A rare bit of fun for JPP...

you have nothing but fake indictments and six years of fantasy......getting rid of the Pale Faced Pedophile who fucks up everything he touches will let us get back to thriving......

I agree with you on the latter that getting rid of Trump (Already got rid of his bestie Epstein) and his pound of orange makeup, over his pale face, will do society well.

But what we have for our investigations is boat loads of indictments that will lead to a new wave of convictions. Just as they did in the prior rounds. The only nothing burgers are what come from republi'cunt' investigations, so you are projecting again.
But that is only because Democrats are smart and competent and republi'cans' are like you, dumb and incompetent.

Almost everyone testifying against Trump and his Campaigns and associates are life long republi'cans'. It was his hand picked lifelong republi'can' AG who hand picked a lifelong republi'can' Special Counsel (Mueller), the last time.

And this time almost every witness that will testify against him, in jack Smith and Georgia cases will be 'republi'cans'.

So ya republi'cans' and Trump are fucked as they hand pick people that are top respected republi'cans' that Dems can easily manipulate and control and turn into RINO's to get Trump.

Republi'cans' cannot win they control all the levers of power. They cannot win when they do not control them.

Again because they are now the party of Marjorie Greene and you, who have the collective IQ of a gnat and are always going to get out classed.

Checkmate republi'cans'.

RINOS and Democrats are NOT 'lifelong Republicans', dumbass.
That is why Georgia is so important. Trump if POTUS will not be able to kill it. I have said prior i suspect the SC would delay that case, or stay it, pending him finishing his presidency but eventually, as long as he is still alive, Georgia will get him.

And as a betting man, i think Jack Smith gets in and finishes his DC trial before the election, resulting in a Trump guilty verdict. Of course he will appeal and that will take years, but he will be 'Felon Trump' as that goes thru.

Aileen Cannon and Trump himself really screwed up pushing for a long delay on the Florida case. They opened a wide enough window that now DC can squeeze in and they did not have to. They could have said yes to Florida in January and then as January approached made a motion to push back 3-6 months, and so on and so on. Delaying the start years but leaving no room for any other trial.

I said that here weeks ago and Tim Parlatore (Trumps (former) best attorney so far) said that is what he was planning, and said that is the normal way to delay things. He said he was surprised when the Trump lawyers pushed for no date, before the election, thus leaving a wide window for any other case. But he knows that is what Trump would want and he does not have the strong and strategic lawyers any more who can tell him no. That is the wrong strategy.

Oh, THIS excuse again???
Quickly thinking: Powell, Giuliani, Eastman, Meadows, Mitchell, anyone else on the line during Trump’s 11,780 call, several phony State electors, and surely a couple of poor unknown schmucks who got dragged into Trump schemes. Would also add the Pillow idiot, but he’s too useless to bother with

There is no such thing as a 'phony elector'.
A phone call is not a crime.
Better than 'droning on' about a guy who has never held political office and did a lot of bad things while in the depths of his drug addiction as a way to try to distract from Trump's illegality. That is some serious TDS you guys prove to have/

LIF. Grow up.
Clinton was convicted of perjury, Sock.

Not Hillary, dumbass. Do you really think Trump was talking about Slick Willie when he said "Lock her up", dumbass?

Were you always this fucking slow or did your adult onset schizophrenia slow you down, Sybil? You forgot to call me Terry again, idiot.
There will be a boatload of them because the left is gunning for anyone associated with Trump as well as Trump himself.

The left is on a mission and the have federal agencies who are in Biden's pocket to make sure it happens.

It's hardly bingo, it's more like Stalin's purge or Hitler's night of the long knives.

Basically if you are connected to Trump's 2020 campaign you are fucked.

Gunning? They have to commit crimes to be nailed. They did and were. If you are inside Trump's circle, you have to have no respect for the law. It's like joining the mafia. You know what is expected.
That is what I said. Democrats are gunning for civil war.
They have to commit crimes to be nailed.
Democrats commit crimes all the time.
If you are inside Trump's circle, you have to have no respect for the law.
Trump committed no crime. DEMOCRATS commit crimes. It is DEMOCRATS that burn and loot and pillage cities. It is DEMOCRATS that support violent crime in cities and hate the police. It is DEMOCRATS that gave weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war. It is DEMOCRATS that hate children by murdering them and torturing them. It is DEMOCRATS that are racist.
It's like joining the mafia.
You know what is expected.
I certainly do know what DEMOCRATS are. They are evil fucks, and you are one of them. You constantly try to project YOUR problems on others.
There will be a boatload of them because the left is gunning for anyone associated with Trump as well as Trump himself.

The left is on a mission and the have federal agencies who are in Biden's pocket to make sure it happens.

It's hardly bingo, it's more like Stalin's purge or Hitler's night of the long knives.

Basically if you are connected to Trump's 2020 campaign you are fucked.

Pathetic liar.

From Trump's asshole straight to your mouth.

Not even airspace separates them.