A troubling thought for some.

Who is "We"? If YOU are a representation of the mental capacity of that we, then Obama and company have nothing to fear.

You can't even debate the subject title of this thread honestly. When you stop being a willfully ignorant neocon parrot, then maybe people will take you seriously.

"We have vowed to stop it", what a joke.

On the other side of the coin, we tried to stop bush's illegal, immoral war and where did that get us? We tried to stop bush's usurpation of civil rights and his imperialistic expansion of the executive branch and where did that get us?

I'm holding my breath to see if her "we" is any more successful than our "we".
All liberals hate the Constitution, and want to change it or re-interpret it as a "living, breathing document", which is of course complete bullshit.

correct if the constitution does not clearly state something then it is not so.

Like it only says citizens can own and bear arms.
Only Flintlocks were available when that was written.
Now if you want to intrepret it to incluse Glocks and Uzi's....
"We have vowed to stop it", what a joke.

On the other side of the coin, we tried to stop bush's illegal, immoral war and where did that get us? We tried to stop bush's usurpation of civil rights and his imperialistic expansion of the executive branch and where did that get us?

I'm holding my breath to see if her "we" is any more successful than our "we".

Well, the dummies seem happy as clams in beer to consistently support those that work against their best interest. When faced with the facts that they are getting screwed by their "leaders"....they blame folk like you and me.

You put forth an excellent point.....because Sept. is going to be a royal bitch before this healthcare reform issue is resolved. I was listening to a live Ed Schultz show today...people are going to put their congressmen and senators on notice....shape up or get voted out.
The ex bushites are a sad bunch right now aren't they?

Don't even have anyone to support.

Is Rush still one of the top 3 republicans in their polls?
All liberals hate the Constitution, and want to change it or re-interpret it as a "living, breathing document", which is of course complete bullshit.

What the hell do you think the Bill of Rights and the Amendments are, you fucking moron?

That's it...you're just too damned dumb to continue to tolerate. Into the dustbin you go
correct if the constitution does not clearly state something then it is not so.

Like it only says citizens can own and bear arms.
Only Flintlocks were available when that was written.
Now if you want to intrepret it to incluse Glocks and Uzi's....

Yes. We do. Considering the purpose is to guarantee our freedoms, not hunting, not recreation.
Yes. We do. Considering the purpose is to guarantee our freedoms, not hunting, not recreation.

Does the constitution clearly state that "to guarantee our freedoms" is the reason for citizens owning guns? Or is that an intrepretation?

I want a suitcase nuke. Why am I not allowed to own one?
Does the constitution clearly state that "to guarantee our freedoms" is the reason for citizens owning guns? Or is that an intrepretation?
'necessary to the security of a FREE state'.

I want a suitcase nuke. Why am I not allowed to own one?
because the government would be politically suicidal to use a nuke against the citizenry. it wouldn't be necessary to the security of a free state. machine guns against the populace, an entirely different matter and the gov HAS USED machine guns against the soveriegn people of this country before.
What the hell do you think the Bill of Rights and the Amendments are, you fucking moron?

That's it...you're just too damned dumb to continue to tolerate. Into the dustbin you go
You liberals know that the States won't ratify your policies so you bypass the Amendment process and use judges to "reinterpret" the Constitution. This proves that you hate the Constitution, you fucking moron.
'necessary to the security of a FREE state'.

because the government would be politically suicidal to use a nuke against the citizenry. it wouldn't be necessary to the security of a free state. machine guns against the populace, an entirely different matter and the gov HAS USED machine guns against the soveriegn people of this country before.

Then I want an armed bomber. Our govt did order a bomber strike on striking coal miners. It failed the planes got lost and at least one crashed. But the order was given to use bombers on our own citizens.
Then I want an armed bomber. Our govt did order a bomber strike on striking coal miners. It failed the planes got lost and at least one crashed. But the order was given to use bombers on our own citizens.

then build one or get a loan. I know of no law that doesn't allow you to buy a plane.
Uscitizen, this gun control crowd isn't your crowd. Why are you pretending? Is some deranged little flat belly blowing you or something?
then build one or get a loan. I know of no law that doesn't allow you to buy a plane.

The problem is with the bombs, not the plane.

By your logic if the govt used (or attempted to) a weapon on it's citizens then the citizens have a right to posess that weapon to protect their freedoms?
The problem is with the bombs, not the plane.

By your logic if the govt used (or attempted to) a weapon on it's citizens then the citizens have a right to posess that weapon to protect their freedoms?

they should be able to then. the problem is pantywaists like you who prefer to trust the government instead of your neighbors, even when the government drops bombs on you and fires machine guns in to your kids at college