A troubling thought for some.

Seems like it says promote the general welfare or somesuch?

Schools were one of our first forms of socialism.
Interstate commerce. Highways, public sewer systems, public water works, Health departments, polio shots, etc

Stop it! You know how FACTS effect neocons! Now it'll take all night to calm them down!
Yep, and if folk don't like it, they can go to the PRIVATE organizations like UPS or FedEx.

Ooops, evidence of private industry surviving quite nicely in competition with a gov't run agency. Better not let that leak out to the anti-healthcare reform folk...heads could explode!

Better run? try sending a letter for .50 or so with the competition if it was not illegal of course.

then of course if UPS/fedex had to pick up mail at every home mailbox 6 days a week.
where have all the credible liberals gone......is it evolution in action....the eventual deterioration of a substandard species.....
What services are allowed according to the Constitution?

May I see a list from interested parties, please.

1. A well armed civilian population, a militia?

Can you add to the list?

that is not a service provided by the constitution. the well armed civilian population is the mainstay and staple of freedom in America. It was considered the surest way to maintain freedom, which is why the government is not allowed to infringe on the right to arms and why they are responsible for it's training when necessary.
Yep, and if folk don't like it, they can go to the PRIVATE organizations like UPS or FedEx.

Ooops, evidence of private industry surviving quite nicely in competition with a gov't run agency. Better not let that leak out to the anti-healthcare reform folk...heads could explode!

If you think that USPS is 'surviving' quite nicely, you're certifiably insane.
Better run? try sending a letter for .50 or so with the competition if it was not illegal of course.

then of course if UPS/fedex had to pick up mail at every home mailbox 6 days a week.

UPS/FedEx don't do everything the Post Office does....they couldn't afford to. But the niche they fill in works quite well for those willing/capable to pay. IMHO, there is NO WAY a private industry could totally replace the USPS....UNLESS you can make home PC's available to practically everyone.
If you think that USPS is 'surviving' quite nicely, you're certifiably insane.

Dial it down a notch, toodles.....that way you can COMPREHEND what you read. I wrote that UPS and FEDEX (private industry) are surviving quite nicely against the USPS (federal gov't subsidized). PAY ATTENTION!

Faxes and E-mails have put a serious hurt on the USPS......but it's not about to fold. Cut backs, downsizing, but not fold. And as utility rates and the general economy continue to squeeze the general population, the USPS may well be the big boy on the block again, as people stop paying that monthly online service fee, or investors realize that less regular people are using FedEx.
Dial it down a notch, toodles.....that way you can COMPREHEND what you read. I wrote that UPS and FEDEX (private industry) are surviving quite nicely against the USPS (federal gov't subsidized). PAY ATTENTION!
oh, ok. your play on words really means that without the gov subsidy, USPS would go bankrupt. I think I read your bullshit right, twinkle toes.

Faxes and E-mails have put a serious hurt on the USPS......but it's not about to fold. Cut backs, downsizing, but not fold. And as utility rates and the general economy continue to squeeze the general population, the USPS may well be the big boy on the block again, as people stop paying that monthly online service fee, or investors realize that less regular people are using FedEx.
until the USPS has to raise the stamp rate to near a dollar to pay for the same utilities and deal with that same general economy.

Your idiocy knows no bounds by thinking that just because the governments can exempt their vehicles from the same taxes that citizens pay for theirs, that they will just exempt the citizen from paying the USPS for their service.
Because it costs alot of money to have half your staff sitting around bullshitting when they're supposed to be sorting envelopes.

Wow....that's all you've got? Old stereotypes? Gee, like private industry NEVER screws up or has waste. Are you really that naive to think that UPS and FedEx DON'T have screw ups and wastes? Here's a homework assignment for you....do a google search on UPS problems/complaints...and then do the same for FedEx. Now remember, the USPS is vastly larger in scope than both private agencies, so be careful before you spout off comparisons. Carry on.
oh, ok. your play on words really means that without the gov subsidy, USPS would go bankrupt. I think I read your bullshit right, twinkle toes. No stupid, READ Carefully what I wrote. It's a straight sentence that DOES NOT leave any room for misinterpretation...except for fools like you hell bent on proving me wrong and NEVER admitting that YOU made a simple mistake. Here it is again, i'll underline so you can understand.

Yep, and if folk don't like it, they can go to the PRIVATE organizations like UPS or FedEx.

Ooops, evidence of private industry surviving quite nicely in competition with a gov't run agency. Better not let that leak out to the anti-healthcare reform folk...heads could explode![/

until the USPS has to raise the stamp rate to near a dollar to pay for the same utilities and deal with that same general economy.

Well, it's what now, less than 50 cents? So that dollar rate is not exactly around the corner, is it bunky? And when you compare overnight package shipment prices between the USPS, FedEx and UPS, guess which one comes out on top? And again, I point out that the USPS has taken a beating from faxes and e-mail....downsizing and cutbacks (along with price increase, as you aptly point out) will occur...but the USPS won't disappear in our lifetimes.

Your idiocy knows no bounds by thinking that just because the governments can exempt their vehicles from the same taxes that citizens pay for theirs, that they will just exempt the citizen from paying the USPS for their service.

Once again, your delusion overtakes the reality of what has transpired. What you state here I NEVER PROPOSED OR INSINUATED OR ALLUDED TO. As the posts shows, all I did was point out that it's sheer fallacy to think that private industry can wholly replace the federal gov't on all levels regarding social services.....and it is also fallacy to act as if private industry cannot compete on various levels against a federal gov't agency to some extent. That's all I'm saying, and that's a living fact. YOU are just fuming that once again I make a statement that takes the wind out the the neocon mantras regarding healthcare and the federal gov't in general....so much so that you lie about what I write and fabricate scenarios based on those lies of yours, DESPITE concrete evidence to the contrary.

Once again, you prove that your screen name is a joke. Carry on
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I heard this same stupid bullshit from neocons during the reign of GW. congratulations on being the opposite side of the same coin.

Stop braying like an ass...either logically/factually disprove the points/contentions of the subject thread or go stamp your widdle feet and take up space somewhere else.

Your screen name is a joke.
Dial it down a notch, toodles.....that way you can COMPREHEND what you read. I wrote that UPS and FEDEX (private industry) are surviving quite nicely against the USPS (federal gov't subsidized). PAY ATTENTION!

Faxes and E-mails have put a serious hurt on the USPS......but it's not about to fold. Cut backs, downsizing, but not fold. And as utility rates and the general economy continue to squeeze the general population, the USPS may well be the big boy on the block again, as people stop paying that monthly online service fee, or investors realize that less regular people are using FedEx.
They are not allowed to compete against the USPS. the USPS is an unnatural monopoly that has never had competition. When mail was the primary form of communication it did well, but now that there is 1/4 of the mail flowing and they still have to deliver to all 7 million mailboxes in NYC regardless of the decrease they aren't doing well at all with their monopoly.
This was stated by a FaceBook member:

If socialism is wrong then Americans should get rid of the police and fire emergency services and privatize them. Can't afford the private fire insurance? Well, then thats just your fault. Sorry about your house.
Explain to me how police and fire departments constitute socialism:


1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
As far as I know they buy all their trucks and stuff from private companies, just like the police departments and military does. *shrug*