A Guide to Finding Faith

Phantasmal was right that we do not have all the answers, and part of the allure of science is pursuing the deeper questions about the nature of the universe and ultimate reality.

There is still a lot of mystery out there, and between dark energy, dark matter, and the questions surrounding quantun mechanics, we still do not understand 95 percent of the universe and there is a lot of mystery out there.

Hey asshole. I never mentioned gravity. You did. Now fuck off or I will begin banning you.
Speaking of language & mathematics.

The Human brain is made to process & create language & mathematics.

But, what possible natural selection could have selected for that!?

No other Animals did, why would we!?

Seems highly unlikely that natural selection would have.

So, counting nuts or carcasses lead to our brain capacity to advanced mathematics!?

I think language is even less likely.

It's like we were created to create language & mathematics.

Evolution left us with genes for language ability and abstract thinking.

There are obvious evolutionary advantages to it.

I have not seen a credible argument that it required direct divine intervention.

Trying to use science and reason to prove God has been a dubious proposition since Thomas Aquinas
Evolution left us with genes for language ability and abstract thinking.

There are obvious evolutionary advantages to it.

I have not seen a credible argument that it required direct divine intervention.

Trying to use science and reason to prove God has been a dubious proposition since Thomas Aquinas

There are no evolutionary pressures that would turn an Ape like creature to suddenly need advanced Mathematics & Language ability.

It's not like early Humans would have possibly needed brains to write poetry& do calculus.

How do you figure!? So hunting & gathering needed those!?

Yet, only the Human brain evolved in that direction to be built enough to be programmed to be able to do just that.

No other species had that evolution.

If it was so advantageous most species should have evolved that way.

That never happened.
There are no evolutionary pressures that would turn an Ape like creature to suddenly need advanced Mathematics & Language ability.

It's not like early Humans would have possibly needed brains to write poetry& do calculus.

How do you figure!? So hunting & gathering needed those!?

Yet, only the Human brain evolved in that direction to be built enough to programmed to be able to do just that.

Perhaps the aliens seeded humans.
There are no evolutionary pressures that would turn an Ape like creature to suddenly need advanced Mathematics & Language ability.

It's not like early Humans would have possibly needed brains to write poetry& do calculus.

How do you figure!? So hunting & gathering needed those!?

Yet, only the Human brain evolved in that direction to be built enough to be programmed to be able to do just that.

No other species had that evolution.

If it was so advantageous most species should have evolved that way.

That never happened.
Mathematics is a language which has to be taught and practiced, just like Latin or Greek.

Despite the legends of Mozart having an effortless God-given talent, he actually had to work hard at developing his craft.

Many things cannot be explained by the mere existence of FOXP2 genes or down quarks: Shakespeare and Michelangelo, etc.

The fact we do not know the answers does not constiute proof of divine intervention by a Judeo-Christian god.

Reason cannot prove the existence of God, it has to be limited to the realm of faith, and that is where I stand with Kant and Kierkegaard
Mathematics is a language which has to be taught and practiced, just like Latin or Greek.

Despite the legends of Mozart having an effortless God-given talent, he actually had to work hard at developing his craft.

Many things cannot be explained by the mere existence of FOXP2 genes or down quarks: Shakespeare and Michelangelo, etc.

The fact we do not know the answers does not constiute proof of divine intervention by a Judeo-Christian god.

Reason cannot prove the existence of God, it has to be limited to the realm of faith, and that is where I stand with Kant and Kierkegaard

"I believe in God." "I believe in Donald Trump." This is why faith is the WORST thing to hang truth on.
Ramanujan created the most elaborate mathematical equations and theorems out of thin air. And he attributed it to his god.

Guess where he got the education? He read a basic Algebra book. That's it.
Humankind's brightest minds have spent two centuries thinking about how language and symbolic representation restrict our actual knowledge of truth and our phenomenalogical experience
A void argument fallacy.
The fact that you do not like me bringing it up is irrelevant. Your emotional reaction is meritless.
Not an emotion. A fallacy.
If there is a purposeful design to reality, we may not even have the language or mathematics to grasp it.
Void argument fallacy.

Phenomenology is not an experience. It is branch of philosophy. It's purpose is to define what 'real' actually means.
You describe an 'actual knowledge of truth' (whatever THAT is!). You are actually trying to define what is 'real', but without using philosophy.

Mathematics is a closed functional system. It doesn't 'grasp' anything. It has no hands, and it has no intelligence.
Language is a set of symbols, word system, and a grammar system. It doesn't 'grasp' anything. It has no hands, and it has no intelligence.

There is no absolute 'real' or 'reality'. Study phenomenology to discover why.
Speaking of language & mathematics.

The Human brain is made to process & create language & mathematics.

But, what possible natural selection could have selected for that!?

No other Animals did, why would we!?

Seems highly unlikely that natural selection would have.

So, counting nuts or carcasses lead to our brain capacity to advanced mathematics!?

I think language is even less likely.

It's like we were created to create language & mathematics.

An interesting point. Animals, of course, have their own languages after a fashion, but mathematics is a human invention. So is logic. Both of these closed functional systems were created by us.