900 backlogged cases

I never said that it was Bush only now did I? You came to their defense automatically.

Right, you simply stated...

"The reason they are holding them up is that Bush appoints political friends instead of professionals. "

So you said the reason was because of Bush appointments. Not because of the fact that Justice was understaffed. You attempted to put the blame on Bush. Rather than be honest about the problem. I notice that in your cut and pastes you failed to acknowledge those portions of the article that stated it was a problem prior to Bush. I pointed that out to balance your bias.

But I know... it is all Bushs fault.
1800 cases in 6 years figuring it on the low end.

Most of the backlog is due to a Bush hiring of incompetant laywers who fit a political profile instead of a legal expertice profile.
That is true Damo but where does it say that every case is because of Bush?
It is the "reason", that pretty much tells me that you believe it is all because of Bush. Contrary to actual evidence presented in the article.

Yes, I agree. He should have done something to improve the situation. He did not, however, create it through cronyism as you suggest.
Yes he did Damo.

He hired people who were not as competant as the people hired in the past, he fired competant lawyers for political reasons, many competant lawyers left because of the atmosphere created by political apointees making them pray and such crap.

He did this to the DOJ even if you refuse to see it.
Yes he did Damo.

He hired people who were not as competant as the people hired in the past, he fired competant lawyers for political reasons, many competant lawyers left because of the atmosphere created by political apointees making them pray and such crap.

He did this to the DOJ even if you refuse to see it.
As I said, pretending the problem is because of somebody who came over 5 years after it started is sad pretense and obvious hackery.

I said, "He should have improved it and didn't, but the problem is bigger than Bush."

You say, "No, it is only Bush regardless of the problem starting long before he got there."

You are too bright and too honest to not face what was done ot our DOJ and that it was unprecendented Damo and SF.
You are again pretending your own article does not tell you that this problem began BEFORE BUSH WAS EVEN A CANDIDATE.

You are a hack, and the evidence that you give in this thread itself denotes that it isn't "all Bush's fault."


I think he should have done something to fix it, but didn't. However he did NOT start it as evinced in YOUR OWN ARTICLE.

It cannot be solely "his fault" when it began long before he took office.

If we are not truthful and realize that both parties have contributed, the "fix" will be more of the same rather than something that actually does something about the problem.
They did some of it too. Waah!!!!!
More inanity unsupported by data in the thread.

If they both have contributed, then voting in the other side isn't going to "fix" the problem. We have to do more than just vote for or against somebody in order to solve this problem. But if people are unwilling to recognize that the root cause cannot be Bush, as it started before he was even a candidate, then we will never be able to fix the issue.
Umm weren't republicans in control of congress then ?
And wasn't Clowntoon kept pretty busy with republicans investigating him all the time and such ?

Overly simplistic there Damo.
Umm weren't republicans in control of congress then ?
And wasn't Clowntoon kept pretty busy with republicans investigating him all the time and such ?

Overly simplistic there Damo.
*sigh* Overly simplistic is attempting to blame problems on somebody who wasn't in office when they began simply because you want the problem to lie in their hands.

We need to look much deeper than Bush to solve the issue was the point I was making. So far only two of us even recognized the problem began before he took office.

Now tell me how did the Congress cause this issue during that time? Give me some deeper vision. The reality is, presidents appoint people who agree with them politically, and the other side consistently works to withhold approval of those appointees, whether by simply voting no on them, or by not allowing it to come to a vote.

This is a problem for us, as it often leaves the victims to pay the price. But it won't be solved if we don't look at the root cause because we want to blame it on one specific thing.
Damo there was a backlog before Bush took office. does that make you happy? I never stated there was not. 71/2 years later there is a Huge backlog and Bush appointees have been directly involved in it . One had his god damned house raided by the FBI because of this shit.
Damo there was a backlog before Bush took office. does that make you happy? I never stated there was not. 71/2 years later there is a Huge backlog and Bush appointees have been directly involved in it . One had his god damned house raided by the FBI because of this shit.
I've already stated that this was not even attempted to be solved by Bush. Which does not change that the root cause of the issue was not Bush. If we resolve a symptom without resolving the root cause the problem will continue.
Damo it was worse than not fixing it. They used the system NOT to follow up on cases.
Which again doesn't look at the root cause, but a symptom.

In less than a year he will no longer be in office, what will the new person do to resolve the issue? The backlog increased under Bush, will it dissipate when he is gone simply because the person in the office is not Bush? Will the political manuevering go away and the problem resolve itself? What caused the problem before Bush got there?
LOL, you two are just incredible. The root cause of war and eveil on earth is God and the humans he made. We just need to ignore the bad things the currently do becuase of it being Gods fault.

You guys amaze me with this liberal they are all victims thing.

LOL, you two are just incredible. The root cause of war and eveil on earth is God and the humans he made. We just need to ignore the bad things the currently do becuase of it being Gods fault.

You guys amaze me with this liberal they are all victims thing.

What part of my search for a more permanent solution suggests inactivity?

Your argument is just more fallacy, continued from the previous fallacy. In fact it is a rehash of the previous fallacy, the strawman.
LOL, now you are looping a bit there.

Just read and analyze your and SF posts Damo.
I suggest you do the same. My post suggests we seek the root cause, which cannot be Bush, and resolve that issue rather than fight a paper tiger. Yours is to pretend that I have made an argument I have not made, a classic example of the strawman fallacy.

You clearly have nothing to add, so far all you have done is ad hominem and strawman fallacies in this thread. Again, I suggest going someplace where you have data to back up your assertions rather than pretense and fallacy.