A Guide to Finding Faith

A design by chance shouldn't be a design at all.

It should be pure chaos.

The organization of Celestial bodies, and Life, especially the Human brain are unlikely to happen by chance.

Just like ecosystems easily destroyed by Man, shouldn't come about by chance.

This is truly the weak spot in the Theory of Abiogenesis, which states that life originated on Earth through a series of random unspecified events.

It's like rolling the dice on the craps table and winning practically every time, for centuries. Of course, that only needs to happen once! :D

There is another problem the Theory of Abiogenesis faces:

Say a cell does somehow come about this way. What's it going to eat? Photosynthesis requires a complex system. Such a single cell can't use photosynthesis. How does such a cell gain sufficient energy to grow and reproduce?

Say this happens TWICE. One cell eats the other and reproduces. Now you again have TWO cells, and no more. Now what?
Gravity may not be set in stone.
Since stone is mass, it is EXACTLY set in stone!
Newton believed it was more like a force similar to magnetism or attraction of objects.
Newton never tried to explain gravity. He simply described it's attractive force and how it relates to mass and the distance between them. See Newton's Law of Gravitation.
Einstein believed it was more like objects moving on the curve of the fabric of space time.
Gravity isn't movement. It's a force.
I personally believe the Universe is an Ocean of Dark matter & that the objects are like Vessels floating on the Ocean.
So...what is the density of the Universe? How is it that objects within it and are part of it are of lesser density??
Theory of Abiogenesis, which states that life originated on Earth through a series of random unspecified events.

It does not state that. There is no theory of abiogenesis, only hypotheses.

It's like rolling the dice on the craps table and winning practically every time, for centuries. Of course, that only needs to happen once! :D

That isn't how processes work. The next stage is built upon previous stages and so on.

There is another problem the Theory of Abiogenesis faces:

Again, there is no Theory of Abiogenesis.
Of course, souls exist.

I can feel them. Well, most people have neutral souls.

Only when extremes walk by I can sense their ora.

I remember when I was at the bar I felt a horrible darkness around a dude.
I Said nothing.
My friend said feel that darkness it's a demon.

I remember sensing a old lady spirit to the right of the microwave in our old house.
I said nothing.
My friend say a video of the room & sensed an old lady spirit to the right of the microwave.

Nobody's going to tell me the soul doesn't exist.

Heh. Lots of people will tell you a soul doesn't exist. :D
That doesn't mean you have to believe them, of course!
I'm not looking for a reason to need faith.

If I accept that the universe is infinite, then everything that sub-atomic particles can physically do or form will not only be done or formed but will be done or formed an infinite number of times.

Throughout the infinite universe, there are probably an infinite number of innocent children born with inoperable tumors.
Conversely, every great piece of art which we admire was probably created an infinite number of times.

Michelangelo's Pieta was mentioned once before as an example of something that transcends a material universe.
It's a carved statue of a mother holding the dead body of her executed son.
I saw it and cringed. It depicts one of the negative realities that happens in an infinite universe where anything can happen.
It was excellent craft if that's what we're evaluating, but I couldn't imagine many things less beautiful.

Perhaps in an infinite universe, minds can react in an infinite number of ways.
The fact that we have mathematical equations describing the acceleration of free falling objects and a theory of general relativity does not explain why there is curvature to spacetime.

Actually, it does. See Einstein's model for how this happens. Such acceleration can make even a light beam appear to bend.
It's funny that you think we have all the answers for gravity.

We do not even really fundamentally know why spacetime has curvature, and we are not even sure if general relativity is the actual truth about the geometry of spacetime. Most phycisists think general relativity needs to be ultimately replaced by a still mysterious and as yet undiscovered quantum theory of gravity.

Go look at Einstein's model of how acceleration can curve space. He actually describes it rather well in fairly plain terms.

Neither Einstein nor Newton tried to explain what gravity actually is. They just simply assumed it is a force of nature. Like any force, it can cause acceleration. F=mA.