A vote for Huckabee = Vote for McCain?

Needless to say.............

I don't care if they practice their religion. I care if they spend like idiots and raise taxes. Both of which Huckabee did while a Governor.

Both sides of the aisle are guilty...and RP would not be any different, if by a fluke he were elected...he would just appropriate the money to his chosen choices!
I didn't call you a single name you oversensitive senile fool (that was name calling) I said you sound LIKE the racists. Not that you were a racist. Just that they tried to use all the same excuses that those of you that are threated by queers getting married. Letting blacks marry whites will be the downfall of American civilization was one of the favorite war cries of those that opposed interracial marriages and they were wrong just as you are wrong that allowing queers to marry will be the downfall of the family, the country and bring the wrath of god on us.
Hey I am not God nor am I Jesus..............

Oh are you sticking up for Jesus now? You know he is a big boy. If he doesn't like being called the cosmic jewish zombie he can bring it up with me or smite me or whatever it is he might do.

This is a issue between you and them...I am but a servant...not a administrator of punishment or judgement..try again strawman!;)
You are doing it again!

I didn't call you a single name you oversensitive senile fool (that was name calling) I said you sound LIKE the racists. Not that you were a racist. Just that they tried to use all the same excuses that those of you that are threated by queers getting married. Letting blacks marry whites will be the downfall of American civilization was one of the favorite war cries of those that opposed interracial marriages and they were wrong just as you are wrong that allowing queers to marry will be the downfall of the family, the country and bring the wrath of god on us.

Having trouble controlling your emotions? Once again you are using derogatory terms...not I!
queer is not derogatory. Queers took the word back and use it with pride. I have lots of queer friends and they are perfectly fine with my using the word queer. They know I am queer friendly and support queer rights so don't bent all out of shape that I use the word queer. I bet you are just mad cause it is not an insult anymore. As I pointed out, oversensitive senile fool was an insult but not meant to be a long term one. You don't appear senile much. Just over sensitive.
Whatever soco.............

queer is not derogatory. Queers took the word back and use it with pride. I have lots of queer friends and they are perfectly fine with my using the word queer. They know I am queer friendly and support queer rights so don't bent all out of shape that I use the word queer. I bet you are just mad cause it is not an insult anymore. As I pointed out, oversensitive senile fool was an insult but not meant to be a long term one. You don't appear senile much. Just over sensitive.

and I have alot of female friends I joke with calling them Bimbos and they call me tard'...big difference soco...and by no means am I sensitive nor senile...I just called you out on your hypocracy!:rolleyes:
Don't vote with principle. Fuck principle. I got it...
So principal, even if it is bigoted is ok? If you don't believe in gay marriage don't marry someone of your gender. Simple as that. You rightwingers though confuse non interference with endorsement. Just because you don't think the government should interfere in the private consensual relationships of adults does not mean you condone or even approve of it. Every state in the union allows divorce. Do you really think that means the state is encouraging, condoning or even approving of divorce?
Good, lets abolish all laws and a few of us (the suckers) can act on principle. Divorce and same-sex marriage are separate matters. I think no-fault divorce is a Vaudevillian joke, that contributes substantially to divorce. As for marriage, I see no reason to screw up another word. All that should count is legal rights, but I am personally supportive of simply abolishing civil marriage and returning it back to the churches...
Good, lets abolish all laws and a few of us (the suckers) can act on principle. Divorce and same-sex marriage are separate matters. I think no-fault divorce is a Vaudevillian joke, that contributes substantially to divorce. As for marriage, I see no reason to screw up another word. All that should count is legal rights, but I am personally supportive of simply abolishing civil marriage and returning it back to the churches...

Of course, people shouldn't be able to voluntarily pull out of marriage just because they want to. The mere thought is laughable - imagine, giving people that kind of freedom. Christ sake. They need to be forced.
Of course, people shouldn't be able to voluntarily pull out of marriage just because they want to. The mere thought is laughable - imagine, giving people that kind of freedom. Christ sake. They need to be forced.

Sure, divorce means a breach of contract. As with any contract, if fault can be found, it is null and void. No-fault divorce therefore makes no logical sense and should be abolished. Its called, "shacking up," and "cohabitation," and works even better than no-fault divorce. Wait till you're grown up enough to get married.
Sure, divorce means a breach of contract. As with any contract, if fault can be found, it is null and void. No-fault divorce therefore makes no logical sense and should be abolished. Its called, "shacking up," and "cohabitation," and works even better than no-fault divorce. Wait till you're grown up enough to get married.
YOu can get out of a contract anytime you want. If you try to get out while you still have some obligation you have to come to some sort of settlement but even in contract law, unless you have suffered some loss already, courts rarely require specific performance nor do they make one party pay for something if the other party has not already suffered a loss by relying on the contract. When BOTH parties agree to sever their contractual binds they just do it without even getting a court involved. Breach is but ONE reason for the termination of a contract. So your contract analogy is valid but not for the reason you thought.
YOu can get out of a contract anytime you want. If you try to get out while you still have some obligation you have to come to some sort of settlement but even in contract law, unless you have suffered some loss already, courts rarely require specific performance nor do they make one party pay for something if the other party has not already suffered a loss by relying on the contract. When BOTH parties agree to sever their contractual binds they just do it without even getting a court involved. Breach is but ONE reason for the termination of a contract. So your contract analogy is valid but not for the reason you thought.

In marriage contracts, there is more than two parties involved.
In marriage contracts, there is more than two parties involved.
My first wife and I had no kids. IT was as simple as preparing documents and going our separate ways.

My second wife and I had kids, more paperwork but then we went our separate ways and we both raise our kids. My kids would have been worse off if I had to stay with their mom. She and I had completely different ideas about things. I wanted to spend more family time and she wanted me at work even on Saturdays and would rage when I would not go to the office on a Saturday. I decided I was not going to live like that and we split.
My first wife and I had no kids. IT was as simple as preparing documents and going our separate ways.

My second wife and I had kids, more paperwork but then we went our separate ways and we both raise our kids. My kids would have been worse off if I had to stay with their mom. She and I had completely different ideas about things. I wanted to spend more family time and she wanted me at work even on Saturdays and would rage when I would not go to the office on a Saturday. I decided I was not going to live like that and we split.

Not kids. Different 3rd Party.