A left-wing protester at an antifa Denver rally shot and killed a conservative

I don't believe the tale that he was a "private security guard".

It's time to arm yourself.

Agreed. Sniffed him out right off the bat.

I also think this was some kind of set up. The black guy doing all the screaming in the video was clearly trying to egg on a violent situation. Also,.....he kept challenging the man who was killed to use his pepper spray, screaming in the mans face to do it. WHY??? Lastly,.....he kept saying ......"go ahead, spray us,..FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT...FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT" The same words used in the Kenosha Kid video. ;)
There are plenty of mistakes the Founders made. Not putting an explicit limit on the number of Justices or on the length of time a Justice can be on the court were just a few.

Trump is definitely not the first president to go against bipartisanship in confirmations, however. That started quite a while ago. Confirmation hearings didn't even start until 1916. Candidates for confirmation didn't start appearing at hearings until 1939. 1959 was the first very heated and partisan confirmation (Potter Stewart being the nominee at the time).

It is true that most confirmations historically haven't been partisan, but they started becoming more that way by the 80s. Robert Bork's failed confirmation vote was a good example of that. By the time Trump entered office, we had already had many party line confirmation votes. By now, it's the norm.
So you are backing away from your earlier statement about the Founders and the Constitution?

Agreed Trump isn't the first. Trump isn't the first in a lot of things, he's just the result. You said it couldn't be done, but are you now agreeing that bipartisan confirmations is the best way to go?
Agreed. Sniffed him out right off the bat.

I also think this was some kind of set up. The black guy doing all the screaming in the video was clearly trying to egg on a violent situation. Also,.....he kept challenging the man who was killed to use his pepper spray, screaming in the mans face to do it. WHY??? Lastly,.....he kept saying ......"go ahead, spray us,..FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT...FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT" The same words used in the Kenosha Kid video. ;)

You tend to see a lot of things that aren't there. Interesting.

I'm confident the legal system will figure it out.
Agreed. Sniffed him out right off the bat.

I also think this was some kind of set up. The black guy doing all the screaming in the video was clearly trying to egg on a violent situation. Also,.....he kept challenging the man who was killed to use his pepper spray, screaming in the mans face to do it. WHY??? Lastly,.....he kept saying ......"go ahead, spray us,..FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT...FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT" The same words used in the Kenosha Kid video. ;)

It appears that the media was complicit in the murder.

Also, the supposed "private security guard" was never licensed by the state of Colorado. Media cover-up for Antifa?
You tend to see a lot of things that aren't there. Interesting.

You tend to deny a lot of things that are right in front of your face. I know it isnt stupidity, almost nobody could be THAT stupid. Not interesting to me at all, in fact pretty easy to figure out. You are simply a bald faced liar. Funny to hear you talk of such things as duty or honor when you clearly have none. And btw......do your best not to address me again,.......you have not earned that right. In fact,..... you are so many pegs beneath me that I really have no interest anymore in much of anything you have to say. You are a man of very low character and there can be no common ground between us.
TV station is going to be sued to high Heaven,.... and rightfully so. Looks like the reporter who is a left winger himself stepped way out of line and hired a security guard who ISNT REALLY A SECURITY GUARD who also has ties to antifa.

I doubt the "reporter" was actually a journalist. How many Antifa rioters are wearing helmets or vests with "PRESS" on them?
Never forget what "Nazi" is an abbreviation of.


No snowflake, he isn't. But what we do know is that you are a low IQ, triggered leftist loon on steroids prone to looking like a dumbass.

You trigger so easily I'm certain most people think you have to be under treatment for it.

Like the Gas Passer and everyone else who constantly uses over-sized font, bolds or anything else other than default for their own posts, you are obviously overcompensating for feelings of inadequacy. It's normal in older American men, especially if they haven't measured up in life.