A United Korea

Who did Moon give major credit too?

If this happened under Obama he would win another Nobel and you would sing his praises.
Moon played lip service to the man child in the White House. Most world leaders got that same memo. But...they now see that it's a waste of time.
Lol, he gave credit to Trump for obvious reasons, like all foreign leaders, they thought flattery would make Trump stable. They have realized he is unstable and there is no predictable way to deal with him. I would love to hear the behind the scenes discussions about Trump, I bet it involves, idiot, moron, no nothing.
The way to deal with him, is to stop dealing with him
Liberals and the Democratic Party of the Jackass are hoping America will fail.

Remember when they said that what they're doing right now was "treason"?

the big power is china in asia
it's their region. But if you look at US/Vietnam or US/Japan or even the littoral states like the Philippines you see that the US -not China- is wanted as a partner because of China's 10 dash line ( S China sea hegemony)

America is a dying empire and trump is helping it's demise , allies can no longer trust America and in asia they are looking toward china
uterly bogus.
One of the first trips Trump took was to east Asia, and security agreements were the topic -some trade as well
There won't be a united Korea, at least in our lifetime. But there can be a non-nuclear North Korea and a final peace treaty between the two Koreas.

Liberals and the Democratic Party of the Jackass are hoping America will fail.
I used to think the same about Germany..you never know..
there are powerful forces of Korean nationalism as undercurrents to all this as well
Trump is not going to let kim become a power with ICBMs that hit US territory.
Compare that to Obama's "strategic patience!" lol

To the Trump-haters who wouldn’t give Trump credit for curing cancer lol: none of this would be going on had Trump adopted Obama’s strategic patience non-strategy with NK.

Deal with it and go pound some partisan sand.

This isn’t about Trump. That out of the way, there are some plausible scenarios: Kim leaving the country under China’s protection stands out, imo.
I fear this is happening to our detriment.
After November, we're probably going to see quite a few Democrat politicians putting out public announcements to foreign leaders that this momentary blip on history's radar will not last much longer.
To the Trump-haters who wouldn’t give Trump credit for curing cancer lol: none of this would be going on had Trump adopted Obama’s strategic patience non-strategy with NK.

Deal with it and go pound some partisan sand.

This isn’t about Trump. That out of the way, there are some plausible scenarios: Kim leaving the country under China’s protection stands out, imo.
Ridiculous. Stop watching Fox News.

trump isn't attacking NK, and NK isn't attacking the U.S. . When trump returns home to the safety of his Twitter den, NK will resume meaningful negotiations with SK.
I LOVE this! Start watching at 1:00. :rofl2:

"Fox & Friends host Abby Huntsman momentarily made President Trump’s authoritarian dreams come true on Sunday morning when she referred to the president as a “dictator” during a live news broadcast. The mislabeling occurred as Trump deplaned from Air Force One in Singapore, where he arrived on Sunday ahead of his summit there with actual dictator Kim Jong-un of North Korea.

Speaking with ten-day White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci, Huntsman memorably captioned the moment: “This is history. We are living — regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators — what we are seeing right now, this is history.”
