A vote for Huckabee = Vote for McCain?


My first wife and I had no kids. IT was as simple as preparing documents and going our separate ways.

My second wife and I had kids, more paperwork but then we went our separate ways and we both raise our kids. My kids would have been worse off if I had to stay with their mom. She and I had completely different ideas about things. I wanted to spend more family time and she wanted me at work even on Saturdays and would rage when I would not go to the office on a Saturday. I decided I was not going to live like that and we split.

Can't say I blame ya...seems as if the wifey wanted the pool boy...not the counselor on Saturdays...good move soco...ya made the right decision!;)
Frist! I remember when republicans were touting him as the next republican president. Ah good times.

Yes, and I remember how Elizabeth Dole was going to be the next best thing for 2000. Much more charisma than her husband and so forth. That must be exciting for him, come to think of it. But then in 98-99, she had a falling out and was not a candidate in the primaries.
I remember both years I wanted Colin Powell to go, even with the "swiftboating" he would have endured from BAC's group, he would have won, twice.
I remember both years I wanted Colin Powell to go, even with the "swiftboating" he would have endured from BAC's group, he would have won, twice.
No way, he was pro AA and mildly pro-choice he would have never made it through the primaries. Not as a Republican. As a dem he would have but then repubs would never vote for him. Go here to see where he is on the issues.


You all know that I believe in a woman’s right to choose and I strongly support affirmative action. And, I was invited here by my party to share my views with you because we are a big enough party -- and big enough people -- to disagree on individual issues and still work together for our common goal: restoring the American Dream.
Source: Speech to the Republican National Convention Aug 12, 1996
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No way, he was pro AA and mildly pro-choice he would have never made it through the primaries. Not as a Republican. As a dem he would have but then repubs would never vote for him. Go here to see where he is on the issues.


You all know that I believe in a woman’s right to choose and I strongly support affirmative action. And, I was invited here by my party to share my views with you because we are a big enough party -- and big enough people -- to disagree on individual issues and still work together for our common goal: restoring the American Dream.
Source: Speech to the Republican National Convention Aug 12, 1996
You are wrong. There was more excitement for him than I have felt since Reagan, and that was among people who already knew about those ideosyncrasies.
No way, he was pro AA and mildly pro-choice he would have never made it through the primaries. Not as a Republican. As a dem he would have but then repubs would never vote for him. Go here to see where he is on the issues.


You all know that I believe in a woman’s right to choose and I strongly support affirmative action. And, I was invited here by my party to share my views with you because we are a big enough party -- and big enough people -- to disagree on individual issues and still work together for our common goal: restoring the American Dream.
Source: Speech to the Republican National Convention Aug 12, 1996

My liberal poli-sci prof. admitted that Powell would have won if he had run. He admitted longingly, I might ad, since he obviously didn't think the succeeding 12 years were all that great.
My liberal poli-sci prof. admitted that Powell would have won if he had run. He admitted longingly, I might ad, since he obviously didn't think the succeeding 12 years were all that great.
The Republican party RIGHT NOW does not want to vote for ANYONE that was pro-choice. Shit Rush yesterday blasted McCain saying that he is not the choice of the Republican party but rather he is just the choice of the largest single group of republicans but that his positions in the past show that he is no conservative. How would you have EVER gotten the base to vote for a pro AA pro-choice Black repubicans. Most places in the US, except for the Northeast, Powell is a democrat. Powell would not have carried any southern state in the primaries. Most mid western states would not have voted for him. The ONLY reason McCain is winning now is because there is no real conservative in the race that is viable. Tancredo and what's his name from California were the only true modern day conservative republicans and they didn't have the charisma to win.
The Republican party RIGHT NOW does not want to vote for ANYONE that was pro-choice. Shit Rush yesterday blasted McCain saying that he is not the choice of the Republican party but rather he is just the choice of the largest single group of republicans but that his positions in the past show that he is no conservative. How would you have EVER gotten the base to vote for a pro AA pro-choice Black repubicans. Most places in the US, except for the Northeast, Powell is a democrat. Powell would not have carried any southern state in the primaries. Most mid western states would not have voted for him. The ONLY reason McCain is winning now is because there is no real conservative in the race that is viable. Tancredo and what's his name from California were the only true modern day conservative republicans and they didn't have the charisma to win.

Powell would have won. A lot of people would have supported him. Remember, he was ranked by soldiers as being their favorite general in history (a bit of a stretch, but then, they were serving under him and not Patton). And there is a real conservative running now, named McCain.
Powell would have won. A lot of people would have supported him. Remember, he was ranked by soldiers as being their favorite general in history (a bit of a stretch, but then, they were serving under him and not Patton). And there is a real conservative running now, named McCain.
Really? Real conservatives believe in amnesty? Real conservatives believe that polical speech should be limited? The hardcore conservatives of the GOP are NOT fond of McCain. They ONLY support him because to not support him is to let a dem get elected and that is worse than anything.

As for Powell, the is NO WAY a pro choice pro AA candidate gets through the republican primary. Look at the campaign now. EVERY SINGLE repub that has supported a womans right to get an abortion has had to "have a change of heart" or promise to appoint only stict constructionist judges. A pro-choice Republican CANNOT EVER get nominated on a national level. You can pretend that Powell was different but the party has ALWAY chosen someone that supports the pro-life platform. Powell would NOT have done that and that would have gotten him less votes than whatever supporter of the biological totalitarian imperitive was running.
Really? Real conservatives believe in amnesty? Real conservatives believe that polical speech should be limited? The hardcore conservatives of the GOP are NOT fond of McCain. They ONLY support him because to not support him is to let a dem get elected and that is worse than anything.

As for Powell, the is NO WAY a pro choice pro AA candidate gets through the republican primary. Look at the campaign now. EVERY SINGLE repub that has supported a womans right to get an abortion has had to "have a change of heart" or promise to appoint only stict constructionist judges. A pro-choice Republican CANNOT EVER get nominated on a national level. You can pretend that Powell was different but the party has ALWAY chosen someone that supports the pro-life platform. Powell would NOT have done that and that would have gotten him less votes than whatever supporter of the biological totalitarian imperitive was running.

That first paragraph is just a rehash of the idiotic talking points. The bill wasn't amnesty, it was sanity. It provided for building the fence and enforcing the border. Only a total moron refuses to admit that we can't deport 20 million people.

I concede that you have a point about Powell, but remember, Giuliani was a front-runner for a long time, and only lost the way he did because he was a shitty campaigner. Many people such as me, admitted that a pro-choice candidate in 2008 is meaningless, because the battle needs to begin in the courts, and Giuliani would appoint strict constructionist judges (he also admits the matter needs to go to the state's anyway). I believe Powell would have campaigned the same way, which could very well have meant victory.
That first paragraph is just a rehash of the idiotic talking points. The bill wasn't amnesty, it was sanity. It provided for building the fence and enforcing the border. Only a total moron refuses to admit that we can't deport 20 million people.

I concede that you have a point about Powell, but remember, Giuliani was a front-runner for a long time, and only lost the way he did because he was a shitty campaigner. Many people such as me, admitted that a pro-choice candidate in 2008 is meaningless, because the battle needs to begin in the courts, and Giuliani would appoint strict constructionist judges (he also admits the matter needs to go to the state's anyway). I believe Powell would have campaigned the same way, which could very well have meant victory.
I will agree with you. The bill was sanity but that is not the way conservative republicans colored it now is it?

As for being pro choice. Guiliani was and is a big a flip flopper as Kerry, so is Willard. But republicans including Pat Robertson were supporting them because when the rubber hits the road prinicipal flies out the political window when you don't want the other party in power. NO ONE that truely believes that women should have the right to choose a abortion would appoint judges that don't believe that. If they do they are not really for choice. Never heard Powell say a word about that so I can conjecture he wouldn't and be as right as you are. The Republican party would NEVER vote fo Powell. His moderate to liberal social beliefs would kill him in a primary. The Republican party is not now and will not any time in the future be that open minded.
That first paragraph is just a rehash of the idiotic talking points. The bill wasn't amnesty, it was sanity. It provided for building the fence and enforcing the border. Only a total moron refuses to admit that we can't deport 20 million people.

You forget that total morons (the true conservative base of the Republican Party) are totally against giving citizenship to anyone who crossed the border, and sooner see illegal aliens sit in jail in America than they would let them get citizenship and voting rights for what they perceive as a crime.

Trust me. I live in the South, the homebase of the Republican Party and the talk is all immigration.
You forget that total morons (the true conservative base of the Republican Party) are totally against giving citizenship to anyone who crossed the border, and sooner see illegal aliens sit in jail in America than they would let them get citizenship and voting rights for what they perceive as a crime.

Trust me. I live in the South, the homebase of the Republican Party and the talk is all immigration.

Those people you speak of are populists.
I will agree with you. The bill was sanity but that is not the way conservative republicans colored it now is it?

As for being pro choice. Guiliani was and is a big a flip flopper as Kerry, so is Willard. But republicans including Pat Robertson were supporting them because when the rubber hits the road prinicipal flies out the political window when you don't want the other party in power. NO ONE that truely believes that women should have the right to choose a abortion would appoint judges that don't believe that. If they do they are not really for choice. Never heard Powell say a word about that so I can conjecture he wouldn't and be as right as you are. The Republican party would NEVER vote fo Powell. His moderate to liberal social beliefs would kill him in a primary. The Republican party is not now and will not any time in the future be that open minded.

Killing babies is a bit of a stretch when it comes to open-mindedness. The truth is, Giuliani was prepared to appoint strict constructionist judges and return infanticide to the states. I see no reason why another like him would not have done the same...
Killing babies is a bit of a stretch when it comes to open-mindedness. The truth is, Giuliani was prepared to appoint strict constructionist judges and return infanticide to the states. I see no reason why another like him would not have done the same...
God almighty you are such an intellectually dishonest pro-lifer. Abortions are not KILLING babies. I am not going to argue that it is not extinguishing genetic human life but most abortions occur before it even loses its tail. There is not even a brain in the fetus yet. It is the beginning of a brain stem. But no conciousness, no fear, no pain, no hunger, no longing. Nothing. It is purely genetically human mechanistic life. Try please to refrain from the equating a 16 week old fetus with a child.
God almighty you are such an intellectually dishonest pro-lifer. Abortions are not KILLING babies. I am not going to argue that it is not extinguishing genetic human life but most abortions occur before it even loses its tail. There is not even a brain in the fetus yet. It is the beginning of a brain stem. But no conciousness, no fear, no pain, no hunger, no longing. Nothing. It is purely genetically human mechanistic life. Try please to refrain from the equating a 16 week old fetus with a child.

We should extract them and make slaves out of them.