75% of America thinks country is headed in wrong direction!

We are giving Israel weapons.

So? Israel is sharing cutting edge military technology with us in return. Aside from that, Israel makes their own tanks, aircraft, missiles, ammunition, small arms, and lots of other equipment. They are a net military equipment and technology exporter. If we don't want that, I'm sure there are lots of other takers that will be more than happy to fork over their money for it instead, like China...

Israel records $12.5 billion in defense exports, led by drones, air defense

That's more than 4 times what we give them in foreign aid.

Israeli arms sales doubled in a decade, hit new record of $12.5 billion in 2022
Defense Ministry officials note surge in demand for Israeli-made weapons due to Russia’s war on Ukraine, uptick in interest from Arab allies; nearly quarter of exports are drones


Israel ranked world’s 10th-largest weapons exporter in past five years

So, do you really think if we stopped giving them military equipment and technology they are going to be hurt by that? Got news for you, Israel gives the US access to some very advanced military systems and technology like drones and air defense systems at a bargain price. We only get hurt by stopping our aid to them.

We buy and use a lot of their drone technology

So let them fend for themselves. The US is the only one supporting Israel in the world.

They'll just acquire new allies instead. Before we were supporting them militarily, it was France, before that, Czechoslovakia and Britain. They'll just go elsewhere and won't be hurt by it. We on the other hand, lose in that deal.
Okay, so who pays for all that?

WE pay for all that.

Right now, the US is second in the world on total net social welfare spending and tenth in terms of per capita social welfare spending.


How much more do you recommend we spend?

As I said: Enough so that EVERYBODY has sufficient...sufficient food; sufficient clothing; sufficient shelter; sufficient access to education, transportation, communication, and healthcare; and EVERYONE should have sufficient diversional access...a bit of liesure...AS A BASE LINE.

What makes you think that people will want to work if they are getting paid as much or more on welfare?

As I said, some people won't want to work. And keeping those people out of the workforce will help our productivity rather than hurt it...so we will have more of everything to insure that EVERYONE have sufficient.

Same goes for why work harder if the government is guaranteeing you a certain paycheck regardless, or making your firing difficult or impossible.

Some (!) will work harder because they want MORE...and some will work harder because some people always work harder than others...as is seen in the system we currently have.

What you want is forced altruism and expect people to accept that. People won't, and history proves it.

That is not what I want. Read what I wrote.

In any case, I doubt we will reach the goals I want anytime soon, TA...and perhaps never will. But you asked me what I want...and I was attempting to answer your question as truthfully and completely as I could in a short time.

For example, if I get the same basic stuff as everyone else, but am motivated to want more, and know that the harder I work the more the government will take, I simply go into the black market and work under the table and not give the government a goddamned dime of my earnings while, on paper, still qualifying for all the basic stuff everybody else gets. People will prefer my lower prices, quality work, and they too won't give a shit that the government is getting fucked. In fact, most will applaud that and willingly join in.

OKay, so you are saying you would go underground to beat the system.

Are you inferring that people do not "go underground to beat the system" now?

Sounds harsh, but that's reality. Few people are going to be happy being forced to be altruistic and will spend their time instead finding ways to get around the system rather than work with it.

If that is what you think...fine with me. But I think humanity can be better than that.

That is my dream...for humanity to be better than we are right now.
If you're receiving government assistance ... and even if you're not ...and you aren't completely disabled you should be working...big...huge... part of the problem in this country...
In Venezuela, this is what the government calls "sufficient" for a week for a family of 4



Maybe we could have bread lines as "sufficient."

When others get to decide for you what is "sufficient," you won't get anywhere close to sufficient...

Socialism doesn't work because it requires that basic human nature be radically altered, and that's not happening.
I'll even show you:

The Left wants or prefers:

An authoritarian, dictatorship with a huge government bureaucracy.
A command economy directed or even owned by the government.
That society and government is all important and the individual within it is nothing.

The Right prefers:

A government accountable to the people with limited powers and can only do specific things the people allow.
A free-market economy where the government has little or no say or control.
The individual is who is important and elevated in society, not society as a whole or government.

Six sentences. It's that simple. It is also consistent and measurable.

Well put! Thank you!
In Venezuela, this is what the government calls "sufficient" for a week for a family of 4



Maybe we could have bread lines as "sufficient."

When others get to decide for you what is "sufficient," you won't get anywhere close to sufficient...

Socialism doesn't work because it requires that basic human nature be radically altered, and that's not happening.

The thing is..I can get my own food. I got bullets, I can hustle up chickens, beef, I can trap and fish and hunt.
The thing is..I can get my own food. I got bullets, I can hustle up chickens, beef, I can trap and fish and hunt.

Until the government takes your guns, bans fishing and hunting, and makes you get a bunch of expensive licenses to raise chickens and cows... Leftist government is an onerous and totalitarian disaster.
In Venezuela, this is what the government calls "sufficient" for a week for a family of 4



Maybe we could have bread lines as "sufficient."

When others get to decide for you what is "sufficient," you won't get anywhere close to sufficient...

Socialism doesn't work because it requires that basic human nature be radically altered, and that's not happening.

What I find fascinating is how jokers like you love to hype any bad gov't run by non-corporatist or autocrats and such, but you ignore the history of such bad gov't when it's done by dictators, autocrats, corporatists, etc.

Such is the history of Venezuela.

Also, since your fat ass isn't inconvenienced, you ignore the unnecessary levels of poverty in your own country. Nope, you'll back the status quo until it's in your backyard....then you'll blame any and everything else because stubborn pride won't let you do otherwise. Pathetic.