A Perfect Metaphor

I do. It's just hilarious to watch you guys going apeshit over the word. :laugh:

Anyone who is dumb and out of control enough to let themselves become triggered deserves to be ridiculed. At least called out on it.

Notice that it's primarily the poorly educated and/or those mentally off-kilter who trigger the easiest. It's really a handy tool on identifying JPP's biggest idiots.

There are examples on both sides, but the Trumpers clearly win the biggest slice of pie when it comes to holding the title of JPP's biggest idiots.

Tomorrow night, I expect a lot of overly exuberant virtual High Fives and a lot of anger for any losses or elections too close to call. For that matter, it could be a week or more on a couple of these elections. The Red Wave will probably look more like a Red Ripple, but it will certainly be Red in the House and a very thin margin for the Senate regardless who wins.

Not enough for an impeachment or much else.
You support a far left "yes man." I support a heart surgeon.

It's simple. You vote for Fetterman, I vote for Oz. I cancel your vote, or vice-versa.
I guess we'll have to let the rest of the state decide
At least you know Dr. Oz is smart and not afraid of hard work. Fetterman was probably pretty smart before his stroke but now who knows. But we know for sure he is lazy and can't be bothered to show up for work on a regular basis. His missed about a 1/3rd of his city council meetings. As lieutenant governor he didn't get better. About one-third of his daily schedule for workdays between January 2019 to May 2022 ,before his stroke, was left blank, according to a review by the Associated Press. And on the days he was at work he only worked 4-5 hours generally.

At least you know Dr. Oz is smart and not afraid of hard work. Fetterman was probably pretty smart before his stroke but now who knows. But we know for sure he is lazy and can't be bothered to show up for work on a regular basis. His missed about a 1/3rd of his city council meetings. As lieutenant governor he didn't get better. About one-third of his daily schedule for workdays between January 2019 to May 2022 ,before his stroke, was left blank, according to a review by the Associated Press. And on the days he was at work he only worked 4-5 hours generally.


Oz is a snake oil salesman. From 2015: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6167233/
To say that Oz is a controversial figure in medicine is an understatement. He is a tireless promoter of so-called alternative and complementary medicine. In March 2011, Oz excitedly stated on his show that homeopathy could ease people’s aches and pains without the use of prescription medication. His guest, Russ Greenfield, MD, explained how homeopathy works, even in extremely dilute concentrations, when not a single molecule of the original drug remains: “The essence of the medication—oh, let’s say the spirit of the medication—is imbibed and it sends a message to the body to heal itself.”2 Oz stated, during the same show, that his family uses homeopathic treatments.

Fake doctors are to be ridiculed, not condoned.

Agreed on the problems with Fetterman. I'd have to see his medical evaluation to guarantee there's no cognitive loss and that he's on a road to effective recovery. Regardless, I live in Texas, not fucking Pennsylvania.