Abort all fetuses.

it made the point at the time. crops are still crops even when they're not done forming.

The thing you fucked up was the person doing the "tearing up."

If a woman with a pregnancy occurring in her own body decides she wants to terminate that pregnancy...she should be allowed to do it.

If someone else decided to terminate it...that would be wrong.

Try to understand that you fucking moron.
The thing you fucked up was the person doing the "tearing up."

If a woman with a pregnancy occurring in her own body decides she wants to terminate that pregnancy...she should be allowed to do it.

If someone else decided to terminate it...that would be wrong.

Try to understand that you fucking moron.


it was appropriate for the point i making at the time.
Why would you need to pick one?
Yes, that was my question.

Continue on and try to read it slowly. Maybe it will sink in.
You should take your own advice. Read my question to you slowly, and maybe it will sink in as to why your request is such a dumbass request...

"Because I don't plan to reply to all your stupidity." If you don't do as I asked, I will have to assume it is because you are too afraid to do so. "Project" that.
I've ALREADY DONE SO, dumbass... and you even admit it when you said "I don't plan to reply to all your [intelligence]", dumbass.

All you have to do is pick ONE SINGLE THING I said in that response that you disagree with and explain why I am wrong. It is obvious why you are refusing to do so.
Ok. I will pick out a stupid statement of yours myself out of all the others.
Too bad you couldn't do it with regard to abortion, you know, what this thread is about, but alrighty then, let's go down this rabbit hole for a bit.

Your claim that the coronavirus doesn't kill people.
There is no such thing as "the coronavirus". If you could read and comprehend English, instead of being an illiterate dumbfuck, you wouldn't have repeated this same dumbassery to the forum once again... For sake of discussion, I will assume that you are referring specifically to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Do you even know how science works?
Yes. Do you?

When they first came out with half ways decent microscopes, they were able to identify all types of disease causing microbes and viruses. They were able to tell if a certain one was the cause of some disease by isolating it and putting it into a healthy animal. If it got the disease, it had to be the culprit.
Okay. Who is 'they', btw?

Using such science, Louis Pasteur was able to create a rabies vaccine in 1885.

When people died from the coronavirus,
Whoa. Hold your horses there, reletor. This whole time you've been talking about viruses causing disease, but now you're all of a sudden trying to subtly shift over to talking about viruses causing death. You haven't established how SARS-CoV-2 causes death. All that's been established is that SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID.

they KNEW that it was the coronavirus that did it.
No, they were manipulatively told that "the coronavirus" (SARS-CoV-2) is what did it. In reality, those people all died from other causes.

Of the over 1 million people who died in the U.S. from the coronavirus,
Nope... none of those people died from SARS-CoV-2.

what is it that you think killed them if not the coronavirus.
Pneumonia, cancer, stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, etc. etc.

What. An underlying illness you say?
Usually that's the case, yes.

The fact remains that if they didn't have the coronavirus in them,
SARS-CoV-2 does not cause death.

that "underlying illness" wouldn't have killed them.
It was already killing them. A SARS-CoV-2 infection simply stressed their system even further. An influenza infection could've played the same role, so it's nothing caused by SARS-CoV-2 specifically.

Now, take your best shot at refuting me.
I just did.
Too bad you couldn't do it with regard to abortion, you know, what this thread is about, but alrighty then, let's go down this rabbit hole for a bit.

There is no such thing as "the coronavirus". If you could read and comprehend English, instead of being an illiterate dumbfuck, you wouldn't have repeated this same dumbassery to the forum once again... For sake of discussion, I will assume that you are referring specifically to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Yes. Do you?

Okay. Who is 'they', btw?


Whoa. Hold your horses there, reletor. This whole time you've been talking about viruses causing disease, but now you're all of a sudden trying to subtly shift over to talking about viruses causing death. You haven't established how SARS-CoV-2 causes death. All that's been established is that SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID.

No, they were manipulatively told that "the coronavirus" (SARS-CoV-2) is what did it. In reality, those people all died from other causes.

Nope... none of those people died from SARS-CoV-2.

Pneumonia, cancer, stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, etc. etc.

Usually that's the case, yes.

SARS-CoV-2 does not cause death.

It was already killing them. A SARS-CoV-2 infection simply stressed their system even further. An influenza infection could've played the same role, so it's nothing caused by SARS-CoV-2 specifically.

I just did.

You are too stupid to talk to. SARS CoV-2 IS the coronavirus. And statistically speaking, it is about 5 times more deadly than the flu. Yet you want to tell me there is no such thing as the coronavirus. Or that it isn't killing anybody. Go bother somebody else with your lengthy bullshit.
...and the Jewish Lizard Overlords control them all from the LASER platforms orbiting the planet.

Yada, yada, yada. Yeah, dumbass, I've read all the nutjob shit before. Go eat your pudding before someone steals it, geezer.

You sure are stupid. Corporate America are the ones who actually pay to get people put into office. Those in office control the government. The government in turns controls the FBI and every other governmental agency.
the fbi is forcing the corporations to do censorship, on behalf of other corporations, but also for themselves.

trying to say who is more to blame (state or corporations) in fascism is ultimately a fruitless endeavor.

this is the false dichotomy of our system. libertarians can find no fault with corporations EVER, typically. while lefties can never be critical of government.

this dumb feud keeps the population from uniting against the elites who work together in the corporostatic cabal.

remember libertarians our cherished constitution is a STATE document.

you all seem to forget that.

"anarcho-capitalist" poseurs are infantile in their thinking.
and half of them are feds, which is hilarious.

I agree, kind of.
but they will be complete individuals.

that's an important distinction, moron.

why are you so committed to mass murder?

You're a eugenics nazi.

Maybe. But you could call me a eugenics Nazi. I wouldn't mind. But all that aside, women should have the right to choose. If men got pregnant, allowing abortion wouldn't even be questioned.
You sure are stupid. Corporate America are the ones who actually pay to get people put into office. Those in office control the government. The government in turns controls the FBI and every other governmental agency.

Why do dumbass foreigners always come to American forums?
Maybe. But you could call me a eugenics Nazi. I wouldn't mind. But all that aside, women should have the right to choose. If men got pregnant, allowing abortion wouldn't even be questioned.

not up until birth.

Im actually pro choice up to beginning second tri mester.

it's still killing a human being and i acknowledge that.

there's something spooky and nazi-ish about not acknowledging it's a living human being up until the moment of live birth.

this is a satanic plot to devalue human life in all regards.

deplorables, babies.... the human virus.

eugenicist psychological manipulation.
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we're the same reletor, you're just in love with a manipulative and false propagandized labelling system which utilizes primarily a false dichotomy fallacy.
Note that the video was taken when Trump was president.

Reletor is a foreign dumbass who has zero interest in facts that do not fit is paradigm.

Note how, on his other thread, he measures IQ by the gram.

You are too stupid to talk to.
Apparently not, since you keep talking to me. In fact, you seemingly can't even resist the urge of talking to me.

SARS CoV-2 IS the coronavirus.
Here, you continue to say stupid shit. SARS-CoV-2 is but ONE coronavirus. There are NUMEROUS other coronaviruses in existence. Hence, there is no such thing as "the coronavirus".


And statistically speaking, it is about 5 times more deadly than the flu.
COVID is no deadlier than the flu. In fact, COVID typically presents itself as a mild flu.

Yet you want to tell me there is no such thing as the coronavirus.
Right. See my explanation above... Of course, you first need to become literate in English and acquire the skill of reading comprehension.

Or that it isn't killing anybody.
SARS-CoV-2 does not kill. All "COVID deaths" are deaths due to other causes... You know, things that can actually result in death.

Go bother somebody else with your lengthy bullshit.
You can't tell me what to do, numbnuts. Go away to your "safe space" if you can't deal with it, soy boy.