A simple question

Thats quite a stupid accusation....
I don't cite or quote Hannity or Fox News at all, while you, being the pinhead you are, cite the far-left website, "thinkprogress" as your source for "truth"....talk about being brainwashed............

The only one sucking up the lies seems to be you...
You and your pinhead friends didn't worry about foreign influence in elections back when Clinton was pocketing money from the Red Chinese Military...when
Johnny Chung handed a $50,000 check to Maggie Williams, Hillary Clinton's chief of staff in 1995 and later admitted that the money came directly from the hands of Gen. Ji, then head of the PLA military intelligence department.
Ji handed the money to Chung with the famous words," We like your president (Clinton). We want him re-elected." ......and that makes you and your friend Darla hypocritical assholes AND ignorant pinheads....

We've be down this road with you too many times, Bravo. You demonize "Think Progress" but YOU CAN NEVER FACTUALLY OR LOGICALLY DISPROVE THE ITEM/ARTICLE PRESENTED BY Think Progress.

Then you change the subject by regurgitating some old Rovian mantra about Slick Willy.....usually half the story or a complete distortion without any source documentation.....which ALWAYS raises the question as to what news sources YOU deem valid.

But FYI: the recent Citizen's United decision by the SCOTUS that the GOP and conservatives at large defend allows corporations to donate to campaigns WITHOUT IDENTIFIYING THEMSELVES...AND FOR CAMPAIGN FUNDING ORGANIZATIONS NOT TO DISCLOSE WHERE THEY GET THEIR DONATIONS (BE THEY FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC).

Now, that being said, what's your response to the following?

Another simple question.

Can any of you morons explain to me why I should support any party that doesn't allow parents to decide where their kids go to school, regardless of socioeconomic status? Why should I support any party that enacts policies where only the affluent or wealthy can have a choice in where people's kids go to school?

Why should I support any party that takes away my right to plan for my own retirement in its entirety? Why should I be forced to "purchase" a retirement plan that has diminshing rewards, and not be able to use those moneys to invest as I please?

Can anyone tell me why I should support a party that claims "right to choose" except where my kids go to school, how I invest my own money for my retirement or whether or not I can smoke pot, own a gun, or can decide whether two people can marry or not?

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Newsflash, both parties are rights restricting monsters, and when you align with either of them, you align with both of them.

Stop being such willful lemmings. You're all idiots.
Another simple question.

Can any of you morons explain to me why I should support any party that doesn't allow parents to decide where their kids go to school, regardless of socioeconomic status? Why should I support any party that enacts policies where only the affluent or wealthy can have a choice in where people's kids go to school?

Why should I support any party that takes away my right to plan for my own retirement in its entirety? Why should I be forced to "purchase" a retirement plan that has diminshing rewards, and not be able to use those moneys to invest as I please?

Can anyone tell me why I should support a party that claims "right to choose" except where my kids go to school, how I invest my own money for my retirement or whether or not I can smoke pot, own a gun, or can decide whether two people can marry or not?

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Newsflash, both parties are rights restricting monsters, and when you align with either of them, you align with both of them.

Stop being such willful lemmings. You're all idiots.

Can anyone tell me why you bother to live in such a godforsaken country that you clearly hate when, for the price of a new bike, you could go and live somewhere else?
Why should you?
Why shouldn't you?
Can anyone tell me why you bother to live in such a godforsaken country that you clearly hate when, for the price of a new bike, you could go and live somewhere else?
Why should you?
Why shouldn't you?

Because I don't have a passport.
Name one social program the Republicans cut.

The Repubs wanted to privatize SS. There is talk about repealing the HCR. Who voted against extending unemployment benefits claiming people won't look for jobs?

What a joke! I did a quick calculation re: UI benefits. A person making $500/wk would receive $231/wk on UI. Wow! What a party! Let the good times roll. :palm:

And dude, the whole issue with supposedly 'voting against one's economic interest' isn't because people think they won't get anything from the government so they might as well vote for lower taxes (where did you come up with that one?).

I came up with that one because that's the GOP's mantra, lower taxes. Look at the mileage they tried to get from Joe the Plumber.

Just take health care as one example. How can anyone possibly feel they have sufficient money knowing one illness could bankrupt them? Is it any wonder people are greedy and selfish knowing they may confront a situation where they are unable to pay for medication, let alone an operation?


Name one social program the Republicans cut.

Edit: It's damn near a rhetorical question because Republicans don't cut sh*t, they only spend.

And dude, the whole issue with supposedly 'voting against one's economic interest' isn't because people think they won't get anything from the government so they might as well vote for lower taxes (where did you come up with that one?). It's the social issues. Issues like abortion and guns and gays that lower income whites supposedly vote for the GOP on against "against their economic interest".
We've be down this road with you too many times, Bravo. You demonize "Think Progress" but YOU CAN NEVER FACTUALLY OR LOGICALLY DISPROVE THE ITEM/ARTICLE PRESENTED BY Think Progress.

I presented my views in post 8, I don't have to disprove any bullshit from thinkprogress.....who the fuck are they, other than a far-left propaganda site...

Then you change the subject by regurgitating some old Rovian mantra about Slick Willy.....usually half the story or a complete distortion without any source documentation.....which ALWAYS raises the question as to what news sources YOU deem valid.

And I didn't change the subject...Crashk brought up the subject of Fox news and foreign money....and I just pointed the obvious hypocritical bullshit spewed from the lefties .... their short memories and double standards...]

But FYI: the recent Citizen's United decision by the SCOTUS that the GOP and conservatives at large defend allows corporations to donate to campaigns WITHOUT IDENTIFIYING THEMSELVES...AND FOR CAMPAIGN FUNDING ORGANIZATIONS NOT TO DISCLOSE WHERE THEY GET THEIR DONATIONS (BE THEY FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC).
Corporations or unions may not give money directly to campaigns, they may seek to persuade the voting public through other means, including ads, especially where these ads were not broadcast.

Now, that being said, what's your response to the following?
YOU need to do a little research...or STFU
Another simple question.

Can any of you morons explain to me why I should support any party that doesn't allow parents to decide where their kids go to school, regardless of socioeconomic status? Why should I support any party that enacts policies where only the affluent or wealthy can have a choice in where people's kids go to school?

Why should I support any party that takes away my right to plan for my own retirement in its entirety? Why should I be forced to "purchase" a retirement plan that has diminshing rewards, and not be able to use those moneys to invest as I please?

Can anyone tell me why I should support a party that claims "right to choose" except where my kids go to school, how I invest my own money for my retirement or whether or not I can smoke pot, own a gun, or can decide whether two people can marry or not?

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Newsflash, both parties are rights restricting monsters, and when you align with either of them, you align with both of them.

Stop being such willful lemmings. You're all idiots.

Sorry Beefy, but you can't bullshit your way past this. Ask any grade school, high school or college teacher and they will tell you that you do not answer a question with a question.

Answer my question first, and then I can address all your other complaints/questions.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
We've be down this road with you too many times, Bravo. You demonize "Think Progress" but YOU CAN NEVER FACTUALLY OR LOGICALLY DISPROVE THE ITEM/ARTICLE PRESENTED BY Think Progress.

I presented my views in post 8, I don't have to disprove any bullshit from thinkprogress.....who the fuck are they, other than a far-left propaganda site...

Repeating yourself won't magically validate what you say, Bravo. Again, YOUR OPINION ALONE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR A FACT BASED CRITIQUE OF INFORMATION PRESENTED FROM A SOURCE. Any imbecile can claim something is wrong....proving it is something else entirely. Until you can logically and factually prove the information presented in Think Progress wrong, you're just blowing smoke.

Then you change the subject by regurgitating some old Rovian mantra about Slick Willy.....usually half the story or a complete distortion without any source documentation.....which ALWAYS raises the question as to what news sources YOU deem valid.

And I didn't change the subject...Crashk brought up the subject of Fox news and foreign money....and I just pointed the obvious hypocritical bullshit spewed from the lefties .... their short memories and double standards...]

Not quite, as the chronology of the posts shows. Crashk was giving out information that is appropo to my question, Citizens United decision and the Chamber of Commerce. Obviously, you are not up on current events.

But FYI: the recent Citizen's United decision by the SCOTUS that the GOP and conservatives at large defend allows corporations to donate to campaigns WITHOUT IDENTIFIYING THEMSELVES...AND FOR CAMPAIGN FUNDING ORGANIZATIONS NOT TO DISCLOSE WHERE THEY GET THEIR DONATIONS (BE THEY FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC).

Corporations or unions may not give money directly to campaigns, they may seek to persuade the voting public through other means, including ads, especially where these ads were not broadcast.

Obviously, you didn't read the final decision for Citizens United....please do, because it's a game changer that obviously YOU are not aware of. I strongly urge you to do some research regarding the Chamber of Commerce recent actions in relation to the Citizens United decision. I would source some news paper articles to clue you in, but since you're vague as to what you consider a valid news source (or what news sources you determine your infomation on), I rather not waste the time.

Now, that being said, what's your response to the following?

YOU need to do a little research...or STFUhttp://www.justplainpolitics.com/sho...5&postcount=11

I did my research, Bravo, and I backed it up with links to research that documents it's articles. That you refuse to read it makes all your protestations irrelevent. I linked back to the post where you actually presented your point of view in a rational manner....and I responded accordingly. Let's continue along that venue......I won't respond to any further irrational outburst from you.
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I did my research, Bravo, and I backed it up with links to research that documents it's articles. That you refuse to read it makes all your protestations irrelevent. I linked back to the post where you actually presented your point of view in a rational manner....and I responded accordingly. Let's continue along that venue......I won't respond to any further irrational outburst from you.
"ThinkProgress" isn't a source, Pinhead....its the opinion of a far-left internet blogger.....it has no more validity than any other opinion....
I don't have to prove it false...maybe you need to prove it true?
Would the same opinion from another far-left website be proof ?....lol

Incidentally....I did give you a source...


at lease as valid as 'thinkprogress'
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"ThinkProgress" isn't a source, Pinhead....its the opinion of a far-left internet blogger.....it has no more validity than any other opinion....
I don't have to prove it false...maybe you need to prove it true?
Would the same opinion from another far-left website be proof ?....lol

Incidentally....I did give you a source...


at lease as valid as 'thinkprogress'

You can't prove this is false because it is Fact. Fact - Citizens United ruling. Fact - U.S. Chamber of Commerce is soliciting foreign corporate money for the purpose of putting Americans out of work. These are Facts. If you choose to believe the corporate propaganda that's up to you. But understand that you are being played.
You can't prove this is false because it is Fact. Fact - Citizens United ruling. Fact - U.S. Chamber of Commerce is soliciting foreign corporate money for the purpose of putting Americans out of work. These are Facts. If you choose to believe the corporate propaganda that's up to you. But understand that you are being played.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce is soliciting foreign corporate money
for the purpose of putting Americans out of work.

Really....you really believe the USCofC....is purposely trying to put American workers out of work...????
U.S. Chamber of Commerce is soliciting foreign corporate money
for the purpose of putting Americans out of work.

Really....you really believe the USCofC....is purposely trying to put American workers out of work...????

Yes I believe the Republicon party and the U.S.CofC are working to put Americans out of work with the ultimate goal of turning the U.S. into a poor 3rd world country. Proof?
Lets start here...

Washington (CNN) – Senate Republicans successfully blocked a bill from coming to the Senate floor Tuesday that Democrats claim would help keep American jobs from going overseas.
Republicans call it nothing more than a pre-election political ploy.
The Democratic bill would have ended certain tax breaks for companies expanding overseas while giving new tax incentives to businesses bringing jobs home..."

I think it's time to start looking out for American jobs instead of corporate profits. This election offers a clear choice between a party that favors outsourcing our jobs and a party that supports the working class. It's just that simple.
"ThinkProgress" isn't a source, Pinhead....its the opinion of a far-left internet blogger.....it has no more validity than any other opinion....
I don't have to prove it false...maybe you need to prove it true?
Would the same opinion from another far-left website be proof ?....lol

Incidentally....I did give you a source...


at lease as valid as 'thinkprogress'

See folks, Bravo is a PRIME example of the intellectually bankrupt fools that support the current neocon/tea bagger cabal.

What they can't disprove or refute, they ignore and then state that what they didn't read is wrong!:confused:

The nuns in my grade school would have slapped Bravo silly for his excuse for not doing his homework properly before giving a report.

Here folks, is when I challenged the one rational discussion from Bravo. Clearly, that challenge was too much for him to bear.

I've explained myself in post 8.....my opinion is as valid as the opinion of your left-wing website....I should prove them wrong?....maybe they should prove me wrong... You drink the koolaid from the lefties without question because you're a pinhead..... I gave no links..to..right wing or tea party sites.

I don't mind, your free to be a pinhead....and the rest of us are free to enjoy it....
You're dismissed.
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Your excuse in post #8 is just proof you would rather outsource production to low wage countries instead of working to build a strong America. Tax rates on your investment gods have been higher in the past and have actually helped the economy. You can't say your buddies in Bush's Base haven't gotten their tax breaks over the last 30 years. Since you favor communist slave labor over Americans then this country should apply stiff tariffs to every product not produced here in order to protect our workforce . Or, not trade with countries who employ slave labor. But that won't work for you Republicons because you get millions of slush money from them to influence our elections so you can continue to milk this country like a cash cow.

You're demoted. Get out.
I've explained myself in post 8.....my opinion is as valid as the opinion of your left-wing website....I should prove them wrong?....maybe they should prove me wrong... You drink the koolaid from the lefties without question because you're a pinhead..... I gave no links..to..right wing or tea party sites.

I don't mind, your free to be a pinhead....and the rest of us are free to enjoy it....
You're dismissed.


Folks, just read Post #11......I carefully responded point for point Bravo's "explanation" To date, he has not followed suit....instead he just babbles the childish retorts you see above.......while STILL spewing the idiocy that he doesn't have to read content of a source to comment on it.

Bravo's not psychic.....just slightly psychotic. A simple question just blew his mind.
:cof1::tongout:Your longwinded bulllshit in #11 is literally a joke....the ONLY point you make is....business uses
"outsourcing purely for a profit"......No shit? really? Did you learn that recently ?

Yep....business is in business, "purely for a profit"......that includes the cost of labor, the cost of material, the cost of all overhead.....

I'm so glad you finally learned that simple fact.....its been a fact for 10,000 years or however long ago Peter sold Paul a fish......

What did you think before this revelation....? Did you think the business of business was so folks could dress up and visit in a big building? Did you think business existed for your benefit....?

Use this for your next post.....:igive:
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:cof1::tongout:Your longwinded bulllshit in #11 is literally a joke....the ONLY point you make is....business uses
"outsourcing purely for a profit"......No shit? really? Did you learn that recently ?

Yep....business is in business, "purely for a profit"......that includes the cost of labor, the cost of material, the cost of all overhead.....

I'm so glad you finally learned that simple fact.....its been a fact for 10,000 years or however long ago Peter sold Paul a fish......

What did you think before this revelation....? Did you think the business of business was so folks could dress up and visit in a big building? Did you think business existed for your benefit....?

Use this for your next post.....:igive:

Notice folks, how our intellectually impotent Bravo AVOIDS the points in post #11 by falsely focusing on one aspect of my responses.

Bravo STILL cannot justify corporations outsourcing jobs that can be done by Americans during an economic crisis stemming years....Bravos STILL cannot justify American taxpayers covering the corporations cost of outsourcing set-ups by granting them a tax break. Bravo STill cannot justify the reasoning for the GOP to DEFEND these corporations......who in turn want Americans to buy their products at current prices.

Yes, corporations make a profit......but if they do it by screwing over the American consumer and by exploiting the working conditions of other countries, then they are NOT a good corporation...and they must be held accountable.

But Bravo is either a good little soldier that never questions orders or a talkative whore for the corporate greed. Either way, he's not very bright.
Notice folks, how our intellectually impotent Bravo AVOIDS the points in post #11 by falsely focusing on one aspect of my responses.

Bravo STILL cannot justify corporations outsourcing jobs that can be done by Americans during an economic crisis stemming years....Bravos STILL cannot justify American taxpayers covering the corporations cost of outsourcing set-ups by granting them a tax break. Bravo STill cannot justify the reasoning for the GOP to DEFEND these corporations......who in turn want Americans to buy their products at current prices.

Yes, corporations make a profit......but if they do it by screwing over the American consumer and by exploiting the working conditions of other countries, then they are NOT a good corporation...and they must be held accountable.

But Bravo is either a good little soldier that never questions orders or a talkative whore for the corporate greed. Either way, he's not very bright.
I have heard that we have lost 4200 manufacturing plants over the last decade! I knew it was a great many, but the number staggered me!