out of your ass?


In simple terms that you can understand what Venezuela under socialism of Chavez and Maduro did:

They put in place a social welfare system that used all available money to run it.
The inputs for that money, particularly oil, were reduced by external forces on it.
They no longer had the money to support the social welfare system
With no reserves of cash, they printed more money to pay for it instead.
The money was worthless resulting in rampant inflation.
The economy collapsed.

To make things worse, the government-imposed price controls on many goods pricing them below market value. Businesses stopped selling the goods because they just lost money.
The government took over many of those businesses saying the owners were traitors to the state, then proceeded to run them into the ground with mismanagement.

The result has been Venezuela's economy collapsed.

Close, but not the whole story:

Fact check: Socialist policies alone did not destroy Venezuela's economy in last decade

Horse shit! The reason rational analysts recognize that the country is headed in the wrong direction is that Trump isn't currently President because of a brazenly stolen election, and because we have a flagrantly tyrannical government that will clamp down on protests by We the People, and even kill us for demanding reform.

Analysts realize that this country needs to get Trump back into office as quickly as possible to undo the extensive damage inflicted by the DNC.

:Limp dick. When and where have you ever served this country. Be specific. Now would be good.
Go wipe your chin you Fag ass, welfare collecting Democrat.
You certainly talk tough when your slave-masters have you bent over and strapped down. Question: If you sneeze while your slave-master is cumming in your ass, does it come out your nose? I was just curious, and you would know the asnwer.
What the American people think is now largely irrelavant....as evidenced by the open borders, which was done without our consent...done without so much as asking us.

Buckle Up...this is going to hurt like a MotherFucker.

And you were warned.
America was stolen from us, from right under our noses....do kindly learn that far....now is the TIME 4 U 2 STOP FUCKING AROUND!

Stupid hurts in this particular Universe.