A simple question

Actually at least 3 of your sources don't work, one of them is just a referral site, .....but I gather that YOU didn't do your homework....you just site checked anything that had "gov't" attached to it and threw it out there.....further demonstrating your intellectually dishonesty.

See, my Dixie-dumb friend, in order for you to understand what the hell is going on, you have to KNOW WTF you're talking about. From the sites that actually had links to the IRS and subsequent REFERRALS, I gathered and read some of the actual tax codes that involve the tax breaks used by corporations who outsource labor.

But for a simpler read, read this


it contains all the references to the various IRC (Internal Revenue Codes) in which are buried the legal parameters by which a corporation can receive a tax break (an exemption) for income derived from foreign companies (i.e., outsourced labor). IRC 901 is a key. Unfortunately, these are in PDF, so you have to use google.

Probably need to put ".us" instead of ".org" behind them, they should work.

As for your one snippet of actual information... "outsourcing" is not the same thing as income derived from foreign companies. Two entirely different things! One involves spending money to pay for labor or services from a foreign company, the other involves earning money from a foreign company by selling a product or service elsewhere. I can understand how something like this might confuse you, which is why you shouldn't get so involved in these kind of debates. Now why don't you admit that companies do not receive any sort of "tax break" for outsourcing?
Every Corporation uses whatever tax law is in effect that applies to them. You call them "tax breaks" and "tax loopholes"....the law is the law is the law

Whether they out source labor is irrelevant....

Even a pinhead like TC should get it....

Democrats controlled the entire government, even had a super majority, controlled EVERY committee and had the majority votes in EVERY committee.... for the last 4 years....did they make or even propose any Corporate tax law changes.............and answer is a resounding NO

The koolade is rotting your non-operating brain....
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Every Corporation uses whatever tax law is in effect that applies to them. You call them "tax breaks" and "tax loopholes"....the law is the law is the law

Whether they out source labor is irrelevant....

Even a pinhead like TC should get it....

Democrats controlled the entire government, even had a super majority, controlled EVERY committee and had the majority votes in EVERY committee.... for the last 4 years....did they make or even propose any Corporate tax law changes.............and answer is a resounding NO

None of them get anything regarding corporations. To a Liberal pinhead, a Corporation is a human-less entity operating of its own volition, to the detriment of mankind... like an out-of-control ZOMBIE! They must be stopped! The Evil Corporations are taking over the World! They view themselves as Hans Solo, on a mission to stop the Wrath of the Corporations! Nothing you can say to a Liberal even makes any sense, they live in a fantasy world with Nancy Pelosi. Us speaking, is like Charlie Brown's teacher... WahWah wah wah wahh.. Wah wahwah wahh wahh whah!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Actually at least 3 of your sources don't work, one of them is just a referral site, .....but I gather that YOU didn't do your homework....you just site checked anything that had "gov't" attached to it and threw it out there.....further demonstrating your intellectually dishonesty.

See, my Dixie-dumb friend, in order for you to understand what the hell is going on, you have to KNOW WTF you're talking about. From the sites that actually had links to the IRS and subsequent REFERRALS, I gathered and read some of the actual tax codes that involve the tax breaks used by corporations who outsource labor.

But for a simpler read, read this


it contains all the references to the various IRC (Internal Revenue Codes) in which are buried the legal parameters by which a corporation can receive a tax break (an exemption) for income derived from foreign companies (i.e., outsourced labor). IRC 901 is a key. Unfortunately, these are in PDF, so you have to use google.

Probably need to put ".us" instead of ".org" behind them, they should work.

As for your one snippet of actual information... "outsourcing" is not the same thing as income derived from foreign companies. Two entirely different things! One involves spending money to pay for labor or services from a foreign company, the other involves earning money from a foreign company by selling a product or service elsewhere. Didn't say it was....so stop lying about what was said....you typically try to distort/dodge the issue at hand when you're cornered by lying about what others said and then continuing on as if your lie was fact. The chronology of the post, however, always proves you wrong. I can understand how something like this might confuse you, which is why you shouldn't get so involved in these kind of debates. Now why don't you admit that companies do not receive any sort of "tax break" for outsourcing?

Why don't you do the google search on the titles I provided. I derived them from links from one of the sites you gave that did have an active link....IRS approved.

Like I said, IRC 901 is a key, and the title G. FOREIGN INCOME OF DOMESTIC EXEMPT ORGANIZATIONS will give you a document link from google. The title says it all.

Your "explanation" has NOTHING to do with the FACTS that were provided by the information I've listed here. The truth is YOU didn't do your homework, you just (incorrectly) copied a bunch of links that had "gov't" tack on to it. In short, you're just blowing smoke as usual...but in reality your opinion is just that, an opinion...and I'm not just whistlin' Dixie....because if what you say was true, then the GOP would be the FIRST to say the same, instead of fighting against the bill proposal on it's points and stating that this is NOT the time to take away tax breaks for corporations on any level.
Every Corporation uses whatever tax law is in effect that applies to them. You call them "tax breaks" and "tax loopholes"....the law is the law is the law

Whether they out source labor is irrelevant....

Even a pinhead like TC should get it....

Democrats controlled the entire government, even had a super majority, controlled EVERY committee and had the majority votes in EVERY committee.... for the last 4 years....did they make or even propose any Corporate tax law changes.............and answer is a resounding NO

The koolade is rotting your non-operating brain....

To recap:


Evidently, our resident intellectually impotent gasbag was encourage by Dixie's dodgy BS and delusions to (once again) make a Bravo jackass performance.
Originally Posted by bravo
Every Corporation uses whatever tax law is in effect that applies to them. You call them "tax breaks" and "tax loopholes"....the law is the law is the law

Whether they out source labor is irrelevant....

Even a pinhead like TC should get it....

Democrats controlled the entire government, even had a super majority, controlled EVERY committee and had the majority votes in EVERY committee.... for the last 4 years....did they make or even propose any Corporate tax law changes.............and answer is a resounding NO

None of them get anything regarding corporations. To a Liberal pinhead, a Corporation is a human-less entity operating of its own volition, to the detriment of mankind... like an out-of-control ZOMBIE! They must be stopped! The Evil Corporations are taking over the World! They view themselves as Hans Solo, on a mission to stop the Wrath of the Corporations! Nothing you can say to a Liberal even makes any sense, they live in a fantasy world with Nancy Pelosi. Us speaking, is like Charlie Brown's teacher... WahWah wah wah wahh.. Wah wahwah wahh wahh whah!

Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber.....both avoiding the FACTS that you have AMERICAN corporations LAYING OFF AMERICANS, then outsourcing jobs to foreign companies, then wanting AMERICANS to buy their products/services.

Yeah, it works out for the major shareholders and investors....but the middle & working class get screwed. But hey, Bravo & Dixie have theirs and gladly use federal services, so screw everyone else.

Well, let's see how this mindset works out in the Congress for the next two years.

it contains all the references to the various IRC (Internal Revenue Codes) in which are buried the legal parameters by which a corporation can receive a tax break (an exemption) for income derived from foreign companies (i.e., outsourced labor). IRC 901 is a key. Unfortunately, these are in PDF, so you have to use google.

Dixie's Reply: "outsourcing" is not the same thing as income derived from foreign companies. Two entirely different things! One involves spending money to pay for labor or services from a foreign company, the other involves earning money from a foreign company by selling a product or service elsewhere.

CHICKLET: Didn't say it was....so stop lying about what was said....

It's posted in red underline above, it's EXACTLY what you said! ...a corporation can receive a tax break (an exemption) for income derived from foreign companies (i.e., outsourced labor). Are those not your exact words, Chicklet??? You tried to claim that income derived from foreign companies was "i.e., outsourced labor" and that is FALSE... as in NOT TRUE!

both avoiding the FACTS that you have AMERICAN corporations LAYING OFF AMERICANS, then outsourcing jobs to foreign companies, then wanting AMERICANS to buy their products/services.

No, you are the idiot trying to manufacture information to support your ignorant stupidity. Yes, corporations want people to buy their products/services, that's why they are in business. Yes, corporations want to make the most profit they can on their products/services, again... it's why they exist. The reason they don't hire American workers, and instead, use cheaper foreign labor, is because the labor is cheaper. If American labor was cheaper, they may use it instead, but because of your bloated overpriced unions, and their workers who don't want to be productive, it's too expensive, so they don't.

Yeah, it works out for the major shareholders and investors....but the middle & working class get screwed. But hey, Bravo & Dixie have theirs and gladly use federal services, so screw everyone else.

The middle class get screwed because of pinheads like you who are bought and paid for by unionized labor, and you think you can force capitalist enterprise to forfeit profits in order to pay labor costs, when that has never worked. The more you try it, the more jobs you destroy, the more business you destroy, the more outsourcing you create as a result of your ignorance.

Well, let's see how this mindset works out in the Congress for the next two years.

Better yet, let's see how promoting capitalism and free market economy works out for the next 20 years! As soon as we marginalize you communist fucktards and run you all back underground, where you belong!

it contains all the references to the various IRC (Internal Revenue Codes) in which are buried the legal parameters by which a corporation can receive a tax break (an exemption) for income derived from foreign companies (i.e., outsourced labor). IRC 901 is a key. Unfortunately, these are in PDF, so you have to use google.
Dixie's Reply: "outsourcing" is not the same thing as income derived from foreign companies. Two entirely different things! One involves spending money to pay for labor or services from a foreign company, the other involves earning money from a foreign company by selling a product or service elsewhere.

CHICKLET: Didn't say it was....so stop lying about what was said....
It's posted in red underline above, it's EXACTLY what you said! ...a corporation can receive a tax break (an exemption) for income derived from foreign companies (i.e., outsourced labor). Are those not your exact words, Chicklet??? You tried to claim that income derived from foreign companies was "i.e., outsourced labor" and that is FALSE... as in NOT TRUE!


Not me, you Dixie Dunce....because income derived from foreign companies can include that which is derived from the outsourced labor. Since you're a little dense and willfully ignorant, I'll dumb it down for you. The "outsourced labor" produces a profit for the parent corporation....it's just doing so on foreign soil. A company that sets up shop in a foreign country or hires people from a foreign company TO DO WORK FOR AMERICAN CUSTOMERS, hires locals etc., but makes a profit off that venture, that is income derived from a foreign company (i.e., customer services).....it's a loophole that allows outsourcing to function as it does.

Again, I am NOT stating what you are stating. You are saying never the twain shall meet, and that the definitions you give are exclusive.....had you read the information I referred to, you'd see how that is not the case.

Again, YOUR personal opinion has NOTHING to do with reality. I could post numerous explanations by reputable economist, but since YOU stated that ONLY gov't linked and referred people are the ones you'll accept, then you'll have to google the IRC numbers and title I gave you.

But you and I both know that you won't dare do that, because that would mean a challenge to your opinions, supposition and conjecture.
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both avoiding the FACTS that you have AMERICAN corporations LAYING OFF AMERICANS, then outsourcing jobs to foreign companies, then wanting AMERICANS to buy their products/services.
No, you are the idiot trying to manufacture information to support your ignorant stupidity. A lie......I gave the IRC numbers and the title from the IRS linked sites YOU provided (as they are pdf files, you'll have to google them). That YOU refuse to read the information speaks volumes of your dishonesty. Yes, corporations want people to buy their products/services, that's why they are in business. Yes, corporations want to make the most profit they can on their products/services, again... it's why they exist. The reason they don't hire American workers, and instead, use cheaper foreign labor, is because the labor is cheaper. If American labor was cheaper, they may use it instead, but because of your bloated overpriced unions, and their workers who don't want to be productive, it's too expensive, so they don't.

Once again, you keep bullhorning the corporate mantra that it's all the unions fault....and yet you can't explain why companies that DO NOT have union labor are outsourcing? The customer services and tech support of Citibank and AOL are NOT unionized....yet these corporations outsourced the work. So please stop wasting everyone's time with this oft repeated lie of yours.

Yeah, it works out for the major shareholders and investors....but the middle & working class get screwed. But hey, Bravo & Dixie have theirs and gladly use federal services, so screw everyone else.

The middle class get screwed because of pinheads like you who are bought and paid for by unionized labor, and you think you can force capitalist enterprise to forfeit profits in order to pay labor costs, when that has never worked. The more you try it, the more jobs you destroy, the more business you destroy, the more outsourcing you create as a result of your ignorance.

Spoken like a true willfully ignorant corporate whore. Again, my Dixie dunce, please explain why folk like AOL and Citibank outsource jobs that WERE NEVER UNIONIZED? See, high end jobs were never immune to outsourcing....so it wasn't about unions strangling progress. Hell, it's old news that dopes like YOU just want to ignore, as seen here in this old example


Well, let's see how this mindset works out in the Congress for the next two years.

Better yet, let's see how promoting capitalism and free market economy works out for the next 20 years! As soon as we marginalize you communist fucktards and run you all back underground, where you belong!

Dixie, you are DUMB....almost magically dumb! Your version of "free market" never really existed, because if it did, then companies and corporations would FAIL and be replaced. Dopes like you didn't say squat when the Shrub & company were bailing out banks and Wall St. WITH YOUR MONEY....because you believe it would trickle down back to you. Well genius, IT DIDN'T! But being Dixie dumb, you'll kiss corporate ass while they kick yours. Outsourcing has NOT lowered prices, but only put money into high end shareholders pockets (that's NOT you, my dense Dixie). Corporations lay off thousands, outsource, and then bitch when the people via their representatives in gov't say "prices are too high, and there are less jobs". Less jobs mean less people to buy the products, you imbecile. And when the company fails, why the hell should the leaders of that failure make more money than any 10 employees combined life time salaries could achieve?

But hey, it's not YOUR job that's outsourced, so you don't give a damn.....but you sure as hell want someone to pave your roads, make sure your food quality, water quality, product quality, etc., is good. And screw all those unemployed people, right Dixie? Not their fault if they weren't born in a country with a lower rate exchange, ehh?

You disgust me.
I have never known of someone to go to such broad extremes to try and establish a point without ANY basis whatsoever. Income from foreign corporations is just that, income that is earned from a foreign corporation. Spending money on outsourced labor, is not earning money, it is spending money. You claimed the money corporations spend on outsourced labor cost, they get a tax break for, and that is not true. If the corporation happens to OWN a foreign company, and makes a profit, they get a tax break there, but that is not outsourcing labor! If they hire foreign people to work in their foreign company, those people are not outsourced labor, they are local labor.

I am done with this discussion, you are making absolutely NO sense with what you are trying to say here, and it's gotten ridiculous. You are a grown man, stop acting like a 13-year-old! You're wrong, corporations don't get tax breaks to outsource jobs, unless you can twist and contort the tax codes and facts to make it so.
I have never known of someone to go to such broad extremes to try and establish a point without ANY basis whatsoever. That would be YOU, bunky! Too date, YOU cannot reference ANY IRS related titles or IRC's that back your assertions. I did...and you avoid researching like the plague. Bottom line: your revisionism, based on YOUR OPINION, SUPPOSITION AND CONJECTURE, taints EVERYTHING that you discuss. Income from foreign corporations is just that, income that is earned from a foreign corporation. Spending money on outsourced labor, is not earning money, it is spending money. Wrong, my insipidly stubborn Dixie. The references I gave (from the IRS and gov't sources that YOU provided)you EXPLAIN that if your corporation is deriving profit from outsourced labor, that profit is considered income derived from a foreign source. That is why corporations outsource....because they make a PROFIT with LESS expenditure (i.e., salaries by American standards). Had you READ what I did, you'd know this. You claimed the money corporations spend on outsourced labor cost, they get a tax break for, and that is not true. Really? Then tell that to the GOP who are fighting like hell to keep Obama from repealing that tax break....or do you UNDERSTAND WTF is going on? If the corporation happens to OWN a foreign company, and makes a profit, they get a tax break there, but that is not outsourcing labor! If they hire foreign people to work in their foreign company, those people are not outsourced labor, they are local labor. Ahh, but we're not talking about ownership, my willfully ignorant Dixie.....we are talking about OUTSOURCING LABOR TO FOREIGN COMPANIES. Big difference from OWNING the company This means you get OTHER people to do work for you....like a local bakery getting the bakery in another town, city or state to prepare a specific pastry for them. The local bakery pays the other bakery by their rates, then takes the finished product and sells it locally. Result: local bakery makes a profit WITHOUT paying local residents local wages to do the work. Jeez, if you dont' get it by now, get an adult to explain it to you, because you sure as hell won't read even GOV'T and IRS approved information on the subject.

I am done with this discussion, you are making absolutely NO sense with what you are trying to say here, and it's gotten ridiculous. You are a grown man, stop acting like a 13-year-old! You're wrong, corporations don't get tax breaks to outsource jobs, unless you can twist and contort the tax codes and facts to make it so.

And once again folks, you see the absurd and convoluted "logic" that Dixie uses to justify his assertions. Dixie just IGNORES facts and logic and substitutes them with his opinion, supposition and conjecture. It's not what is actually going on, it's what Dixie BELIEVES is going on.....which is why the little dope won't read any information from anyone or source that contradicts his assertions...which is why he tried to BS by shot gunning a bunch of websites (half of which didn't work) that HE HIMSELF DID NOT READ...and then AVOIDED reading what I referenced after I read them. Note how he avoids the points I made in the previous posts and just continues parroting his drivel

In short, Dixie is just full of it....and will stubbornly parrot his nonsense until doomsday. Well, I (yet again) exposed his folly.....so I leave him to have the last predictable and useless word.
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I love seeing TCpinhead come back time after time and get pwned again and again,.... and he don't even realize it....like a punch drunk boxer getting his brains ratteled for ten rounds and then saying, " Duh,..He didn't lay a glove on me boss".....

As tenacious as a fly and about as ignorant as one too....
I love seeing TCpinhead come back time after time and get pwned again and again,.... and he don't even realize it....like a punch drunk boxer getting his brains ratteled for ten rounds and then saying, " Duh,..He didn't lay a glove on me boss".....

As tenacious as a fly and about as ignorant as one too....

And our intellectually impotent neocon gasbag that is Bravo chimes in with NOTHING but childish retorts. The chronology of the thread shows how I handed Bravo his ass a few posts ago...Dixie just tripped over his own feet while painting himself into a corner. NEITHER of these simpletons can refute or disprove the facts.....so they just lie and deny.

Carry on, my comedic Bravo.
And our intellectually impotent neocon gasbag that is Bravo chimes in with NOTHING but childish retorts. The chronology of the thread shows how I handed Bravo his ass a few posts ago...Dixie just tripped over his own feet while painting himself into a corner. NEITHER of these simpletons can refute or disprove the facts.....so they just lie and deny.

Carry on, my comedic Bravo.

I wondered how long it would take your dumb ass to fall back on your old adage of "chronology".