A simple question

"I don't care if they pay their CEO $10 billion a year, if he's doing his job and creating a profit for the shareholders. You shouldn't either, but you are jealous, you want to get your hands on their money, because you are a socialist communist pig who doesn't know how to earn your own money."

What about the workers? They don't count in your version. They are to be used and buried like slaves in the Old South. As long as shareholders in China get their profits you are happy. Your glorious vision has made economic slaves of workers in this country in the past and you are too brainwashed to see it happening again. I believe you want the U.S. to become a 3rd world country and China's toadie.

Well said!
"I don't care if they pay their CEO $10 billion a year, if he's doing his job and creating a profit for the shareholders. You shouldn't either, but you are jealous, you want to get your hands on their money, because you are a socialist communist pig who doesn't know how to earn your own money."

What about the workers? They don't count in your version. They are to be used and buried like slaves in the Old South. As long as shareholders in China get their profits you are happy. Your glorious vision has made economic slaves of workers in this country in the past and you are too brainwashed to see it happening again. I believe you want the U.S. to become a 3rd world country and China's toadie.

It's not "my version" it's how capitalism works. Corporations are there to make a profit, plain and simple. If they don't make a profit, they go out of business. I want workers to have decent jobs, you want to saddle corporations with so much burden and union labor costs, pensions, etc. that they can't make a profit unless they outsource the jobs. No union worker in this country is an economic slave, they make sickening amounts of money for the work they do. That's where the main problem lies, they make way too much money, compared to the rest of the world's labor force. This is why corporations outsource. You want to stop outsourcing? Do something about collective bargaining!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The fable that "it's the union's fault" doesn't wash for simple reasons: corporations like Intel are not heavily unionized, yet they outsource. Companies and corporations in the Southern states of the USA have far less (than 10%?) unionization than their Northern counterparts....yet they outsource. In the last 20 years we've seen record layoffs in such corps like IBM....yet we've seen record profits and increases in salaries for ceo's and management. Add on the bonehead moves of NAFTA and CAFTA. Bottom line: the corporations that outsource do it for sheer profit motive of shareholders owners, investors.....the working force is NOT a major concern so long as it produces cheaply.

Which doesn't do a hell of a lot of good for the working force...who are consumers in this society. Re-inventing the wheel without addressing a major flaw (i.e., corporate greed and indifference to workers rights/benefits)
doesn't work.

The logical question is that since you have people in your home country quite capable of performing the same task (and WITHOUT a heavy, sometimes hard to understand accent), WHY GO THROUGH THAT ADDITIONAL EXPENSE? And since the pay scale for outsourced personnel, say customer service to India, is a HELL of a lot lower than in America, with SERIOUS changes regarding benefits....the corporations are doing it SOLELY for the bucks! Yes, they are avoiding taxes....by having a tax break (our Federal tax dollars picking up the slack) for outsourcing their IT and HR support....and then including the service in the fees they charge customers.

So the corporation makes a profit, gets the American public to pay for the effort, charges the American public for the service, and deprives Americans that could use the jobs.

America's COLA is higher than anywhere else....as is our consumption of world resources, as is our pay scale, etc., etc. But that is no excuse for outsourcing while purely for a profit margin IN ADDITION to a hefty profit rate.

It's like you're saying: I don't do much laundry at home, but I go to the laundry mat. Therefore, my going to the laundry mat is not because I don't do much laundry at home. It makes no sense, except inside your convoluted pinhead. Companies who are outsourcing are not unionized, there is nothing to unionize, the labor jobs are outsourced, dumbass! If they hired workers in America to do the labor, they would most certainly become unionized, because that happens to every manufacturing sector industry out there.

Your analogy, a collection of convoluted logic, indeed makes no sense....as the chronology of the posts shows, YOU and folk of your mindset directly blame labor unions for the reason of corporate outsourcing....and then you try to give yourself weasel room by alluding to the high cost of American labor (i.e. benfits, pensions) as the blame. Well toodles, as history tells us, labor unions in America were responsible for establishing the 5 day work week, benefits, pensions, coffee breaks, etc. FOR ALL BUSINESS, private & public via lobbying the Fed. But when I point out how that logically is NOT the case, as you have corporations that are NOT unionized, yet they outsource, YOU babble on about a moot point. In short, your smoke screen isn't working.

And Two things I totally agree with you on. CAFTA and NAFTA were not good ideas for America. I opposed them when they were signed into law. Do you want to repeal them? Write to your Congressman, send a letter to Barack! I don't know what to tell you on that, looks like we are stuck with those whether we like it or not. The other point I agree with you on is, Corporations are most certainly in business to make profits. That is what they do. Now, if you want to force them to make less profit, that's not good for jobs and economic prosperity, so I would have to disagree with you on that. I want corporations to make profits, lots and lots of profits, the more the better. I don't care if they pay their CEO $10 billion a year, if he's doing his job and creating a profit for the shareholders. You shouldn't either, but you are jealous, you want to get your hands on their money, because you are a socialist communist pig who doesn't know how to earn your own money.

Once again, you squawk the party line that basically condones the BS we are seeing now.....CEO's making obscene personal profit as THEIR COMPANIES FAIL! Corporations outsourcing jobs during an economic near-depression WHILE REMAINING A USA company and then EXPECTING THE AMERICAN CONSUMER TO BUY THEIR PRODUCT TO MAINTAIN THE ECONOMY.

As I pointed out before....in the last 30 years you've had corporations/manufaturers do some heavy lay offs....and the management/shareholders make a profit. As if that's not bad enough, then they want YOU AND I to cover their asses with TAX breaks while they outsource jobs that could be done here.

Staunch white collar job, middle class folks who played by the rules and saved their money have been SCREWED by this corporate mindset...and the lower middle class to working class people are getting it in the neck even more. But management/shareholders/investors are sure as hell doing better....the working people who make their lives possible be damned. The corporation may be doing well....but NOT by the American people at large.

You and I are fortunate to be able to afford time and money to screw around on......there are MANY who are not. YOU may not give a damn....I do. Which is why I STILL do not have a decent explanation as to why I should support a political party that defends outsourcing? Why should I support the screwing over the many for the profit of a few?
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Your analogy, a collection of convoluted logic, indeed makes no sense....as the chronology of the posts shows, YOU and folk of your mindset directly blame labor unions for the reason of corporate outsourcing....and then you try to give yourself weasel room by alluding to the high cost of American labor (i.e. benfits, pensions) as the blame. Well toodles, as history tells us, labor unions in America were responsible for establishing the 5 day work week, benefits, pensions, coffee breaks, etc. FOR ALL BUSINESS, private & public via lobbying the Fed. But when I point out how that logically is NOT the case, as you have corporations that are NOT unionized, yet they outsource, YOU babble on about a moot point. In short, your smoke screen isn't working.

You point out that companies who are not unionized are outsourcing, but since they are outsourcing labor, and unions don't operate in China, there is no unionization of the outsourced labor. I don't understand your irrelevant point. A company that doesn't employ American workers, and instead, outsources those jobs, has no need to unionize, there are no jobs to unionize! If they didn't outsource, and instead, hired American workers, they would indeed be unionized.

Once again, you squawk the party line that basically condones the BS we are seeing now.....CEO's making obscene personal profit as THEIR COMPANIES FAIL! Corporations outsourcing jobs during an economic near-depression WHILE REMAINING A USA company and then EXPECTING THE AMERICAN CONSUMER TO BUY THEIR PRODUCT TO MAINTAIN THE ECONOMY.

Yep, I totally condone American corporations making huge and massive profits! That means their stockholders are benefiting with high returns on investment. Now, stockholders are people who own stock in the company, like little old ladies and little old men who have 401k plans, mostly. So, high profits for the corporation are good. Generally speaking, CEOs are paid on the basis of company profits, so if the company is going bankrupt, the CEO is probably not making a lot, and is probably soon to be looking for another job somewhere, unless the corporation is considered "too big to fail" by the Democrat Congress, and given a massive taxpayer-funded bailout.

As I pointed out before....in the last 30 years you've had corporations/manufaturers do some heavy lay offs....and the management/shareholders make a profit. As if that's not bad enough, then they want YOU AND I to cover their asses with TAX breaks while they outsource jobs that could be done here.

Staunch white collar job, middle class folks who played by the rules and saved their money have been SCREWED by this corporate mindset...and the lower middle class to working class people are getting it in the neck even more. But management/shareholders/investors are sure as hell doing better....the working people who make their lives possible be damned. The corporation may be doing well....but NOT by the American people at large.

You know, it occurs to me, you need to be angry at the Democrats who have controlled congress for the past 4 years, and the white house the past 2. If this is such a dire problem, isn't it the people in charge of Congress who are to blame? What are they doing about it? What do you expect us to do about it? We don't control congress! It's the Democrats who keep bailing these people out with our tax dollars, but you don't seem to want to hold them accountable for that. Also, if a corporation is laying off people, they aren't making a profit, they are losing money, which is why they have to lay people off. If they are outsourcing jobs, it's because that is cheaper for them to do than hiring union workers here to do the labor. Corporations are always going to do whatever makes the most profit for them and their stockholders. That's how capitalism works.

You and I are fortunate to be able to afford time and money to screw around on......there are MANY who are not. YOU may not give a damn....I do. Which is why I STILL do not have a decent explanation as to why I should support a political party that defends outsourcing? Why should I support the screwing over the many for the profit of a few?

Oh, I give a damn, it's just that you're an idiot with an idiotic idea of how to solve the problem, and I am not. It's your political party in charge, lobby them to do something, don't bring this shit to me, I have no political power to do anything about it, Republicans don't control a single branch of government at the moment. It's your party that decided corporations were "too big to fail" and forked over billions to bail them out, not mine. I would have let them fail, and let the capitalist system work. With outsourcing, the solution is even simpler, ease the burden on corporations hiring American workers, do something about unionized labor's collective bargaining, which has driven US labor out of the capitalist market. It stands to reason, if you make it easier for the corporation to make a profit by hiring American workers, that's what they will do. But you seem to want to vilify corporations and saddle them with more and more burden and taxation, out of sheer jealousy and class envy. That's not working to well to create jobs, but since your party is in complete and total power, that's what we are doing now.

I can't tell you why you'd continue to vote for a bunch of academia pinheads who have no corporate business experience, that's your deal, not mine. I plan to support conservatives who understand capitalism and business, and will do things to encourage growth and prosperity. You see... when corporations grow and prosper, they can hire new people, that means new jobs get created.
I asked this question a couple of years ago, the first time I had to talk to Sanji on the phone.

"There are many reasons foreign corporations are seeking to defeat Democratic candidates this November. The Chamber has repeatedly sent out issue alerts attacking Democratic efforts to encourage businesses to hire locally rather than outsource to foreign counties."

My answer to why working people continue to vote against their own best interest and the best interest of their country is the anger, fear and half-truths that the right is so good at spreading. And they get their opinions from Glenn Beck and Rush.

Crashk, i respect you a lot man but I am unemployed for almost two years years but I am not voting for protectionsim. My story is I want to make money and I could care less about Dems and Repubs. While Paritsans argue I'm all about making money.
Your analogy, a collection of convoluted logic, indeed makes no sense....as the chronology of the posts shows, YOU and folk of your mindset directly blame labor unions for the reason of corporate outsourcing....and then you try to give yourself weasel room by alluding to the high cost of American labor (i.e. benfits, pensions) as the blame. Well toodles, as history tells us, labor unions in America were responsible for establishing the 5 day work week, benefits, pensions, coffee breaks, etc. FOR ALL BUSINESS, private & public via lobbying the Fed. But when I point out how that logically is NOT the case, as you have corporations that are NOT unionized, yet they outsource, YOU babble on about a moot point. In short, your smoke screen isn't working.

You point out that companies who are not unionized are outsourcing, but since they are outsourcing labor, and unions don't operate in China, there is no unionization of the outsourced labor.

I don't understand your irrelevant point. A company that doesn't employ American workers, and instead, outsources those jobs, has no need to unionize, there are no jobs to unionize! If they didn't outsource, and instead, hired American workers, they would indeed be unionized.

WTF are you babbling about? I merely point out that its NOT JUST union labor that is in danger. Who told you that union jobs are not being outsourced? THE LABOR IS BEING OUTSOURCED, NOT THE UNION, YOU TWIT! Why do you continue fabricate this dreck of yours as if it's fact? Here, LEARN something before your fingers hit the keys:

The loss of good manufacturing jobs has ripped apart communities and permanently lowered living standards for families throughout the United States, including in Rockford, Ill., 70 miles from Chicago. The northern Illinois city is historically second only to Cleveland as a center for machine tooling, the making of tools used in machine manufacturing.

Machine tooling, which traditionally employs the most highly skilled manufacturing workers including members of the Machinists and UAW, is the bedrock of America’s manufacturing industry.

But the bedrock is crumbling. The Rockford area lost more than 20 percent of its manufacturing jobs—about 10,000—between May 2000 and 2003, according to MBG Information Services President and Economist Charles McMillion’s analysis of Department of Labor data.
General manufacturing jobs have been among those lost in Rockford, including jobs held by Steelworkers Local 745 members at the Goodyear tire plant. USWA members at Goodyear now number 750, down from 1,650 in 1999, before the corporation shipped the jobs to Asia and South America.

Once again, you squawk the party line that basically condones the BS we are seeing now.....CEO's making obscene personal profit as THEIR COMPANIES FAIL! Corporations outsourcing jobs during an economic near-depression WHILE REMAINING A USA company and then EXPECTING THE AMERICAN CONSUMER TO BUY THEIR PRODUCT TO MAINTAIN THE ECONOMY.

Yep, I totally condone American corporations making huge and massive profits! That means their stockholders are benefiting with high returns on investment. Now, stockholders are people who own stock in the company, like little old ladies and little old men who have 401k plans, mostly. So, high profits for the corporation are good. Generally speaking, CEOs are paid on the basis of company profits, so if the company is going bankrupt, the CEO is probably not making a lot, and is probably soon to be looking for another job somewhere, unless the corporation is considered "too big to fail" by the Democrat Congress, and given a massive taxpayer-funded bailout.

Hey genius, Where the fuck have you been for the last two decades? Thanks to deregulation and outsourcing, the stockholders make a profit AT THE EXPENSE OF THE WORKERS. And ONLY the top end of the stockholders make out....or did you miss out on what happened with the S&L Scanal and Enron....and all those folk whose 401K were tied up with them? And what planet where you on when this was happening

Golden Parachutes of the past year
Whether they leave in shame or glory, top executives are retiring in more splendor than ever. Some shareholders are crying foul


As I pointed out before....in the last 30 years you've had corporations/manufaturers do some heavy lay offs....and the management/shareholders make a profit. As if that's not bad enough, then they want YOU AND I to cover their asses with TAX breaks while they outsource jobs that could be done here.

Staunch white collar job, middle class folks who played by the rules and saved their money have been SCREWED by this corporate mindset...and the lower middle class to working class people are getting it in the neck even more. But management/shareholders/investors are sure as hell doing better....the working people who make their lives possible be damned. The corporation may be doing well....but NOT by the American people at large.

You know, it occurs to me, you need to be angry at the Democrats who have controlled congress for the past 4 years, and the white house the past 2.

If this is such a dire problem, isn't it the people in charge of Congress who are to blame? What are they doing about it? What do you expect us to do about it? We don't control congress! It's the Democrats who keep bailing these people out with our tax dollars, but you don't seem to want to hold them accountable for that. Also, if a corporation is laying off people, they aren't making a profit, they are losing money, which is why they have to lay people off. If they are outsourcing jobs, it's because that is cheaper for them to do than hiring union workers here to do the labor. Corporations are always going to do whatever makes the most profit for them and their stockholders. That's how capitalism works.

NO genius, the Dems did NOT have the votes in the Senate to "control" anything in the last 2 years of the Shrub's administration. And the Party of NO has logged record filibusters since Obama took office. Do your homework, will ya? Seems you rely on your ignorance of current events and your opinion as to how things work rather than reality and actual recent history of events. This is why your diatribes are so worthless.

You and I are fortunate to be able to afford time and money to screw around on......there are MANY who are not. YOU may not give a damn....I do. Which is why I STILL do not have a decent explanation as to why I should support a political party that defends outsourcing? Why should I support the screwing over the many for the profit of a few?

Oh, I give a damn, it's just that you're an idiot with an idiotic idea of how to solve the problem, and I am not. It's your political party in charge, lobby them to do something, don't bring this shit to me, I have no political power to do anything about it, Republicans don't control a single branch of government at the moment. It's your party that decided corporations were "too big to fail" and forked over billions to bail them out, not mine. I would have let them fail, and let the capitalist system work. With outsourcing, the solution is even simpler, ease the burden on corporations hiring American workers, do something about unionized labor's collective bargaining, which has driven US labor out of the capitalist market. It stands to reason, if you make it easier for the corporation to make a profit by hiring American workers, that's what they will do. But you seem to want to vilify corporations and saddle them with more and more burden and taxation, out of sheer jealousy and class envy. That's not working to well to create jobs, but since your party is in complete and total power, that's what we are doing now.

I can't tell you why you'd continue to vote for a bunch of academia pinheads who have no corporate business experience, that's your deal, not mine. I plan to support conservatives who understand capitalism and business, and will do things to encourage growth and prosperity. You see... when corporations grow and prosper, they can hire new people, that means new jobs get created.

As you can see folks, I easily discredited this bozo's self inflated opinions as to what's going on in the world with just some easily available facts and reference points. Dummies like Dixie are strong on rhetoric and mantras, but short on dealing with FACTS that totally disprove their ideals. So what we'll see is just a rehash of Dixie's bullhorn on how great the corporate system under GOP rule has been....of which he is obviously willfully ignorant about.
WTF are you babbling about? I merely point out that its NOT JUST union labor that is in danger. Who told you that union jobs are not being outsourced? THE LABOR IS BEING OUTSOURCED, NOT THE UNION, YOU TWIT!

I'm pointing out your logic is convoluted. Companies who outsource, are not unionized, because the AFL-CIO doesn't operate in CHINA! If Acme Widget Company suddenly stopped getting their widgets produced in China, and started making them in the US, their manufacturing facility would almost immediately be unionized, because there is not a manufacturing sector in America that isn't. This would mean, Acme Widgets would have to pay union wages instead of much less expensive Chinese wages, for the same widget production... following me so far, pinhead? Now, maybe there are enough customers who would want to pay 10x more for their widgets than they currently pay, and maybe they wouldn't. If they didn't, Acme Widgets would have to close up shop and lay everyone off. THIS is what has happened to your manufacturing sector jobs, and why outsourcing is so popular these days. If you wish to remain ignorant of that fact, that's up to you... I am merely trying to inform you of something you apparently don't know.

Hey genius, Where the fuck have you been for the last two decades? Thanks to deregulation and outsourcing, the stockholders make a profit AT THE EXPENSE OF THE WORKERS. And ONLY the top end of the stockholders make out....or did you miss out on what happened with the S&L Scanal and Enron....and all those folk whose 401K were tied up with them? And what planet where you on when this was happening.

The S&L scandal and Enron had absolutely NOTHING to do with outsourcing or manufacturing sector jobs. You're talking about "white collar" crimes now, which incidentally occurred on Bill Clinton's watch, and while Democrats controlled Congress.

NO genius, the Dems did NOT have the votes in the Senate to "control" anything in the last 2 years of the Shrub's administration. And the Party of NO has logged record filibusters since Obama took office. Do your homework, will ya? Seems you rely on your ignorance of current events and your opinion as to how things work rather than reality and actual recent history of events. This is why your diatribes are so worthless.

Yes, even when the Republicans briefly had a majority, they also had "The Gang of 14" and RINOs, who routinely voted with Democrats to prevent ANY legislation from passage, unless it had broad bipartisan support. Prior to this, when all of the deregulation was passed, it was done by predominately Democrat congresses. I challenge you to find ONE piece of legislation that has ever been passed by Republicans without the support of any Democrat. It doesn't exist!

As you can see folks, I easily discredited this bozo's self inflated opinions as to what's going on in the world with just some easily available facts and reference points. Dummies like Dixie are strong on rhetoric and mantras, but short on dealing with FACTS that totally disprove their ideals. So what we'll see is just a rehash of Dixie's bullhorn on how great the corporate system under GOP rule has been....of which he is obviously willfully ignorant about.

As the folks can see, you're all hat and no cattle, a typical left-wing blowhard who lacks the competence to debate the most simple of issues. Instead, you resort to repeating rhetoric over and over, in hopes of wearing down your opponent, who eventually just gives up responding to your ridiculousness. I don't really care if you listen to what I've told you or not, you can keep on ranting and raving about something out of sheer ignorance all you like, I can't do anything about that. I made my case, and it stands until you can refute it. We have no manufacturing sector jobs in America because the labor unions drove them away! Corporations are indeed in business to make profits, there is no other reason for them to exist in a capitalist system! You can either accept that, and live with it, or you can fight it and reject it, but you can't make a capitalist Corporation exist for the sole primary purpose of providing jobs and wages for workers. Capitalism doesn't work like that, you want Communism or Fascism.
Crashk, i respect you a lot man but I am unemployed for almost two years years but I am not voting for protectionsim. My story is I want to make money and I could care less about Dems and Repubs. While Paritsans argue I'm all about making money.

I've been there and know what you're going thru. I've got good friends in flooring and construction and roofing and trucking and real estate who are out of work now too. I also know servers and chefs and small business owners who have had to close down because there are no customers. No customers because money is so tight at the local level. If people on the bottom have money they will spend it locally and will boost all local businesses. The trickle-down didn't work, I believe it's time to help Americans get back work and begin a trickle-up. Protectionism to protect American workers - Hell yes!
I've been there and know what you're going thru. I've got good friends in flooring and construction and roofing and trucking and real estate who are out of work now too. I also know servers and chefs and small business owners who have had to close down because there are no customers. No customers because money is so tight at the local level. If people on the bottom have money they will spend it locally and will boost all local businesses. The trickle-down didn't work, I believe it's time to help Americans get back work and begin a trickle-up. Protectionism to protect American workers - Hell yes!
HEll yes!
I've been there and know what you're going thru. I've got good friends in flooring and construction and roofing and trucking and real estate who are out of work now too. I also know servers and chefs and small business owners who have had to close down because there are no customers. No customers because money is so tight at the local level. If people on the bottom have money they will spend it locally and will boost all local businesses. The trickle-down didn't work, I believe it's time to help Americans get back work and begin a trickle-up. Protectionism to protect American workers - Hell yes!

HEll yes!

You're both stupid and clueless when it comes to business economics. Money is tight because people who have money are not spending it. They aren't planning on spending it, because with a rich person, it's all about return on investment... ROI! Everything they do, is based on ROI. If the ROI is not attractive, they don't invest their money. And that is what is currently happening in America, they aren't investing their money. At least, not in American business and economics.
You're both stupid and clueless when it comes to business economics. Money is tight because people who have money are not spending it. They aren't planning on spending it, because with a rich person, it's all about return on investment... ROI! Everything they do, is based on ROI. If the ROI is not attractive, they don't invest their money. And that is what is currently happening in America, they aren't investing their money. At least, not in American business and economics.
Well, then we need to stop the tax cuts, because if the rich aren't spending their money, why are we giving them a break! It is as we have said, trickle down doesn't work. I thought the whole idea of tax breaks was for the rich to spend the money to put the rest of us to work!
Well, then we need to stop the tax cuts, because if the rich aren't spending their money, why are we giving them a break! It is as we have said, trickle down doesn't work. I thought the whole idea of tax breaks was for the rich to spend the money to put the rest of us to work!

Stop tax cuts? When did Obama cut their tax?
Will someone please explain to me why the hell should I vote for a political party that DEFENDS companies and corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries only to sell the products to me at outrageous prices....AND get a tax break to do so?
Simple questions with simple answers....the only kind Republicans do.
I'm pointing out your logic is convoluted. Companies who outsource, are not unionized, because the AFL-CIO doesn't operate in CHINA! If Acme Widget Company suddenly stopped getting their widgets produced in China, and started making them in the US, their manufacturing facility would almost immediately be unionized, because there is not a manufacturing sector in America that isn't. This would mean, Acme Widgets would have to pay union wages instead of much less expensive Chinese wages, for the same widget production... following me so far, pinhead? Now, maybe there are enough customers who would want to pay 10x more for their widgets than they currently pay, and maybe they wouldn't. If they didn't, Acme Widgets would have to close up shop and lay everyone off. THIS is what has happened to your manufacturing sector jobs, and why outsourcing is so popular these days. If you wish to remain ignorant of that fact, that's up to you... I am merely trying to inform you of something you apparently don't know.

The S&L scandal and Enron had absolutely NOTHING to do with outsourcing or manufacturing sector jobs. You're talking about "white collar" crimes now, which incidentally occurred on Bill Clinton's watch, and while Democrats controlled Congress.

Yes, even when the Republicans briefly had a majority, they also had "The Gang of 14" and RINOs, who routinely voted with Democrats to prevent ANY legislation from passage, unless it had broad bipartisan support. Prior to this, when all of the deregulation was passed, it was done by predominately Democrat congresses. I challenge you to find ONE piece of legislation that has ever been passed by Republicans without the support of any Democrat. It doesn't exist!

As the folks can see, you're all hat and no cattle, a typical left-wing blowhard who lacks the competence to debate the most simple of issues. Instead, you resort to repeating rhetoric over and over, in hopes of wearing down your opponent, who eventually just gives up responding to your ridiculousness. I don't really care if you listen to what I've told you or not, you can keep on ranting and raving about something out of sheer ignorance all you like, I can't do anything about that. I made my case, and it stands until you can refute it. We have no manufacturing sector jobs in America because the labor unions drove them away! Corporations are indeed in business to make profits, there is no other reason for them to exist in a capitalist system! You can either accept that, and live with it, or you can fight it and reject it, but you can't make a capitalist Corporation exist for the sole primary purpose of providing jobs and wages for workers. Capitalism doesn't work like that, you want Communism or Fascism.

As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, Dixie is NOT dealing in reality. DESPITE the links I provided in the previous post that DOCUMENT Dixie's blatherings being totally ass backwards wrong and unreal, he just trundles forth parroting the same disproven rhetoric.


Dixie is a-symptomatic of the mindset that supports our current neocon driven GOP....it's not about reality, it's not about facts, and it's not about the details or the WHOLE TRUTH....it's about what Dixie BELIEVES SHOULD be reality. And so long as it's not Dixie that is directly feeling the negative results of the philosophy he spews, then all is right with the world. :palm:

Once having exposed Dixie for his moronic revisionism and denials, I just leave him to sputter and fume, railing and repeating the same old McCarthy-istic nonsense and neocon talking points.
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Originally Posted by Dixie
You're both stupid and clueless when it comes to business economics. Money is tight because people who have money are not spending it. They aren't planning on spending it, because with a rich person, it's all about return on investment... ROI! Everything they do, is based on ROI. If the ROI is not attractive, they don't invest their money. And that is what is currently happening in America, they aren't investing their money. At least, not in American business and economics.

Well, then we need to stop the tax cuts, because if the rich aren't spending their money, why are we giving them a break! It is as we have said, trickle down doesn't work. I thought the whole idea of tax breaks was for the rich to spend the money to put the rest of us to work!

Bingo! But now the neocons will just move the goal post and claim the point you just made "doesn't matter" or is not really the point of the convoluted economic platitudes they are spewing.

I put it to Dixie and the other like minded clods....why should these corps get tax breaks for outsourcing jobs, and then want US citizens to further support them by buying/using their services? It doesn't make sense......but as we've just seen in the recent elections, it's not about "common sense" with our current group of GOP supporters. But hey, they'll just blame the Dems for the failed policies of the GOP.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Will someone please explain to me why the hell should I vote for a political party that DEFENDS companies and corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries only to sell the products to me at outrageous prices....AND get a tax break to do so?

Simple questions with simple answers....the only kind Republicans do.

Yeah, but so far all I've gotten back from most of our GOP friendly folks are answers by simpletons. :)
Originally Posted by Rana
Well, then we need to stop the tax cuts, because if the rich aren't spending their money, why are we giving them a break! It is as we have said, trickle down doesn't work. I thought the whole idea of tax breaks was for the rich to spend the money to put the rest of us to work!

Stop tax cuts? When did Obama cut their tax?

Somebody clue this Dixie-dunce in! Or tell him to READ a goddamn newspaper regarding the sunset clauses on the Shrub's tax cuts for the wealthy.

Dixie doesn't get it or won't accept it....Reaganomics DOES NOT WORK...we've SEEN that in the last 30 years.

So far, our Dixie can't even get straight the whole deal regarding tax breaks for corps that outsource jobs! Dixie's so wrapped up in his own little revisionist version of the world, his postings are near schizoid in nature.
What have I said that isn't "reality" to you, Chicklet? It's pretty straightforward, and anyone with half a brain understands it. Corporations are not getting "tax breaks" for outsourcing. If you have some evidence to offer to the contrary, how about showing us? And don't bother posting a bunch of links to left-wing socialist propaganda sites, I won't click them, I don't support them with my clicks. Here are a list of acceptable links to legislation:


Any of those sources should suffice in showing me the US Congressional legislation which specifically gives corporations "tax breaks" for outsourcing jobs to foreign countries. Either you can back that allegation up with facts, or you are the one who is not living in reality here.

And personally, I don't give a flying dog fuck how many times you use the word "neocon" or "GOP" to describe me and my views, it's simply an indicator of how ignorantly closed-minded you are, and devoid of legitimacy or integrity. The elections yesterday were most certainly NOT a mandate for the GOP or GOP business as usual, ask the many GOPers who were unseated by citizens who are fed the fuck up with politics as usual in America! You better pull your head out of your socialist ass real quick, bucko, or you're going to find yourself in the dungheap of irrelevancy real fast...OOOppps... you're already there!
"And personally, I don't give a flying dog fuck how many times you use the word "neocon" or "GOP" to describe me and my views, it's simply an indicator of how ignorantly closed-minded you are, and devoid of legitimacy or integrity."

Then why do you do the same thing when you say the Democrat Party? Hmmmmm..... integrity indeed.
What have I said that isn't "reality" to you, Chicklet? It's pretty straightforward, and anyone with half a brain understands it. Corporations are not getting "tax breaks" for outsourcing. If you have some evidence to offer to the contrary, how about showing us? And don't bother posting a bunch of links to left-wing socialist propaganda sites, I won't click them, I don't support them with my clicks. Here are a list of acceptable links to legislation:


Any of those sources should suffice in showing me the US Congressional legislation which specifically gives corporations "tax breaks" for outsourcing jobs to foreign countries. Either you can back that allegation up with facts, or you are the one who is not living in reality here.

And personally, I don't give a flying dog fuck how many times you use the word "neocon" or "GOP" to describe me and my views, it's simply an indicator of how ignorantly closed-minded you are, and devoid of legitimacy or integrity. The elections yesterday were most certainly NOT a mandate for the GOP or GOP business as usual, ask the many GOPers who were unseated by citizens who are fed the fuck up with politics as usual in America! You better pull your head out of your socialist ass real quick, bucko, or you're going to find yourself in the dungheap of irrelevancy real fast...OOOppps... you're already there!

Actually at least 3 of your sources don't work, one of them is just a referral site, .....but I gather that YOU didn't do your homework....you just site checked anything that had "gov't" attached to it and threw it out there.....further demonstrating your intellectually dishonesty.

See, my Dixie-dumb friend, in order for you to understand what the hell is going on, you have to KNOW WTF you're talking about. From the sites that actually had links to the IRS and subsequent REFERRALS, I gathered and read some of the actual tax codes that involve the tax breaks used by corporations who outsource labor.

But for a simpler read, read this


it contains all the references to the various IRC (Internal Revenue Codes) in which are buried the legal parameters by which a corporation can receive a tax break (an exemption) for income derived from foreign companies (i.e., outsourced labor). IRC 901 is a key. Unfortunately, these are in PDF, so you have to use google.