A Theology Question

What makes it a good question? Honestly asking because I don't really see the difference. Is it because it "feels" like there must be som "organizing principle"? I understand a lot of people feel that there must be, but without any real evidence that there is.

There are no mysteries or unanswered questions that would lead me to believe there is the remotest possibility of a pink leprechaun in my garage.

The mystery of creation, the mystery of the fine tuning of the universe, the unknown reason for why there are mathematical laws and rational organization might have scientific answers, but they might also point to an ultimate truth or higher organizing principle underlying reality that our primate brains cannot access, percieve, or correctly interpret. That really is the origin of religion, after all.
Life can not yet be found because man is not yet capable of what they need to do to find other life
Hmmmm…..I disagree..
Of course you do, Terry. Of course you do. You only have a brain stem, and even though you have it firing as many synapses as possible, it will never be able to formulate a coherent, complete thought, much less one that you are reading at any given moment.

The universe might very well be densely packed with signs of other life. What we can see amounts to roughly 0% of what can be seen.

Just try to get comfortable and ease up on the stem.

To me, life emerged and the universe blinked into existence...because the system did it - is not scientifically or philosophically satisfying as an answer. It seems like circular reasoning. The premise needs as much proof as the conclusions do

It seems you think life created the universe?
The Universe was created and has clear rules for operation. We all must live within those rules. People who don’t either end up dead, hurt or in a mental ward.

We don't know that the universe was created.
It may have always existed.
And since we exist only for a tiny stretch of time, we should spend it on more fun things than wondering how the fuck it all started...in my opinion, of course.

The human brain can't comprehend backwards infinity, anyway,
because whatever we designate as a beginning....what about before that?
That’s the Oscillating Universe theory, evince, and it’s been disproved
No, it has not been disproven.

since the Universe is not only expanding, but accelerating in its expansion.
Terry That narrative was invented by someone desperate to appear important and relevant and thmart, and who targeted scientifically illiterate morons and those with only brain stems because they don't have the capacity to call bullshit when they should, no matter how stupid the claim.

The nurse was supposed to keep those manipulative bastards out of your room.
The problem with your two questions is that one can be answered by science, and one cannot. That’s a meaningful distinction. You can’t discuss those two questions as if they are related, because they are not.

How can one be answered by science...and which is it?
How can one be answered by science...and which is it?

Go visit the stars in question or find some other way to physically verify whether they contain life or not.

Confirming something outside the Universe is more problematic since there’s no way to physically get there…As far as we know.
We don't know that the universe was created.
It may have always existed.
And since we exist only for a tiny stretch of time, we should spend it on more fun things than wondering how the fuck it all started...in my opinion, of course.

The human brain can't comprehend backwards infinity, anyway,
because whatever we designate as a beginning....what about before that?
Since you are an avowed racist, it fits that you not only ignore all science on genetics but also in physics.
IIRC, there are about 2000 denominations of Christianity. Most do not take the Bible as the literal word of God. You’re attacking a minority. Very unDemocratic. LOL

39% Literal vs 54% Not-so-much:
3 Christians, who make up a majority of U.S. adults (71%), are divided over how to interpret the Bible. While about four-in-ten Christians (39%) say the Bible’s text is the word of God and should be taken literally, 36% say it should not be interpreted literally or express another or no opinion. A separate 18% of Christians view the Bible as a book written by men, not God.

So the Bible is no longer the word of God? Cool. So now it's just a poorly written mishmash of stupid stories. I'll pay less attention then. If that's even possible. :)

Based on your survey, it appears that 40% or so of Christians still think it's the literal word of God. That's a plurality.
To me, life emerged and the universe blinked into existence...because the system did it - is not scientifically or philosophically satisfying as an answer.
You aren't supposed to be satisfied with the assumptions of a theory, but with the overarching theory.

If the theory answers your question then you go with it until you find a better one, usually determined by Occam's razor.

If you don't like creationism because Occam's razor has cut it away, that's all you need to say. It's stupid to dwell over the particular assumptions of a theory you have rejected.
So the Bible is no longer the word of God? Cool. So now it's just a poorly written mishmash of stupid stories. I'll pay less attention then. If that's even possible. :)

Based on your survey, it appears that 40% or so of Christians still think it's the literal word of God. That's a plurality.

IMO, it never was but a minority of Christians believe it is. You’re free to attack minorities. Al the Trumpers do it. :thup:
How can one be answered by science...and which is it?

The question of life in other solar systems. We may not be able to answer it today, but with the proper technology, we can answer it eventually. The question of whether God exists can never be answered by science. It is impossible by definition.
Agreed. It also goes against using one’s God-given brains.

Religions evolve just as science, law, economies do.

I think to some extent, there is a lot of temptation to draw swords and do battle with what Medieval Christianity believed a thousand years ago.

On the other hand, the Creation Science Museum is clear evidence that strains of conservative American Protestantism are mired in ignorance and strict biblical literalism.
Religions evolve just as science, law, economies do.

I think to some extent, there is a lot of temptation to draw swords and do battle with what Medieval Christianity believed a thousand years ago.

On the other hand, the Creation Science Museum is clear evidence that strains of conservative American Protestantism are mired in ignorance and strict biblical literalism.
Contrary to what the blowhard atheists believe, mankind molds religion not vice-versa.
Or none at all. If the multiverse theory holds true, there would be Universes devoid of life and incapable of supporting it. There might be some where the natural laws prevent matter from existing. OTOH, there might be some where life sprouts spontaneously from everything.

Or possibly none at all, I completely agree But that's irrelevant. The universe supports the life forms that exist, because it cannot accommodate other life forms. It is not coincidence. It is the only possibility in this universe.

There was no life on earth for hundreds of millions of years.
You’re attacking a minority. Very unDemocratic.
No Terry, give up the attempted thinking. That's not healthy for an overtaxed brain stem.

That is exactly what democracies and oligarchies do, i.e. they attack the minority. This is why it's best to have a representational republic, like what the US used to be.
Go visit the stars in question or find some other way to physically verify whether they contain life or not.

Confirming something outside the Universe is more problematic since there’s no way to physically get there…As far as we know.

If we can get there, then 'there' is part of the natural universe. There is no God there.
Disagreed. What is your plan to eliminate the danger? The Mao and/or Stalin plan?

We've done a reasonably good job in the US. Other countries should follow our model. It is the least dangerous path. Unlike Christians, I don't believe in genocide.