A glimpse of who will run a McCain presidency

Yeah I didn’t know that. A lot of common sayings have really horrifying roots. I didn’t know that “rule of thumb” came from the biblical rule that a man should only beat his wife with a strap as wide as his thumb. Damo posted that once. I never used the term again.
True that.

It is interesting how it evolved. I've been reading up on it. The reality is, though, that when people say this, there are few who have it in their heart to be making a racially charged statement.

Seriously, we have cakewalks at every county picnic, and churches across the nation do them as well.
Name the democratic Rove?

If you are referring to Clinton's Chief of Staff, he had four of them:

John Podesta
Erskine Bowles
Leon Panetta
Mack McLarty

If you are talking about campaign managers or propagandists, they are out there, and I'm sure with some time I could get the names. But you are being naive if you think the Democrats don't use the same sort of people. Karl Rove isn't good at his job because you know his name.
Name the democratic Rove?
Who was that guy who went and took documents shoved them in his pants, hid them at a construction site and later destroyed them? You know, at first the defense was that the documents weren't originals, but about the same time the 9/11 report came out another report was published, largely ignored by the press, that informed us that many were the "only" copy of the document and the original to boot...

The left has their people who will do anything at all for their party.
True that.

It is interesting how it evolved. I've been reading up on it. The reality is, though, that when people say this, there are few who have it in their heart to be making a racially charged statement.

Seriously, we have cakewalks at every county picnic, and churches across the nation do them as well.

Hence my comment about connotation/denotation. It doesn't matter what the literal definition is if nobody means that when they say it; of course, that works in the opposite direction, too. If everyone knows the literal definition but people do feel a word has racist connotations, you can talk all day about what the true meaning of the word is without anyone caring. :)
How does that guy compare to Rove Damo?

You know Rove ...turdblossom.... the dirt bag campaign runner.
If you are referring to Clinton's Chief of Staff, he had four of them:

John Podesta
Erskine Bowles
Leon Panetta
Mack McLarty

If you are talking about campaign managers or propagandists, they are out there, and I'm sure with some time I could get the names. But you are being naive if you think the Democrats don't use the same sort of people. Karl Rove isn't good at his job because you know his name.

Yes they have people doing like jobs but none of them have historys like Rove and now this not so well known Charles R Black jr.

They are in no way known for the same tactics as Rove.
How does that guy compare to Rove Damo?

You know Rove ...turdblossom.... the dirt bag campaign runner.

Are you really so naive that you think Karl Rove is the only political consultant in the history of America? There are plenty of such people on both sides of politics. Again, Karl Rove is bad at his job because you know his name and you can say what he has done. It doesn't mean he has done the worst things and it doesn't mean that he is the only one (or that the position is exclusively Republican)-- all it means is that he f**ked up.
Yes they have people doing like jobs but none of them have historys like Rove and now this not so well known Charles R Black jr.

They are in no way known for the same tactics as Rove.

How do you know if they have histories like Rove or not? Do you personally know everything they have ever done during a campaign or while in the White House?

Just because they didn't get caught (as Rove did) doesn't mean it didn't happen. I worry for you, dear, if you can't figure that out on your own.
Yes they have people doing like jobs but none of them have historys like Rove and now this not so well known Charles R Black jr.

They are in no way known for the same tactics as Rove.
The best of them are those who leave behind little trail. Those who worked for Clinton were some of the very best.
Ohh come on now rove is well known as the master or dirty politics.
Not to say that others do not strive to go to the evil depths he dwells in though.
Ohh come on now rove is well known as the master or dirty politics.
Not to say that others do not strive to go to the evil depths he dwells in though.

He is clearly not a master if people on a messageboard can throw around his name left and right. Rove is well-known. Period. That makes him the antithesis of a political master.
Dick Morris is the one who comes to mind Damo and guess what he was an R guy.

You must be right, Desh, the Democratic Party never uses consultants of any kind. They have no propaganda masters working day and night for the Party to win. They just all sit there while those mean ol' Republicans pull their dirty sneakthievery and go "Oh, I do say I wish that the Republicans would become a bit more civilized" while sipping on their afternoon tea. Then they collectively cry for the state of American politics.

How much kool-aid did you say you drank?
Tell me teh names of politicains who have been elected to major office like say president who we dont know the names of their political stratagist.

I can name one and its Carter. How many years ago was that ?
Tell me teh names of politicains who have been elected to major office like say president who we dont know the names of their political stratagist.

I can name one and its Carter. How many years ago was that ?
One. More. Time. Slowed down so you can keep up...

The strategists are known, they just leave a smaller trail. Such a direct trail to Rove shows ineptitude, not "brilliance".
He got people elected Damo how is that failure?
I didn't say it was failure. I said it was inept. The best will leave little trail.

It would be like a carpenter who made a table using the most blunt instruments. You may be able to eat off of it, but it certainly isn't fine dining material.