900 backlogged cases

I had an argument Damo, check back. SF was trying to minimalize the impact fo the thread with posturing about a minority of the cases in there, and he never properly addressed that, He just started to spin off stuff and insult me.

I do win this one :clink:
I had an argument Damo, check back. SF was trying to minimalize the impact fo the thread with posturing about a minority of the cases in there, and he never properly addressed that, He just started to spin off stuff and insult me.

I do win this one :clink:
It's entirely possible. However when you maintain at the end the type of argument I just presented, total ad hominem, it does not 'prove' your point and suggests you have no data to back up your assertions or to prove the other wrong.

Either give a reason that it is all Bush's fault, or recalibrate. Otherwise you, by total inability to objectively envision anything but what you want to see, wind up losing because you have no case to present. Even if you were right.

He didn't minimalize the importance, he suggested it wasn't all one person's fault.
LOL, good one damo. You are doing the same thing, I never said it was all Bush's fault.
Ohh so predictable there dude.
Good job Desh. You were able to find the paragraph talking about the bureaucratic nightmare I referred to. Now again, did this SAME problem occur PRIOR to Bush or was it all his fault?

Never before has the DOJ been used in the manner the Bush admin has used it.

To try and say this has not been exsaserbatered by the Bush administration is bullshit.
I had an argument Damo, check back. SF was trying to minimalize the impact fo the thread with posturing about a minority of the cases in there, and he never properly addressed that, He just started to spin off stuff and insult me.

I do win this one :clink:

No moron. To anyone who actually reads this thread it is quite clear how completely you lost this "argument". I never "minimized" what was going on. I pointed out to Desh and you that this problem that supposedly was created by Bush Administration appointees was actually something that was going on long before Bush ever took office. I also stated that it was indeed a problem that needed to be addressed.

THEN you began with your strawman of "you are minimizing the problem" bullshit. Followed shortly by your idiotic "pattern" "argument" once it was pointed out what a complete moron you were for suggesting the first strawman.
Since 2001, 300 to 400 civil cases have been filed each year by employees charging that their companies defrauded the government. But under the cumbersome process that governs these cases, Justice Department lawyers must review them under seal, and whistle-blowers routinely wait 14 months or longer just to learn whether the department will get involved. The government rejects about three-quarters of the cases it receives, saying that the vast majority have little merit.
Never before has the DOJ been used in the manner the Bush admin has used it.

To try and say this has not been exsaserbatered by the Bush administration is bullshit.

What a load of crap. Where did I suggest any such thing Desh? I stated quite clearly that this problem that YOU suggested was "The reason they are holding them up is that Bush appoints political friends instead of professionals. " was something that had been on going. That yes, it was something that was not corrected by Bush, but likewise it was not created by his appointees either.

The reality is that it is a problem that has existed, as YOUR article states in large part due to a shortage of staff given the vast number of claims they have to follow up on. Yes, political bureaucratic nonsense is also another factor they mentioned. No question. But YOU tried to once again act as though this was something created by Bush appointees. While totally ignoring the fact that the article made mention that this problem has been on going at least since 1995.

But to point that out drives you left nuts into a frenzy, because your party could not possibly be a part of the friggin problem.

On May 6, 2008, FBI agents raided Bloch's offices. NPR and the Wall Street Journal reported that the raids were in relation to an investigation into allegations of obstruction of justice by Bloch's office.[19] The New York Times reported that the investigation concerned whether Bloch had hired an outside company to "scrub" computer files to prevent an inquiry into whether he had violated the Hatch Act by mixing politics with his job, which is to shield whistleblowers.[20]

As part of an investigation into destruction of evidence, Bloch's person was searched and two portable memory devices were recovered.[
LOL, good one damo. You are doing the same thing, I never said it was all Bush's fault.
Ohh so predictable there dude.
No, you attempted to dismiss evidence that there was more than one person responsible. Whether you say directly or imply through dismissal it was the argument you were supporting with the fallacy that he had suggested that the importance was diminished by his evidence that it was more then an R problem.

Nothing of the sort was suggested, other than through your strawman. When it was pointed out that your argument was itself a fallacy you proceeded to attempt to cover it like a cat in the sandbox by creating the false "system" without definition in order to maintain a different fallacy, that of ad hominem.
"I pointed out to Desh and you that this problem that supposedly was created by Bush Administration appointees was actually something that was going on long before Bush ever took office".

Face what you said SF
Since 2001, 300 to 400 civil cases have been filed each year by employees charging that their companies defrauded the government. But under the cumbersome process that governs these cases, Justice Department lawyers must review them under seal, and whistle-blowers routinely wait 14 months or longer just to learn whether the department will get involved. The government rejects about three-quarters of the cases it receives, saying that the vast majority have little merit.

"More than 900 cases alleging that government contractors and drugmakers have defrauded taxpayers out of billions of dollars are languishing in a backlog that has built up over the past decade because the Justice Department cannot keep pace with the surge in charges brought by whistle-blowers, according to lawyers involved in the disputes. "
"I pointed out to Desh and you that this problem that supposedly was created by Bush Administration appointees was actually something that was going on long before Bush ever took office".

Face what you said SF

I do desh. The backlog, as stated in YOUR fucking article, began long before Bush took office. The fact that you continue to choose to ignore the parts of YOUR article that you do not like is YOUR problem. Not mine.
A 2 crawfish race will Damo or SF win ?
More dataless ad hominem. Unsupported by the actual data given in the thread. If I were you I'd just go somewhere else where I could actually use data, otherwise the water just rises as you dig the well deeper.