A United Korea


I don't assume that it's going to get to the point where Kim allows any inspectors. I see this as a years long project, with Kim offering the bare essentials in the beginning. Don't forget...the world now knows that trump never abided by his business contracts, and he certainly doesn't abide by any previous U.S trade/defense/peace agreements.

He can't be trusted. Why would Kim believe otherwise?

Kim's choices are limited ...

Comply or die. :dunno:
Concerning the OP:

Sounds just like the mentality of Bush worshippers when they hollered at me that invading Iraq would be a great idea.

Trump boot-lickers appear to be naïve, uninformed, dim witted, or perhaps all of the above.
Concerning the OP:

Sounds just like the mentality of Bush worshippers when they hollered at me that invading Iraq would be a great idea.

Trump boot-lickers appear to be naïve, uninformed, dim witted, or perhaps all of the above.

That was only slightly better than Barack Hussein O's idea to bomb Libya and ignore ISIS.

But this time, there is not doubt that Kim has WMDs. :dunno:
Yes.. very astute of you.
It’s going to take a lot of time, these people have been endoctrinated to turn in their neighbors for speaking against Kim. He’s father and grandfather are gods. We have no idea what living in these conditions is like. I can not imagine.
It’s going to take a lot of time, these people have been endoctrinated to turn in their neighbors for speaking against Kim. He’s father and grandfather are gods. We have no idea what living in these conditions is like. I can not imagine.

I'm sure you are right.. Kim is a worse murderer than Assad and that says a lot.
Credit Moon, Not Trump or Kim, for the Breakthrough With North Korea
South Korea’s president has been planning his peace gambit for his entire life. If peace breaks out on the peninsula, he’ll deserve the bulk of the applause. Yep

And moon knows how to handle trump and strokes his ego and make him look more important then he is in the process


Who did Moon give major credit too?

If this happened under Obama he would win another Nobel and you would sing his praises.
Who did Moon give major credit too?

If this happened under Obama he would win another Nobel and you would sing his praises.
Lol, he gave credit to Trump for obvious reasons, like all foreign leaders, they thought flattery would make Trump stable. They have realized he is unstable and there is no predictable way to deal with him. I would love to hear the behind the scenes discussions about Trump, I bet it involves, idiot, moron, no nothing.
A United Korea may be too optimistic of an outcome to consider. Then again, who knows? As little as a year ago who could have guessed there would be a summit in Singapore where there topic would be discussed? A year ago, Trump had us on the verge of a nuclear war with NK—or so it was said.

It would certainly change the geopolitical landscape, particularly in Asia.

What else would change?

There won't be a united Korea, at least in our lifetime. But there can be a non-nuclear North Korea and a final peace treaty between the two Koreas.

Liberals and the Democratic Party of the Jackass are hoping America will fail.



Do you need proof that NK is a Communist state?
As will the koreas and china
Watch what happens when trump folds his arms across that fat stomach, and refuses to budge on tariffs. China will dump a billion or so in treasuries, and trump will blame Obama.