900 backlogged cases



Its seems the DOJ does not care enough about fraud to assign the cases to anyone.

More than 900 cases alleging that government contractors and drugmakers have defrauded taxpayers out of billions of dollars are languishing in a backlog that has built up over the past decade because the Justice Department cannot keep pace with the surge in charges brought by whistle-blowers, according to lawyers involved in the disputes.

The issue is drawing renewed interest among lawmakers and nonprofit groups because many of the cases involve the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, rising health-care payouts, and privatization of government functions -- all of which offer rich new opportunities to swindle taxpayers.

How many of these incidents of the complete lack of oversight will it take for you people to realize this admin cares nothing about truth?
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How sad is it that we have reached a time when no one even flenches when our justice system is so political that we no longer pursue justice but instead use our justice system to further politics?
Start blaming the democrats for this problem. President Bush has nominated 50+ judges to fill vacancies in the federal court system, but the democrats have held that up as another political wedge to move their own agenda forward.
Didnt you even fucking read the article you fool?

The reason they are holding them up is that Bush appoints political friends instead of professionals.
And all those Jerry Fallwell U lawyers bush hired into the DOJ. I am sure they are doing the Christian thing.
I guess this idiot thinks the congress should go back to rubber stamping anything Bush does even with the obvious result of such political cronism has proven very bad for our country.
"Last year, a D.C. jury awarded whistle-blower Richard Miller more than $30 million, a figure that now-Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth tripled to $90 million. But in the dozen years since the suit was filed, witnesses' memories of events had dimmed and the U.S. Agency for International Development had tossed its investigative files.

The judge blasted civil division lawyers for "doing virtually nothing" to follow up for four years after Miller brought forward allegations in 1995 about bid rigging on construction contracts in Egypt. The delays meant "loss of evidence, fading memories, disappearance of documents," he wrote. "

"Another case, involving the manufacture of the F-22 fighter, was filed in early 1999. It was late 2006 before Justice decided not to intervene. The case is now in active litigation. "

So apparently this has been a problem that existed long before Bush took office in 2001. As the article mentions, they are understaffed and cannot handle the number of claims they receive. But I know, that is not relevant to your "its all Bushs fault" rant.
Good attempt at minimalizing the issue there SF :clink:
How many of the 900 took place before Bush took office ?
Good attempt at minimalizing the issue there SF :clink:
How many of the 900 took place before Bush took office ?

The point was not to minimize the issue US. The point is that they have had a long standing problem with these cases taking so long. They have had a long standing problem with a shortage of personel to work these cases coupled with a bureaucratic nightmare of a process.

The point is that this isn't something created by the Bush Administration, but rather something that has CONTINUED under Bush. The problem still exists no question and it is one that should be resolved. The POINT though is that it is purely partisan bullshit to act as though this just started happening under Bush.
The point was not to minimize the issue US. The point is that they have had a long standing problem with these cases taking so long. They have had a long standing problem with a shortage of personel to work these cases coupled with a bureaucratic nightmare of a process.

The point is that this isn't something created by the Bush Administration, but rather something that has CONTINUED under Bush. The problem still exists no question and it is one that should be resolved. The POINT though is that it is purely partisan bullshit to act as though this just started happening under Bush.

Damo has taught you well grasshpper. Phase 2 right on schedule.
Critics argue that the delays are at least partly the result of foot-dragging by Justice and the federal agencies whose position it represents, especially in the touchy area of suppliers that may have overbilled the government for equipment, food and other items used by troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Justice lawyers have rejected about 19 cases involving contractor fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan, registering five settlements that resulted in $16 million, officials said. Government officials said this week that they are considering whether to dive into 32 more whistle-blower cases involving Iraq or the Middle East.
Damo has taught you well grasshpper. Phase 2 right on schedule.

So you are going to pretend the problem didn't exist until Bush came into office? All for the sake of your pathetic "Blame all bad on Bush" bullshit.

Gotcha. Once again you show what a complete hack you are.

I say..."once again both parties are to blame for this" and you come back with your hackery.
Critics argue that the delays are at least partly the result of foot-dragging by Justice and the federal agencies whose position it represents, especially in the touchy area of suppliers that may have overbilled the government for equipment, food and other items used by troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Justice lawyers have rejected about 19 cases involving contractor fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan, registering five settlements that resulted in $16 million, officials said. Government officials said this week that they are considering whether to dive into 32 more whistle-blower cases involving Iraq or the Middle East.

Good job Desh. You were able to find the paragraph talking about the bureaucratic nightmare I referred to. Now again, did this SAME problem occur PRIOR to Bush or was it all his fault?
So you are going to pretend the problem didn't exist until Bush came into office? All for the sake of your pathetic "Blame all bad on Bush" bullshit.

Gotcha. Once again you show what a complete hack you are.

I say..."once again both parties are to blame for this" and you come back with your hackery.

Ahh phase 3 as expected.

If I showed you up you would jump right to phase 5.
Ahh phase 3 as expected.

If I showed you up you would jump right to phase 5.

So essentially your position is that you are indeed a moron with nothing to add and are therefore going to continue with your present line of stupidity because you find it humorous?
So essentially your position is that you are indeed a moron with nothing to add and are therefore going to continue with your present line of stupidity because you find it humorous?

You are so predictable phase 3.5, resorting to name calling.
You are so predictable phase 3.5, resorting to name calling.
This is phase 2.4 of the uscitizen thread position. Watch as I make use of it against the poster himself....

1. Make up a random chart and start suggesting there is some sort of pattern that doesn't exist. 2. And then, with no actual definitive information on any of the ad hominem presented in the random chart,
2.4... start numbering each thing you cannot answer with actual data and pretend that it is an argument.

Excellent following of the regular uscitizen pattern of dataless argument.

Well you finally got the idea anyway.
Can I help it if you republicans keep rewriting history ?

Good for you for coming to the aid of SF there Damo. I was worried that you two had a falling out or something.

Well you finally got the idea anyway.
Can I help it if you republicans keep rewriting history ?

Good for you for coming to the aid of SF there Damo. I was worried that you two had a falling out or something.
Ah, I should have added 2.5... If anybody points out your fallacy pretend that they are in cahoots with whomever you are using form 3012 "Dataless Argument" on. Usually using some sort of inane suggestion of homosexuality is the established event.

2.6: Then when you do it pretend you aren't following the pattern of another poster who is evident without being named.