A Far-Right German Party's Win Has Some Fearing For The Future. Others Worry Of A Return To The Past

Well, this isn't a good thing.

We've already been reliving the 1930's with the overall rise of the Far Right across the Western world. Now that the Germans are making noises maybe we need to sit back for a sec and ask ourselves if we liked the LAST time this happened and if we want to do it all again.
So? Doesn't mean Germans want a nazi party.

Does it reallly matter what people "want"? The social stressors that led to the fall of the Weimar Republic and the ascension of Naziism, while dramatically different from what we see today, are still driving people to extremist positions. Scapegoating is on the rise in the West. Instead of the Jews, this time it's "Immigrants" especially from poor countries.

Our own home-grown fascist wannabes, the MAGATs, are spinning up the "scapegoat" machine and attributing all manner of evil to undocumented immigrants. It's surprising they don't already have a version of the Horst Wessel Song to unite them.

We are heading into the same shitstorm our parents and grandparents dealt with. Are we really this stupid to do it all again?