A simple question for the pro life


Verified User
It is just this.

If you really believe abortion to be murder then how do you get around not pounishing the mother?
Speaking personally I don't see how you can get around it.
They didn't ask. Just guys in robes legislating from the bench. But you can try and make the case that it's almost never the case that the mother does it herself (plan b being an exception perhaps) so perhaps there should be just conspiracy.
It is just this.

If you really believe abortion to be murder then how do you get around not pounishing the mother?
Speaking personally I don't see how you can get around it.

Seven years in prison should suffice for the first offense.

Doesn't the US Supreme Court define death as the absence of brainwaves?

Well, yes it does.

Since the fetus doesn't exhibit brainwaves until about 12-14 weeks, then abortions should be permissible during that time period, right?

Once the fetus exhibits brainwaves, then it is a sentient being, and to take its life because it is an inconvenience is murder, right?
It is just this.

If you really believe abortion to be murder then how do you get around not pounishing the mother?
Speaking personally I don't see how you can get around it.

what punishment?........are you assuming the only thing possible is execution?......
I absolutely love the retarded obsession conservatard MEN have with abortion.
It's never going to be illegal
We aren't going back to slavery either
I will try to give my answer to this question the best that I can. First I would say that I would not have an abortion for any reason including if I was raped or if my life was in jeopardy. If I kept the baby that came from being raped is something that I would have to decide at that moment which I pray never comes, but if I didn't keep it then I would put it up for adoption. I do believe that life begins at conception and that an abortion does end that life. When it comes to punishment for having an abortion if abortion one day became illegal then naturally there would and should be a punishment for it.
I will try to give my answer to this question the best that I can. First I would say that I would not have an abortion for any reason including if I was raped or if my life was in jeopardy. If I kept the baby that came from being raped is something that I would have to decide at that moment which I pray never comes, but if I didn't keep it then I would put it up for adoption. I do believe that life begins at conception and that an abortion does end that life. When it comes to punishment for having an abortion if abortion one day became illegal then naturally there would and should be a punishment for it.

Burn in hell bitch!
It is just this.

If you really believe abortion to be murder then how do you get around not pounishing the mother?
Speaking personally I don't see how you can get around it.

If abortion were against the law, then the woman should be punished for committing murder. I have no problem with murderers being punished.

Of course this is why leftwads have to convince themselves that a baby isn't being murdered
If abortion were against the law, then the woman should be punished for committing murder. I have no problem with murderers being punished. Of course this is why leftwads have to convince themselves that a baby isn't being murdered

Doesn't a fetus have to be born to be considered a baby?