A United Korea

A United Korea may be too optimistic of an outcome to consider. Then again, who knows? As little as a year ago who could have guessed there would be a summit in Singapore where there topic would be discussed? A year ago, Trump had us on the verge of a nuclear war with NK—or so it was said.

It would certainly change the geopolitical landscape, particularly in Asia.

What else would change?

I think it is inevitable once the US turns over command and control of the armed forces to south korea. Think that is sometime in 2020 IIRC
It's not acceptable to liberals that anyone should speculate about Hillary's mental or physical health, is it?

They grant themselves license to float wild theories about Trump and all associated with him, and refuse to entertain any notion of reciprocity.

Didn't stop the right from doing it though.
I give you the point Comey hurt Clinton with the Weiner laptop announcement .

But the Email scandal was owned by her by that time.
Plus tap dancing "explanations" that made her look a liar brought her unfavorables up.

3 times? She's been running a series of gaffes/explanations/excuses on her world wide book tour,
I lost count at about 60-something blames

No email sandal. Just in the dark minds of the righty haters. She was investigated several times by the Repubs and they found nothing. Benghazis about 9 times. Exonerated. I know what the right was doing. Smearing her to cut her poll ratings. Used mega millions of tax payer dollars for Repub political gain.
No email sandal. Just in the dark minds of the righty haters. She was investigated several times by the Repubs and they found nothing. Benghazis about 9 times. Exonerated. I know what the right was doing. Smearing her to cut her poll ratings. Used mega millions of tax payer dollars for Repub political gain.

Wow. You axually believe Hillary is not corrupt.
It seems many liberals here wish this effort will fail only because Trump is president. What would their reaction be if this meeting happened 3-4 years ago? What will their reaction be if this effort is positive?

This is a situation were having an education comes in and I know not having an education is valuable to you. We got more in the agreement signed in 2005 and we all know how that turned out. Quit being an ignorant deplorable.
This is a situation were having an education comes in and I know not having an education is valuable to you. We got more in the agreement signed in 2005 and we all know how that turned out. Quit being an ignorant deplorable.

LOL!! I am unquestionably far better off and happier than you. It must really suck to be you.