A Guide to Finding Faith

It is Newton’s Law Universal of Gravitation. I shortened it to the Law of Gravity.

Newton's Law of Gravitation does not explain what causes gravity. It only describes how it relates to masses and the distance between them. Other forces follow similar laws. This is because these forces all follow the inverse square law of spheres, as these forces seem to emanate from effectively point sources.
The Theory of Abiogenesis states that life originated on Earth through a series of random unspecified events.
A hypothesis is not a theory. A hypothesis stems from an existing theory, not the other way 'round. An example is the null hypothesis of a theory.

The Theory of Abiogenesis states that life originated on Earth through a series of random unspecified events. It is not a theory of science.

There is no Theory of Abiogenesis. There are not even enough evidence to prove ANY KIND of abiogenesis hypothesis.

The Theory of Creation states that life arrived on Earth through the action of some kind of intelligence. It is also not a theory of science.

False. It is a belief, not a theory.

Both are theories. A theory is an explanatory argument. That is it. That is all.
A theory of science must be falsifiable. That is it. That is all.

False. A belief is not falsifiable.

There are many non-scientific theories. Many of them are also religions.

They are beliefs.

All religions are based on some initial circular argument, with arguments extending from that. This is actually the best way to define what 'religion' means.
In Christianity, for example, the initial circular argument is that Jesus Christ exists, and that He is who He says He is, namely the Son of God. ALL other arguments in Christianity stem from this.

Correct, so why are you talking about religions?

In the Church of No God, the initial circular argument is that no god or gods exist. ALL other arguments in that religion likewise stem from this.

There is no Church of No God.

Theories of science MUST be falsifiable. That is, there must be available a test that tries to destroy that theory (the null hypothesis thing again). That test must be available, practical to conduct, specific, and produce a specific result. So long as the theory can survive such tests, it is automatically a part of the body of science. It will remain so until it is falsified.


No one has to vote on it. There is no elite voting body for it. There is no 'peer' review or other voting bloc.

If you reproduce a theory, you are a part of the peer review.
Newton's Law of Gravitation does not explain what causes gravity. It only describes how it relates to masses and the distance between them. Other forces follow similar laws. This is because these forces all follow the inverse square law of spheres, as these forces seem to emanate from effectively point sources.
I never claimed it did.
Go look at Einstein's model of how acceleration can curve space. He actually describes it rather well in fairly plain terms.

Neither Einstein nor Newton tried to explain what gravity actually is. They just simply assumed it is a force of nature. Like any force, it can cause acceleration. F=mA.

Acceleration does not distort or warp spacetime.

Mass does.

But that is not even what I was referring to.
There is no Theory of Abiogenesis.
Yes there is. I've already stated what it is.
There are not even enough evidence to prove ANY KIND of abiogenesis hypothesis.
A theory is not a proof. I never claimed it was. Pay attention.
False. It is a belief, not a theory.
It is both.
False. A belief is not falsifiable.
But a theory can be.
They are beliefs.
A theory is not necessarily a belief.
Correct, so why are you talking about religions?
Already described why. Pay attention. RQAA.
There is no Church of No God.
Yes. There is. It believes in the initial circular argument that there is no god or gods.
If you reproduce a theory, you are a part of the peer review.
You do not need to reproduce a theory. It already exists.
A Law is a theory that has been replicated over and over again over the years.

No. A theory of science by itself has no power of prediction. It only explains. It must be transcribed into a closed functional system such as mathematics to gain the power of prediction. The resulting equation is called a 'law'.

A theory is not a proof. Age is not a proof.