A left-wing protester at an antifa Denver rally shot and killed a conservative

You trigger so easily I'm certain most people think you have to be under treatment for it.

Like the Gas Passer and everyone else who constantly uses over-sized font, bolds or anything else other than default, you are obviously overcompensating for feelings of inadequacy. It's normal in older American men, especially if they haven't measured up in life.

Notice his machine gun multiple postings to one posting , he is very low grade and easily triggered , and he says he moved from Cal to Florida, for this ?
Notice his machine gun multiple postings to one posting , he is very low grade and easily triggered , and he says he moved from Cal to Florida, for this ?

That's the behavior of a Drive-By Troll hitting several forums a day (all with the same BS) or a person with restricted internet access and he makes the most of it. It could be both. It wouldn't surprise me if psych meds were involved too.
You trigger so easily I'm certain most people think you have to be under treatment for it.

^Triggered delusional loon thinks he speaks for MOST people. You really need a mental health professional loon.

Like the Gas Passer and everyone else who constantly uses over-sized font,

It takes a special mental case to get treiggered over size three font. Be less stupid, triggered and dishonest.

bolds or anything else other than default for their own posts,

Now you're just a lying triggered leftist loon. Be less dishonest and stupid.

you are obviously overcompensating for feelings of inadequacy.

I see you are projecting again. Be less dishonest and stupid.

It's normal in older American men, especially if they haven't measured up in life.

I am quite certain that you are an unaccomplished loser who has serious mental issues with the delusional belief that you speak for MOST people. Be less dishonest nd stupid.
Notice his machine gun multiple postings to one posting , he is very low grade and easily triggered , and he says he moved from Cal to Florida, for this ?

What "we" notice is that you are a lying, race hustling, worthless piece of human filth.

I think you should kill yourself. You're a worthless piece of human filth. You'll always be a worthless piece of human filth. You're a moron. You will always be a moron. No one will miss you. No one would care. The worlds collective IQ would increase and it would save the valuable oxygen you waste with every breath.

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats

Notice his machine gun multiple postings to one posting , he is very low grade and easily triggered , and he says he moved from Cal to Florida, for this ?[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

That's the behavior of a Drive-By Troll hitting several forums a day (all with the same BS) or a person with restricted internet access and he makes the most of it. It could be both. It wouldn't surprise me if psych meds were involved too.

The perfect couple; dumber and dumbest.


Your subject title was incorrect....still is.


This is laughable coming from a liberal Democrat. The party that riots or pisses its panties based on an unsubstantiated tweet. STFU. Or at least practice what you preach.
Ahhh, another intellectually impotent right wing parrot who can only post memes and one sided video clips They tweeted that the suspect was a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa.

... The incident occurred after a man participating in what was billed a “Patriot Rally” sprayed mace at another man.

A quote from your link, which makes your subject title a LIE.

Learn to read before you type, will ya please.ally challenged right wing parrot

So you are backing away from your earlier statement about the Founders and the Constitution?

Agreed Trump isn't the first. Trump isn't the first in a lot of things, he's just the result. You said it couldn't be done, but are you now agreeing that bipartisan confirmations is the best way to go?

Just because I mentioned that I usually go with what I believe to be the Founders' intent doesn't mean that I agree with all of what they stood for. For example, I agree with the idea that "all men are created equal", but when Jefferson wrote that, he really only meant white men. He owned hundreds of slaves throughout his life and clearly did not believe black men were equals to white men. I believe in the modern interpretation of his words, so that is one aspect of where I diverge from the Founders.

In principle, I could agree with bipartisan confirmations being ideal, but currently, we have the Democrats talking about packing the court. It's not exactly conducive to bipartisanship.
Just because I mentioned that I usually go with what I believe to be the Founders' intent doesn't mean that I agree with all of what they stood for. For example, I agree with the idea that "all men are created equal", but when Jefferson wrote that, he really only meant white men. He owned hundreds of slaves throughout his life and clearly did not believe black men were equals to white men. I believe in the modern interpretation of his words, so that is one aspect of where I diverge from the Founders.

In principle, I could agree with bipartisan confirmations being ideal, but currently, we have the Democrats talking about packing the court. It's not exactly conducive to bipartisanship.

The key being that our nation expands freedoms, not restricts them. Treating all people as equals under the law is an expansion of freedom. Those who seek to restrict the rights of others are acting against the goals of the Founders.

Both sides are seeking to pack the court. It's this tit-for-tat bullshit which is harming the nation.
The key being that our nation expands freedoms, not restricts them. Treating all people as equals under the law is an expansion of freedom. Those who seek to restrict the rights of others are acting against the goals of the Founders.

Both sides are seeking to pack the court. It's this tit-for-tat bullshit which is harming the nation.

Uh, the Republicans have not discussed adding Justices to the Court. They've been replacing ones who die or resign. The Democrats are talking about adding Justices to the Court beyond the 9.
Uh, the Republicans have not discussed adding Justices to the Court. They've been replacing ones who die or resign. The Democrats are talking about adding Justices to the Court beyond the 9.

Uh Trump is nominating activist judges. Fuck the Democrats but you're not convincing me the Republicans are any better.
Uh Trump is nominating activist judges. Fuck the Democrats but you're not convincing me the Republicans are any better.

So you don't view adding more Justices to the Court as worse than replacing existing Justices with activists? I think there's a huge difference there, mostly because of the precedent that would be set if we add more Justices.
So you don't view adding more Justices to the Court as worse than replacing existing Justices with activists? I think there's a huge difference there, mostly because of the precedent that would be set if we add more Justices.

That's up to Congress to decide. Personally, I don't see the need. Quit trying to move the fucking goal posts but thanks for agreeing Trump is "replacing existing Justices with activists".

The point being that those who seek to restrict rights, such as self-defense, are in the wrong.
That's up to Congress to decide. Personally, I don't see the need. Quit trying to move the fucking goal posts but thanks for agreeing Trump is "replacing existing Justices with activists".

The point being that those who seek to restrict rights, such as self-defense, are in the wrong.

You keep using that phrase, but it doesn't mean what you think it means.

When you said "pack the court", that literally means adding Justices. That's why I brought it up. Now, I understand if maybe you thought that had to do with replacing Justices, but it doesn't. So, I'm not moving the goalposts -- I'm directly responding to what you just wrote.
You keep using that phrase, but it doesn't mean what you think it means.

When you said "pack the court", that literally means adding Justices. That's why I brought it up. Now, I understand if maybe you thought that had to do with replacing Justices, but it doesn't. So, I'm not moving the goalposts -- I'm directly responding to what you just wrote.

It also means making all 9 justices Catholic anti-abortion, anti-gay RWers. Dude, you're guilty of projecting.
How are Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett anti-gay?

Don't they believe marriage is between a man and a woman? Thanks for agreeing the Republicans are packing the court with anti-abortionists. If the gay thing bothers you, let it go.

The bottom line here is that justices should be confirmed with bipartisan support and you support packing the court with RWers.
Don't they believe marriage is between a man and a woman? Thanks for agreeing the Republicans are packing the court with anti-abortionists. If the gay thing bothers you, let it go.

The bottom line here is that justices should be confirmed with bipartisan support and you agree with packing the court with RWers.

Gorsuch is pretty libertarian, actually. Kavanaugh is conservative on economics, but he doesn't have any significant rulings or statements on gay marriage. Barrett is very socially conservative, so I'll give you that, although she balances out the socially liberal members already on the Court.

I am pretty conservative myself, but you seem a lot less like a libertarian and a lot more like a liberal.