A Guide to Finding Faith

Lol, no, derp, derp, could you explain it to me, please.

Gravity may not be set in stone.

Newton believed it was more like a force similar to magnetism or attraction of objects.

Einstein believed it was more like objects moving on the curve of the fabric of space time.

I personally believe the Universe is an Ocean of Dark matter & that the objects are like Vessels floating on the Ocean.
It is possible to be an atheist and acknowledge the design and souls.

Of course, souls exist.

I can feel them. Well, most people have neutral souls.

Only when extremes walk by I can sense their ora.

I remember when I was at the bar I felt a horrible darkness around a dude.
I Said nothing.
My friend said feel that darkness it's a demon.

I remember sensing a old lady spirit to the right of the microwave in our old house.
I said nothing.
My friend say a video of the room & sensed an old lady spirit to the right of the microwave.

Nobody's going to tell me the soul doesn't exist.
The fact that we have mathematical equations describing the acceleration of free falling objects and a theory of general relativity does not explain why there is curvature to spacetime.

Yes it does. But besides the point.
We were talking about the belief that the universe is a mystery. I said it is not.
Yes it does. But besides the point.
We were talking about the belief that the universe is a mystery. I said it is not.

It's funny that you think we have all the answers for gravity.

We do not even really fundamentally know why spacetime has curvature, and we are not even sure if general relativity is the actual truth about the geometry of spacetime. Most phycisists think general relativity needs to be ultimately replaced by a still mysterious and as yet undiscovered quantum theory of gravity.
So, you subscribe to the Church of No God. You are not an atheist.
I take it that you subscribe to the Theory of Abiogenesis, which states the life originated on Earth through a series of random unspecified events.

What is the Church of No God? Is it a building? Where is it located?
"Subscribe" to the theory of abiogenesis? There is no theory of abiogenesis, only hypotheses.
Just shut the fuck up.

Phantasmal was right that we do not have all the answers, and part of the allure of science is pursuing the deeper questions about the nature of the universe and ultimate reality.

There is still a lot of mystery out there, and between dark energy, dark matter, and the questions surrounding quantum mechanics, we still do not understand 95 percent of the universe and there is a lot of mystery out there.