A vote for Huckabee = Vote for McCain?


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Pat Buchanan was just saying that evangelicals in Florida are now saying that voting for Huckabee is a vote for McCain and so now the Evangelicals are being encouraged to vote for Romney.
Good. Keep Huckabee out. No more populist Rs who wear their religion on their shirtsleeves.

Calling populists "compassionate conservatives" may be in vogue but it isn't accurate.
But does it hurt McCain? There are a considerable amount of evangelicals in Florida. People tend to forget that north of Miami is the South. Southern conservatives don't like McCain and in states where only Repubs can vote for you that might really hurt McCain.
But does it hurt McCain? There are a considerable amount of evangelicals in Florida. People tend to forget that north of Miami is the South. Southern conservatives don't like McCain and in states where only Repubs can vote for you that might really hurt McCain.
When it is as close as it is in Florida, Romney might get the win if people do what they are saying. I'm just glad that the Huckster isn't going to win.
Romney and Huckabee appeal to Evangelicals equally (despite all the media noise about Huckabee being a Baptist minister and Romney's Mormonism being polarizing, they draw about equally from Evangelicals). Most people (like me), who favor McCain find him appealing for other reasons (i.e. character, traditional conservatism, roguishness, etc.) than his place in the Christian community.

On the other hand, as a Catholic, bloc voting becomes difficult when they are poor representatives like Giuliani (who's politics also suck) or outside the mainstream/unelectable like Brownback (a candidate 1 1/2 years ago, along with Allan and Frist, all of whom have since dissappeared).
Well if........

Huckabee gets the nod...I would vote for him...I do not have a aversion to someone who practices his religion and is proud to admit to it!...also I would not want to piss off Chuck...he is mo betta than I at martial arts!:D
Huckabee gets the nod...I would vote for him...I do not have a aversion to someone who practices his religion and is proud to admit to it!...also I would not want to piss off Chuck...he is mo betta than I at martial arts!:D
I don't have a problem with someone that is proud of their relgious beliefs. I do have a problem with people, like Huckabee that think it is the job of the government to save my soul. None of the government's business, if you want to live a by a certain religious code, good for you, but DO NOT try to force it into the legal code and legislation.

I don't have a problem with someone that is proud of their relgious beliefs. I do have a problem with people, like Huckabee that think it is the job of the government to save my soul. None of the government's business, if you want to live a by a certain religious code, good for you, but DO NOT try to force it into the legal code and legislation.

I feel the same way about Liberals trying to force their perversion on me and my family!
I feel the same way about Liberals trying to force their perversion on me and my family!

Trust me, even if liberals really were all gay, and all intent on forcing our perverted gayness on the whole country, and forcing them into having gay sex with us...you would still not have anyting to worry about!
uhh darla.............

Trust me, even if liberals really were all gay, and all intent on forcing our perverted gayness on the whole country, and forcing them into having gay sex with us...you would still not have anyting to worry about!

what is with you and gay issues anyhoo...the word perversion encompasses alot of other issues!:rolleyes:
Well many...........

What perversions are the liberals trying to force on you and your family?

Fiscal abberations(welfare fraud),gun control,illegal alien acceptance,denial of free worship of religion(Christmas decorations/Ten Commandments etc),Denial of self preservation/war(First strike for a terrorist attack response),Liberal values being pushed in our Universities while denial of conservative values getting equal time...Affirmative action being abused...the list goes on and on...and of course for darla...Gay Marriage being pushed as acceptable behavoir and justified when it is not!
Fiscal abberations(welfare fraud),gun control,illegal alien acceptance,denial of free worship of religion(Christmas decorations/Ten Commandments etc),Denial of self preservation/war(First strike for a terrorist attack response),Liberal values being pushed in our Universities while denial of conservative values getting equal time...Affirmative action being abused...the list goes on and on...and of course for darla...Gay Marriage being pushed as acceptable behavoir and justified when it is not!

Welfare fraud? How much last year? How much in the last 10 years?

I am with you on gun control, but they really haven't FORCED much on us and your president bush had his Solicitor General file a brief urging the SCOTUS to reinstate the DC gun ban.

No one denies you free worship. You can have all the ten commandments and mangers you want on private property. YOU want us all to have to look at your fairytales on public property cause the MAJORITY of you believe in the cosmic jewish zombie. But our founders, if you read the federalist papers, decried the tyranny of the majority as they relate to issues of belief and speech and issues of personal conscience.

No one denies self preservation. But attacking party C for an attack by party B is NOT self preservation.

How exactly is Affirmative action abused, again, numbers please. Just how many of us poor white guys lost jobs and college placement to those underqualified and unqualified darkies?

Gay marriage PUSHED on you? How is it PUSHED on you. Did someone force you to marry a man? You cry like the racists did when the court said states could not forbid interracial marriages. YOu don't have to agree with gay marriage or interracial marriage, but your disagreement of it or religious belief that it is wrong is NOT a valid reason for denying people the right to marry.
Hey you asked for reasons.........

Welfare fraud? How much last year? How much in the last 10 years?

I am with you on gun control, but they really haven't FORCED much on us and your president bush had his Solicitor General file a brief urging the SCOTUS to reinstate the DC gun ban.

No one denies you free worship. You can have all the ten commandments and mangers you want on private property. YOU want us all to have to look at your fairytales on public property cause the MAJORITY of you believe in the cosmic jewish zombie. But our founders, if you read the federalist papers, decried the tyranny of the majority as they relate to issues of belief and speech and issues of personal conscience.

No one denies self preservation. But attacking party C for an attack by party B is NOT self preservation.

How exactly is Affirmative action abused, again, numbers please. Just how many of us poor white guys
lost jobs and college placement to those underqualified and unqualified darkies?

Gay marriage PUSHED on you? How is it PUSHED on you. Did someone force you to marry a man? You cry like the racists did when the court said states could not forbid interracial marriages. YOu don't have to agree with gay marriage or interracial marriage, but your disagreement of it or religious belief that it is wrong is NOT a valid reason for denying people the right to marry.

I gave you my reasons...thats my story and I'm sticking to it...I have no desire to post numbers of which I could...that is not the issue, I gave my reasons...you are welcome to your opinion also...and did you notice that it was you not I that used derogatory name calling..? and by the way I have absolutely no problem with interracial marriage...never have! as long as they are a male and female marrying!
I gave you my reasons...thats my story and I'm sticking to it...I have no desire to post numbers of which I could...that is not the issue, I gave my reasons...you are welcome to your opinion also...and did you notice that it was you not I that used derogatory name calling..? and by the way I have absolutely no problem with interracial marriage...never have! as long as they are a male and female marrying!
What derogatory name calling?
Oh are you sticking up for Jesus now? You know he is a big boy. If he doesn't like being called the cosmic jewish zombie he can bring it up with me or smite me or whatever it is he might do.
Huckabee gets the nod...I would vote for him...I do not have a aversion to someone who practices his religion and is proud to admit to it!...also I would not want to piss off Chuck...he is mo betta than I at martial arts!:D
I don't care if they practice their religion. I care if they spend like idiots and raise taxes. Both of which Huckabee did while a Governor.