A United Korea

Darth Omar

Russian asset
A United Korea may be too optimistic of an outcome to consider. Then again, who knows? As little as a year ago who could have guessed there would be a summit in Singapore where there topic would be discussed? A year ago, Trump had us on the verge of a nuclear war with NK—or so it was said.

It would certainly change the geopolitical landscape, particularly in Asia.

What else would change?
A United Korea may be too optimistic of an outcome to consider. Then again, who knows? As little as a year ago who could have guessed there would be a summit in Singapore where there topic would be discussed? A year ago, Trump had us on the verge of a nuclear war with NK—or so it was said.

It would certainly change the geopolitical landscape, particularly in Asia.

What else would change?

It seems many liberals here wish this effort will fail only because Trump is president. What would their reaction be if this meeting happened 3-4 years ago? What will their reaction be if this effort is positive?
But during the mid 1990s, it was filled with something else: starving people. Reports of the time note the presence of hungry workers who roamed the streets, listlessly trying to walk off the effects of near starvation.

They were victims of one of North Korea’s most mysterious disasters—a huge famine that affected the 25 million-person country due to poor planning, isolation and a misguided policy of self-sufficiency. But though the famine may have killed many millions, its true extent has never been understood in the West, and it appears never to have been publicly acknowledged by North Korean officials.

It seems many liberals here wish this effort will fail only because Trump is president. What would their reaction be if this meeting happened 3-4 years ago? What will their reaction be if this effort is positive?

In terms of partisan politics, Trump would have to blow it bigly, to not get a second term lol.

But I’m less interested in that than how things would change geopolitically.
A United Korea may be too optimistic of an outcome to consider. Then again, who knows? As little as a year ago who could have guessed there would be a summit in Singapore where there topic would be discussed? A year ago, Trump had us on the verge of a nuclear war with NK—or so it was said.

It would certainly change the geopolitical landscape, particularly in Asia.

What else would change?

A united Korea can not have two gov'ts. In order for that to happen, either Moon or Kim would have to resign.

Let's hope Kim decides to resign and go live in a prison palace in China.

A united Korea can not have two gov'ts. In order for that to happen, either Moon or Kim would have to resign.

Let's hope Kim decides to resign and go live in a prison palace in China.


Good point.

Maybe Kim is looking for a golden parachute sort of exile lol. I don’t see him accepting prison as an option.
It seems many liberals here wish this effort will fail only because Trump is president. What would their reaction be if this meeting happened 3-4 years ago? What will their reaction be if this effort is positive?

Citation required.
A United Korea may be too optimistic of an outcome to consider. Then again, who knows? As little as a year ago who could have guessed there would be a summit in Singapore where there topic would be discussed? A year ago, Trump had us on the verge of a nuclear war with NK—or so it was said.

It would certainly change the geopolitical landscape, particularly in Asia.

What else would change?
I think you're taking a victory lap a bit too soon. We have one world leader who is in control of this meeting, and then we have trump. trump seems to think that he's going to come home with some sort of deal that has never been accomplished before.

Kim is simply sticking to the NK playbook. He's already gotten more than any other U.S POTUS has allowed a Korean leader...recognition. Do you honestly think that Kim is going to give up his nukes without a guarantee that U.S remove all weaponry from the region?

This summit gives Kim the ability to claim that he tried diplomacy, but trump wouldn't budge. He'll have reduced sanctions, as the world is already realizing that trump has absolutely no idea what he's doing.

They're already plotting a way around the Iran sanction.
Purely an academic exercise at this juncture.

But I’m sure some parties in Asia are starting to consider the possibility. Particularly, from an economic standpoint.

Kim's tyrannical rule can not withstand open borders, free speech, TV, and radio.
Purely an academic exercise at this juncture.

But I’m sure some parties in Asia are starting to consider the possibility. Particularly, from an economic standpoint.
i appreciate that. the thing is in a state of flux.I'll wait a couple days, but spec is fine
I think you're taking a victory lap a bit too soon. We have one world leader who is in control of this meeting, and then we have trump. trump seems to think that he's going to come home with some sort of deal that has never been accomplished before.

Kim is simply sticking to the NK playbook. He's already gotten more than any other U.S POTUS has allowed a Korean leader...recognition. Do you honestly think that Kim is going to give up his nukes without a guarantee that U.S remove all weaponry from the region?

This summit gives Kim the ability to claim that he tried diplomacy, but trump wouldn't budge. He'll have reduced sanctions, as the world is already realizing that trump has absolutely no idea what he's doing.

They're already plotting a way around the Iran sanction.

I have never known anyone that consistently loves to piss into your cornflakes like you.
perhaps he will realize he could be popular not by coercion but because his people got such things as electricity and food under his administration.........

I just think his history of human rights violations is too great to overcome. Once his people learn the truth about him, they will turn against him.
A United Korea may be too optimistic of an outcome to consider. Then again, who knows? As little as a year ago who could have guessed there would be a summit in Singapore where there topic would be discussed? A year ago, Trump had us on the verge of a nuclear war with NK—or so it was said.

It would certainly change the geopolitical landscape, particularly in Asia.

What else would change?
I don't see reunification. I see the British model, where Kim is a near powerless King overseeing a democratic government.
They don't even have an adequate electrical grid, bigdog.... and you are right about them being in the dark in every aspect.

I think everyone has seen those nighttime satellite photos, ... showing the near total absence of an electrical grid in Socialist NK.

It was TV that triggered the final collapse of East Germany. Specifically, a smuggled video of a huge protest march in East Berlin.