Abort all fetuses.

What. Because your efforts in that regard haven't come to fruition yet? Maybe it's just because the mods know what an insulting asshole you are.

TBH, I think Damo should keep a few foreigners around as a joke. You're better than Cultsmasher. LOL

Why is it that the fucking monarchists are the biggest fucking morons?

Did you notice that all the biggest pedos are monarchists too? I think it's the inbreeding. Thoughts?

Example: https://www.newsweek.com/neo-nazi-pedophile-white-jihad-machete-1428775
Neo-Nazi Pedophile Who Plotted 'White Jihad' Machete Murder of British Politician Is Jailed
TBH, I think Damo should keep a few foreigners around as a joke. You're better than Cultsmasher. LOL

Why is it that the fucking monarchists are the biggest fucking morons?

Did you notice that all the biggest pedos are monarchists too? I think it's the inbreeding. Thoughts?

Example: https://www.newsweek.com/neo-nazi-pedophile-white-jihad-machete-1428775
Neo-Nazi Pedophile Who Plotted 'White Jihad' Machete Murder of British Politician Is Jailed

Site traffic has not been all that hot you know......more not less would be better.
Site traffic has not been all that hot you know......more not less would be better.

True. I think many of the RWNJs are dying or incapacitated with COVID and/or being arrested for sex crimes. Since most are geezers, I supect they aren't sent to prison, but allowed to stay in their rooms with limited computer access....if at all.

Example: Sex Offenders Can Be Denied Use of Computers & Cell Phones
Even if the circumstances of your crime did not involve the use of the internet, you can have your digital access stripped away or dramatically restricted when it comes time to establish the terms of your release from prison. How severe the restrictions will be can depend on a number of factors, such as whether you were convicted in state or federal court, local laws, and the circumstances of your case. While it is possible to have your digital privileges completely removed, most individuals are allowed access under strict terms.

Digital restrictions that can be imposed on sex offenders include:

  • Not being allowed to use a computer, cell phone, or other electronic devices
  • Monitored computer use
  • Having electronic devices subject to search at any time
  • Only being allowed to use a computer under supervision
  • Not being allowed to use the internet
  • Only being allowed to use the internet for specific, pre-approved purposes
  • Being prohibited from looking at pornography
  • Being prohibited from using certain sites
  • Having to supply every username and online alias in use
1. Unfortunate indeed.

2. When speaking of the coronavirus, there is only one kind. The coronavirus. You can call it SARS, SARS-CoV-2 or anything else. It is basically the same thing.

3. Viruses do indeed mutate. That is why there are so many variants of both the flu virus and the coronavirus. Those variations are mutations. As to whether or not viruses are alive, I say they are. Can you kill, end the life, of a virus? Yes. In order to end its life, it has to have a life to begin with.

4. Now you're just talking crap. The flu is caused by the flu virus. So the flu is a virus. Because it is caused by the virus.

5. No. Completely correct. The flu virus and the coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) are indeed different kinds of virus.
1. You're the one who is whining about this conversation yet choosing to continue it...

2. There is no "the coronavirus", numbnuts... There are numerous coronaviruses in existence. SARS-CoV-2 is but one of those numerous coronaviruses. It is not "basically the same thing".

3. Viruses cannot mutate. They are not alive, numbnuts. A host might cause a mutation, but a virus itself cannot mutate. There is no such thing as "the flu virus" or "the coronavirus". You are speaking gibberish again. --- Lastly, you are committing a circular argument fallacy. Viruses are not alive, dude.

4. No, you're just failing to be precise. --- There is no such thing as "the flu virus" --- The flu is a disease, not a virus. ---

5. There is no "the flu virus". There is no "the coronavirus". Yes, flu viruses are different from coronaviruses. Flu viruses are even different from each other. That's how the concept of 'identity' works. That's what happens when you go to a public indoctrination center that brainwashes you with gender studies bullshit instead of teaching you reading, writing, and arithmetic.
1. You're the one who is whining about this conversation yet choosing to continue it...

2. There is no "the coronavirus", numbnuts... There are numerous coronaviruses in existence. SARS-CoV-2 is but one of those numerous coronaviruses. It is not "basically the same thing".

3. Viruses cannot mutate. They are not alive, numbnuts. A host might cause a mutation, but a virus itself cannot mutate. There is no such thing as "the flu virus" or "the coronavirus". You are speaking gibberish again. --- Lastly, you are committing a circular argument fallacy. Viruses are not alive, dude.

4. No, you're just failing to be precise. --- There is no such thing as "the flu virus" --- The flu is a disease, not a virus. ---

5. There is no "the flu virus". There is no "the coronavirus". Yes, flu viruses are different from coronaviruses. Flu viruses are even different from each other. That's how the concept of 'identity' works. That's what happens when you go to a public indoctrination center that brainwashes you with gender studies bullshit instead of teaching you reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Well, I tried. But you're just too stupid to talk to.
... yet here you are still talking to me, so apparently that isn't true...

How stupid of you...

It's pretty much like seeing a dog that got hit by a car and was hurt. I would try to help. Just as I try to help you. Call such empathy stupidity if you will.
1. You're the one who is whining about this conversation yet choosing to continue it...

2. There is no "the coronavirus", numbnuts... There are numerous coronaviruses in existence. SARS-CoV-2 is but one of those numerous coronaviruses. It is not "basically the same thing".

3. Viruses cannot mutate. They are not alive, numbnuts. A host might cause a mutation, but a virus itself cannot mutate. There is no such thing as "the flu virus" or "the coronavirus". You are speaking gibberish again. --- Lastly, you are committing a circular argument fallacy. Viruses are not alive, dude.

4. No, you're just failing to be precise. --- There is no such thing as "the flu virus" --- The flu is a disease, not a virus. ---

5. There is no "the flu virus". There is no "the coronavirus". Yes, flu viruses are different from coronaviruses. Flu viruses are even different from each other. That's how the concept of 'identity' works. That's what happens when you go to a public indoctrination center that brainwashes you with gender studies bullshit instead of teaching you reading, writing, and arithmetic.

viruses do mutate. whether alive or not, they have genes, and all genes mutate.
he could be right on that, actually.

I was watching a program once where they showed some virus they were experimenting on. Using something to kill it, it didn't kill them all. In almost real time you could see that some managed to get through the deadly part. Then they started breeding different branches of the virus. It must have been some sort of mutation that made at least some of the first batch be able to get through the deadly part. A mutation that made them somehow different from all the others that died. So in that, gfm is dead wrong.
I guess when gfm sees on the news them talking about different strains of the coronavirus
There is no "the coronavirus", dude. Repeating it over and over and over again will not bring it into existence either. There are numerous different coronaviruses in existence; you need to specify which one you are talking about.

There is no "different strains of COVID-19" either. A virus that is different from COVID-19 is no longer COVID-19.

that have mutated into existence,
A virus cannot "mutate into existence" (it already exists). Mutations come into existence via a host... without a host, there is no mutation.

he she or it thinks they're lying.
They ARE lying. (see above)
I was watching a program once where they showed some virus they were experimenting on. Using something to kill it, it didn't kill them all. In almost real time you could see that some managed to get through the deadly part. Then they started breeding different branches of the virus. It must have been some sort of mutation that made at least some of the first batch be able to get through the deadly part. A mutation that made them somehow different from all the others that died. So in that, gfm is dead wrong.
What are you even talking about?
I was watching a program once where they showed some virus they were experimenting on. Using something to kill it, it didn't kill them all. In almost real time you could see that some managed to get through the deadly part. Then they started breeding different branches of the virus. It must have been some sort of mutation that made at least some of the first batch be able to get through the deadly part. A mutation that made them somehow different from all the others that died. So in that, gfm is dead wrong.

yes i believe so. mutations happen in all gene based forms.
Translaiton: It's okay to murder Progs because they murdered us first.

Disagreed, but I strongly doubt you are going to pick up a weapon and start shooting Lefty women and children. You only encourage others to do it for your own gratification.

Which is worse? Starting fire or returning fire?