900 backlogged cases

I suggest you do the same. My post suggests we seek the root cause, which cannot be Bush, and resolve that issue rather than fight a paper tiger. Yours is to pretend that I have made an argument I have not made, a classic example of the strawman fallacy.

You clearly have nothing to add, so far all you have done is ad hominem and strawman fallacies in this thread. Again, I suggest going someplace where you have data to back up your assertions rather than pretense and fallacy.

ahh but mine and desh's point is that you pointedly ignore what bush did to accelerate the problem. Ie how many cases backlogged when bush took office vs now ?

But bush is just a poor victim. Really Damo I did not think you a bush apoligist. SF yes but not you.
ahh but mine and desh's point is that you pointedly ignore what bush did to accelerate the problem. Ie how many cases backlogged when bush took office vs now ?

But bush is just a poor victim. Really Damo I did not think you a bush apoligist. SF yes but not you.
But I do not ignore that. You didn't do as you, yourself, suggested. Your pretense is obvious, and your suggestions unwarranted by the data from the thread. Your fallacies become more obvious every time you attempt to cover the pile with more sand. Instead of reading what I write you continue trying to put clothes on a burning strawman.

Again, I want to solve all of the problem, not just the portion that he contributed to. In order to do that you must seek the root cause and not pretend that the problem belongs solely to one source who wasn't even in power when it began.
pretense, fallacies , strawman., etc.

The truth needs no spin or coloring Damo.

It is all gawds fault for making man with free will to do evil.

bush is just a poor victim.
pretense, fallacies , strawman., etc.

The truth needs no spin or coloring Damo.

It is all gawds fault for making man with free will to do evil.

bush is just a poor victim.
Then why are you spinning and coloring? I have never said that Bush was a victim, I have said that he is part of the problem. That is yet another fallacy or "coloring" as you put it. It is increasingly obvious that you either cannot read, I don't believe that one, or refuse to look at the actual evidence.

I have no pretense that Bush didn't do anything to solve the problem and continued it, thus increasing its efficacy. Yet you do and assume that it should be the only part of this larger problem that we should look at. Instead of solving it, you want to treat only one symptom.

Drive to the center of the issue, don't stop at Bush. It's stupid to do that. Especially when the story itself states that the problem has been longer in the making than Bush was even able to do anything, including what he did which was exacerbation.
Republicans are hopeless apologists.
And building strawmen is not a virtue.

The post preceding this one of yours is enough evidence that I made no apology for Bush's exacerbation of the problem. The constant repetition of this inane strawman just points to your total inability to seek the actual cause of an issue beyond your own partisan hackery.

You have to become embarrassed after a point when you keep attempting to cover your own poop like your cat.
The point was not to minimize the issue US. The point is that they have had a long standing problem with these cases taking so long. They have had a long standing problem with a shortage of personel to work these cases coupled with a bureaucratic nightmare of a process.

The point is that this isn't something created by the Bush Administration, but rather something that has CONTINUED under Bush. The problem still exists no question and it is one that should be resolved. The POINT though is that it is purely partisan bullshit to act as though this just started happening under Bush.

Lets see, the above is a direct response to UScits initial attempt at a strawman. Yet somehow, stating that Bush continued the problem is somehow 'apologizing for Bush' or 'minimizing what happened under Bush'.

Care to explain that position US????
And building strawmen is not a virtue.

The post preceding this one of yours is enough evidence that I made no apology for Bush's exacerbation of the problem. The constant repetition of this inane strawman just points to your total inability to seek the actual cause of an issue beyond your own partisan hackery.

You have to become embarrassed after a point when you keep attempting to cover your own poop like your cat.

It is indeed quite sad on his part. It will be quite funny when he realizes that he actually buried his teeth and that his poop is sitting in a glass of water on his nightstand.
You have to become embarrassed after a point when you keep attempting to cover your own poop like your cat.

Yep you are.

Phase 5 end game.
So more of your stupidity rather than an answer to my question. How fitting of a complete hack like yourself.
It pretty much solidified the fact that he had nothing to give other than these inanities. He even returned to the original inanity of the pretend "table" that I originally mocked.
My truth = your embaressment.

Now honestly if I had talked about some other president fooling having around before during the Monica episode would you not have called me a clinton apologist ?

yeah but Washington started the fooloing around thing!


you guys are got and you know it.

Bush apologists.
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My truth = your embaressment.

Now honestly if I had talked about some other president fooling having around before during the Monica episode would you not have called me a clinton apologist ?

yeah but Washington started the fooloing around thing!


you guys are got and you know it.

Bush apologists.
Still? Do you in fact know how to read?

Tell me again how stating that Bush exacerbated the problem means he is absolved?
I am not plsying your word twisting games Damo. Good attempt though.
Right. You are playing your own.

I asked a direct question. In what way does exacerbate mean absolved? If you can answer that you may have a point, if not then your inane dissembling notwithstanding you need to move on somewhere where you can actually offer something to the thread.
533. "Change" what? (Iowa lesson 2, A covert totalitarian) (1/18/08)

Obama won Iowa Demo Caucus with a great victory, a big conflict to what poll predicted that Clinton led other Demo candidates. He owes the victory to "people want a change". The other candidates, Clinton and Edwards, also followed to claim that they are for "change" too. The ridiculous thing is, nobody dares to say what they try to change. It's a taboo. The utmost limit they could go is "to change the status quo". That's it. They stopped here.

What is the status quo? Let's review seven years since Bush stole the seat of US president. In his regime, US suffered 911 attack which now majority of American people think government more or less involved in. With that as justification he activated two wars in Mid-east: war on Afghanistan and war on Iraq. The government also passed Patriot Act - a law that seriously hurt civil rights of people. Bush also signed a lot of Presidential Directive and executive order to expand police power and erode civil liberty. In his ruling, torture and warrantless eavesdropping blossom and prosper. What else has he achieved? A high national debt you have to pay later.

So what is mainstream of public opinion for "change"? Simple, abandon the war policy, (withdraw from Iraq), invest money in domestic society (spend more for society than on war expense) and recover civil liberty. But even such a simple opinion became a taboo, a scarcity for candidates. They dare not to put it at the point of slogan. All they can do is shout "change". Change what? They dare not say.

In fact, despite most of GOP candidates (belongs to Bush regime, the target of change) the current leading Demo candidates are the same. Hillary and Edwards, both voted for Patriot Act and Iraq War authorization Bill. In this main point, they are no difference to Bush. How hypocrite they are when they cried "change". They should be the target of change. Even Obama is a puppet too. He voted for Patriot Act and voted for the bill for funding the Iraq war, although he voted against Iraq war authorization bill. People have nothing else to choose. Among three rotten apples, they have to choose the lesser one.

The only candidate with a distinctive flag is Ron Paul. He is anti - Iraq war and insists the value of civil liberty. But in a covert totalitarian, a disfavor of the Inside group will never win in a manipulated election.

Not only candidates dare not speak out what people are thinking, (maybe due to the media censorship) the Iraq war and civil rights topic are also the taboo of media. In election news from mainstream media (in my area, Mercury News which I collected a pile of newspaper) there are a lot of report about religious topic, immigration or medicare or sometimes even about economy. All these are long existed problem not related to Bush regime much. They just avoid to touch the topic of Iraq war and civil liberty. (notice what TV and newspaper report on campaign news)

"Change". Change what? Ask your candidate.

It's sad to see such a phenomenon. Candidate shout of "change" but dare not say what to change. That is totalitarian. People, candidates dare not speak up. Then an election became a puppet show. The Inside Group pick up candidate through rigged election. (Feds controlled election office) and make people believe the result through fake poll. (manipulated media).