A Guide to Finding Faith

First, the idea that the universe was created with intent, intelligence and even love explained why the world in which you found yourself had the appearance of a created thing: not just orderly, law-bound and filled with complex systems necessary for human life, but also vivid and beautiful and awesome in a way that resembles and yet exceeds the human capacity for art.

While the Earth certainly had a beginning, and it will have an end, why should the Universe? It is quite possible the Universe has always existed and always will.
First, the idea that the universe was created with intent, intelligence and even love explained why the world in which you found yourself had the appearance of a created thing: not just orderly, law-bound and filled with complex systems necessary for human life, but also vivid and beautiful and awesome in a way that resembles and yet exceeds the human capacity for art.


It is possible to be an atheist and acknowledge the design and souls.
Exactly. There clearly is a structure and organization in the universe. It doesn't imply any kind of intelligence.

I don't know, it might just be a bunch of random shit flying around. Someone said the Sun will eventually die. What ... what ... what about the Humans. :(
I don't know, it might just be a bunch of random shit flying around. Someone said the Sun will eventually die. What ... what ... what about the Humans. :(

The only people who claimed that their theory is a bunch of random shit flying around are those Creationists.
I also believe that one cannot look at the complexity of the universe and believe it is not intentional.......
next, I believe that a creator would choose to communicate with his creation (otherwise, why bother to create a being capable of communicating).....

of all of the belief systems in the world there are only three that believe the universe was intentionally created by an entity which has communicated with its creation......all three identify the same creating entity......Judaism, Christianity and Islam call him YHWH........
An atheist recognizes a design. The error is assuming that it was designed by someone.
for the average person, our biggest limitation to knowledge and insight is language.

Our language may be completely incapable of describing ultimate reality, and our cognition and reason is limited by symbolic language.

Higher Mathematics may be the only hope of representing any higher truth.

Jilu asked about the worship of gods and spirits. Confucius said 'we do not yet know how to serve men, how can we know about serving the spirits.' 'What about death?' was the next question. Confucius said 'We do not yet know about life, how can we know about death?