A simple question


Shaken, not stirred!
Will someone please explain to me why the hell should I vote for a political party that DEFENDS companies and corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries only to sell the products to me at outrageous prices....AND get a tax break to do so?
Will someone please explain to me why the hell should I vote for a political party that DEFENDS companies and corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries only to sell the products to me at outrageous prices....AND get a tax break to do so?
Because that's the only party.
will someone explain why I should vote for politicians that enact laws and then allow exemptions for large corporations who employ the very people the law was supposed to help?
will someone explain why I should vote for politicians that enact laws and then allow exemptions for large corporations who employ the very people the law was supposed to help?

Answer my question, you intellectual coward! Or didn't your momma explain to you that you don't answer a question with a question....especially an idiotic one?
Will someone please explain to me why the hell should I vote for a political party that DEFENDS companies and corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries only to sell the products to me at outrageous prices....AND get a tax break to do so?

Ummmmmmmm...Because you're a greedy, hard-hearted little turd who is so desperate to "get yours" that you couldn't care how many "ordinary folk" you have to throw under the bus in order to get ahead in life?

Is that right?
Will someone please explain to me why the hell should I vote for a political party that DEFENDS companies and corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries only to sell the products to me at outrageous prices....AND get a tax break to do so?

so you're only voting for third party?

and i am not familiar with your situation, could you cite an example for me...thanks
Will someone please explain to me why the hell should I vote for a political party that DEFENDS companies and corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries only to sell the products to me at outrageous prices....AND get a tax break to do so?

I asked this question a couple of years ago, the first time I had to talk to Sanji on the phone.

"There are many reasons foreign corporations are seeking to defeat Democratic candidates this November. The Chamber has repeatedly sent out issue alerts attacking Democratic efforts to encourage businesses to hire locally rather than outsource to foreign counties."

My answer to why working people continue to vote against their own best interest and the best interest of their country is the anger, fear and half-truths that the right is so good at spreading. And they get their opinions from Glenn Beck and Rush.
Will someone please explain to me why the hell should I vote for a political party that DEFENDS companies and corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries only to sell the products to me at outrageous prices....AND get a tax break to do so?
A perfectly legitimate question...but it requires no explanation....
If you're not inclined to vote for Democrats, don't...its understandable that you'd not want to vote for those that send jobs overseas,... and in many cases, force businesses to manufacture out of the country....

The U.S. already has one of the most punitive corporate tax regimes in the world and a Dem. advocated tax increase would make that competitive disadvantage much worse, accelerating the outsourcing of jobs.

American companies pay the corporate tax rate in the host country where the subsidiary is located and then pay the difference between the U.S. rate (35%) and the foreign rate when they bring profits back to the U.S.

The effective combined U.S. federal and state tax rate on new capital investment, taking into account all credits and deductions, is 35%. The OECD average is 19.5% and the world average is 18%.

As long as the U.S. corporate tax is 50% higher than it is elsewhere, companies will invest in other countries all other things being equal.

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I asked this question a couple of years ago, the first time I had to talk to Sanji on the phone.

"There are many reasons foreign corporations are seeking to defeat Democratic candidates this November. The Chamber has repeatedly sent out issue alerts attacking Democratic efforts to encourage businesses to hire locally rather than outsource to foreign counties."

My answer to why working people continue to vote against their own best interest and the best interest of their country is the anger, fear and half-truths that the right is so good at spreading. And they get their opinions from Glenn Beck and Rush.

Boom! There it is! Thanks for the link.
Just like you Clarabelle....if you wanted the far left-wing, socialist answer to your question, why not just go to the far left links...you're more than familiar with them...
Think progress.....Huffington.....what the fuck, go right to the DNC and get what you want to hear.....and stop wasting the time of the rest of us.....you don't want the right and correct answer, you want the Obama answer.....

You crave the pinhead, peckerhead opinions, just google and leave this debate site completely.....
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Will someone please explain to me why the hell should I vote for a political party that DEFENDS companies and corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries only to sell the products to me at outrageous prices....AND get a tax break to do so?

A perfectly legitimate question...but it requires no explanation....

I'm not asking for an explanation per se, I'm asking for compelling facts and/or reasons as to why I should be motivated to vote for a political group that is protecting corporations acting against the employment interest of the American public.

If you're not inclined to vote for Democrats, don't...its understandable that you'd not want to vote for those that send jobs overseas,... and in many cases, force businesses to manufacture out of the country....

You're ignoring the FACT that it was the GOP that filibustered and then voted down in lock step(with the help of 4 Dems) a motion that would have provided an incentive for corporations NOT to outsource jobs during times of economic turmoil. Couple that with the White House proposal to put out a tax incentive to companies that generate jobs at home, and it would be a relief to a LOT of people out there.

The U.S. already has one of the most punitive corporate tax regimes in the world and a Dem. advocated tax increase would make that competitive disadvantage much worse, accelerating the outsourcing of jobs.

Sorry, but, "The Dems made me do it" isn't going to cut it. Citi and AT&T both outsourced their 24/7 customer services a couple of years ago....and they have been making serious profit DESPITE our economic downturn. If you can provide documented, fact based proof that both entities ENTIRE economic life hinged on that change, then you might have a case. And then you would STILL have to explain to me why the American public via federal taxes should cover their expenses for outsourcing by giving them tax breaks.

American companies pay the corporate tax rate in the host country where the subsidiary is located and then pay the difference between the U.S. rate (35%) and the foreign rate when they bring profits back to the U.S.

The effective combined U.S. federal and state tax rate on new capital investment, taking into account all credits and deductions, is 35%. The OECD average is 19.5% and the world average is 18%.

As long as the U.S. corporate tax is 50% higher than it is elsewhere, companies will invest in other countries all other things being equal.


Now THINK about what you just posted....you just laid out all the expenses entailed for outsourcing.....so the logical question is that since you have people in your home country quite capable of performing the same task (and WITHOUT a heavy, sometimes hard to understand accent), WHY GO THROUGH THAT ADDITIONAL EXPENSE? And since the pay scale for outsourced personnel, say customer service to India, is a HELL of a lot lower than in America, with SERIOUS changes regarding benefits....the corporations are doing it SOLELY for the bucks! Yes, they are avoiding taxes....by having a tax break (our Federal tax dollars picking up the slack) for outsourcing their IT and HR support....and then including the service in the fees they charge customers.

So the corporation makes a profit, gets the American public to pay for the effort, charges the American public for the service, and deprives Americans that could use the jobs.

America's COLA is higher than anywhere else....as is our consumption of world resources, as is our pay scale, etc., etc. But that is no excuse for outsourcing while purely for a profit margin IN ADDITION to a hefty profit rate.
I asked this question a couple of years ago, the first time I had to talk to Sanji on the phone.

"There are many reasons foreign corporations are seeking to defeat Democratic candidates this November. The Chamber has repeatedly sent out issue alerts attacking Democratic efforts to encourage businesses to hire locally rather than outsource to foreign counties."

My answer to why working people continue to vote against their own best interest and the best interest of their country is the anger, fear and half-truths that the right is so good at spreading. And they get their opinions from Glenn Beck and Rush.

Why do working people continue to vote against their own best interests?

It's because they know they won't get anything back from the taxes they pay so they don't want to pay taxes. The Repubs have made it clear government is not there to help so the people know that even if they pay taxes to programs as soon as the Repubs take office they will cut or refuse to implement those programs.

One only has to remember Cheney's infamous words regarding the war with Iraq. "It was an option and we could afford it."

Is there anyone here who has benefited from the Iraq war? Tax dollars paid by each and every citizen was used with absolutely no benefit to the average person so it's natural people will vote for a government which offers the lowest taxes.

That's part of the concern behind HCR. The benefits of a universal plan is beyond debate. We have dozens of countries and the citizens in every country that has a universal plan, without exception, insist on keeping it. The problem is the adjustments people are making leading up to certain benefits coming into effect is no guarantee they will come into effect. In other words how can they believe/trust the government when the opposition is doing all it can to prevent such benefits coming into effect? How can they count on the government for anything when an election can negate what one government tries to implement?

So, the only alternative the average person sees is to constantly vote for lower taxes and expect nothing even though not only would they would benefit greatly from government programs but the dollars they are now paying offer little in return.

Hopefully, if Obama can manage to stay in office and the HCR benefits have a chance to come into effect the discussion will be moot as once citizens realize the benefits there will be no turning back.
Why do working people continue to vote against their own best interests?

It's because they know they won't get anything back from the taxes they pay so they don't want to pay taxes. The Repubs have made it clear government is not there to help so the people know that even if they pay taxes to programs as soon as the Repubs take office they will cut or refuse to implement those programs.

One only has to remember Cheney's infamous words regarding the war with Iraq. "It was an option and we could afford it."

Is there anyone here who has benefited from the Iraq war? Tax dollars paid by each and every citizen was used with absolutely no benefit to the average person so it's natural people will vote for a government which offers the lowest taxes.

That's part of the concern behind HCR. The benefits of a universal plan is beyond debate. We have dozens of countries and the citizens in every country that has a universal plan, without exception, insist on keeping it. The problem is the adjustments people are making leading up to certain benefits coming into effect is no guarantee they will come into effect. In other words how can they believe/trust the government when the opposition is doing all it can to prevent such benefits coming into effect? How can they count on the government for anything when an election can negate what one government tries to implement?

So, the only alternative the average person sees is to constantly vote for lower taxes and expect nothing even though not only would they would benefit greatly from government programs but the dollars they are now paying offer little in return.

Hopefully, if Obama can manage to stay in office and the HCR benefits have a chance to come into effect the discussion will be moot as once citizens realize the benefits there will be no turning back.

Name one social program the Republicans cut.

Edit: It's damn near a rhetorical question because Republicans don't cut sh*t, they only spend.

And dude, the whole issue with supposedly 'voting against one's economic interest' isn't because people think they won't get anything from the government so they might as well vote for lower taxes (where did you come up with that one?). It's the social issues. Issues like abortion and guns and gays that lower income whites supposedly vote for the GOP on against "against their economic interest".
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Will someone please explain to me why the hell should I vote for a political party that DEFENDS companies and corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries only to sell the products to me at outrageous prices....AND get a tax break to do so?

Hmmm, maybe because the candidates are usually either democrats or republicans? And both parties do what you described?
Just like you Clarabelle....if you wanted the far left-wing, socialist answer to your question, why not just go to the far left links...you're more than familiar with them...
Think progress.....Huffington.....what the fuck, go right to the DNC and get what you want to hear.....and stop wasting the time of the rest of us.....you don't want the right and correct answer, you want the Obama answer.....

You crave the pinhead, peckerhead opinions, just google and leave this debate site completely.....

To whom are you responding to?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Will someone please explain to me why the hell should I vote for a political party that DEFENDS companies and corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries only to sell the products to me at outrageous prices....AND get a tax break to do so?

Hmmm, maybe because the candidates are usually either democrats or republicans? And both parties do what you described?

But that is NOT the case in this instance. And given the GOP history of Reaganomics these past 30 years (with an assist from Clinton), I fail to see why I should NOW vote for the GOP when they voted to support outsourcing during high unemployment and getting a tax break to do so.
Just like you Clarabelle....if you wanted the far left-wing, socialist answer to your question, why not just go to the far left links...you're more than familiar with them...
Think progress.....Huffington.....what the fuck, go right to the DNC and get what you want to hear.....and stop wasting the time of the rest of us.....you don't want the right and correct answer, you want the Obama answer.....

You crave the pinhead, peckerhead opinions, just google and leave this debate site completely.....

So you get your 'truth' from Faux news? You don't understand the danger foreign interests represent when it starts influencing our elections? No you don't because Beck and Hannity are lying to you. You're a brainwashed fascist idiot.
So you get your 'truth' from Faux news? You don't understand the danger foreign interests represent when it starts influencing our elections? No you don't because Beck and Hannity are lying to you. You're a brainwashed fascist idiot.
Thats quite a stupid accusation....
I don't cite or quote Hannity or Fox News at all, while you, being the pinhead you are, cite the far-left website, "thinkprogress" as your source for "truth"....talk about being brainwashed............

The only one sucking up the lies seems to be you...
You and your pinhead friends didn't worry about foreign influence in elections back when Clinton was pocketing money from the Red Chinese Military...when
Johnny Chung handed a $50,000 check to Maggie Williams, Hillary Clinton's chief of staff in 1995 and later admitted that the money came directly from the hands of Gen. Ji, then head of the PLA military intelligence department.
Ji handed the money to Chung with the famous words," We like your president (Clinton). We want him re-elected." ......and that makes you and your friend Darla hypocritical assholes AND ignorant pinheads....