Abort all fetuses.

Solid standard. Progs have actually murdered people, and, you're waiting for cons to return fire. Which party is uniformly groomer, btw?
Translaiton: It's okay to murder Progs because they murdered us first.

Disagreed, but I strongly doubt you are going to pick up a weapon and start shooting Lefty women and children. You only encourage others to do it for your own gratification.
Compared to having to live a life amongst idiots like you, she indeed would have been doing me a favor.

For us all!

OTOH, there's the concept of retroactive abortion for nasty, evil unregistered foreign agents. VPNs are nice, but our heroes in the intelligence services know where you live. :)
not up until birth.

Im actually pro choice up to beginning second tri mester.

it's still killing a human being and i acknowledge that.

there's something spooky and nazi-ish about not acknowledging it's a living human being up until the moment of live birth.

this is a satanic plot to devalue human life in all regards.

deplorables, babies.... the human virus.

eugenicist psychological manipulation.

If I understand how things work correctly, the second trimester would be 6 months. I fully agree that if a woman hasn't decided whether or not to keep her fetus by that time, she should keep it. But all the anti-abortion bullshit is about not letting women abort a fetus at all. In some states, not even a zygote. To me, that's just plain EVIL. As to the rest, you weren't making much sense.
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Note that the video was taken when Trump was president.

They may have even been walking through what wall he did manage to have built. Which shows what a farce the whole thing is. They need to do what they do for example between India and Pakistan. Completely shut down the border. Close it off and have it lined with land mines. An interesting thing is that if you looked at somebody from India and Pakistan, you probably couldn't tell the difference. But you sure as hell can between a White American and a mexican. I'll show you a picture of what the border between India and Pakistan looks like from space.

Apparently not, since you keep talking to me. In fact, you seemingly can't even resist the urge of talking to me.

Here, you continue to say stupid shit. SARS-CoV-2 is but ONE coronavirus. There are NUMEROUS other coronaviruses in existence. Hence, there is no such thing as "the coronavirus".


COVID is no deadlier than the flu. In fact, COVID typically presents itself as a mild flu.

Right. See my explanation above... Of course, you first need to become literate in English and acquire the skill of reading comprehension.

SARS-CoV-2 does not kill. All "COVID deaths" are deaths due to other causes... You know, things that can actually result in death.

You can't tell me what to do, numbnuts. Go away to your "safe space" if you can't deal with it, soy boy.

So much stupidity. So little time. What a shame. But I will answer one thing. There is only one coronavirus. Or SARS CoV-2 if you prefer. It may have mutated, but it is still the coronavirus. I have heard that the flu is a coronavirus. But SARS-CoV-2 virus and the flu virus are two completely different viruses.
So much stupidity. So little time. What a shame.
Yet here you are, STILL replying to my posts...

But I will answer one thing. There is only one coronavirus. Or SARS CoV-2 if you prefer.
There are numerous coronaviruses in existence; SARS-CoV-2 is but one of them. SARS-CoV-2 is a variant of SARS.

It may have mutated, but it is still the coronavirus.
Viruses cannot mutate, as they are not alive.

I have heard that the flu is a coronavirus.
Well, then you heard someone stupid speaking. The flu (influenza) is not a virus, but is rather a disease that is caused by an influenza virus of some sort.

But SARS-CoV-2 virus and the flu virus are two completely different viruses.
Mostly correct, but remember that there isn't just one flu virus. There are many flu viruses.
If I understand how things work correctly, the second trimester would be 6 months. I fully agree that if a woman hasn't decided whether or not to keep her fetus by that time, she should keep it. But all the anti-abortion bullshit is about not letting women abort a fetus at all. In some states, not even a zygote. To me, that's just plain EVIL. As to the rest, you weren't making much sense.

the beginning of the second tri is 3 months. it used to be what modernity agreed on.

now the organ harveters want no limit at all. no limit soldiers.

abortion until full term is baby murder fer sure.
Yet here you are, STILL replying to my posts...

There are numerous coronaviruses in existence; SARS-CoV-2 is but one of them. SARS-CoV-2 is a variant of SARS.

Viruses cannot mutate, as they are not alive.

Well, then you heard someone stupid speaking. The flu (influenza) is not a virus, but is rather a disease that is caused by an influenza virus of some sort.

Mostly correct, but remember that there isn't just one flu virus. There are many flu viruses.

1. Unfortunate indeed.

2. When speaking of the coronavirus, there is only one kind. The coronavirus. You can call it SARS, SARS-CoV-2 or anything else. It is basically the same thing.

3. Viruses do indeed mutate. That is why there are so many variants of both the flu virus and the coronavirus. Those variations are mutations. As to whether or not viruses are alive, I say they are. Can you kill, end the life, of a virus? Yes. In order to end its life, it has to have a life to begin with.

4. Now you're just talking crap. The flu is caused by the flu virus. So the flu is a virus. Because it is caused by the virus.

5. No. Completely correct. The flu virus and the coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) are indeed different kinds of virus.
the beginning of the second tri is 3 months. it used to be what modernity agreed on.

now the organ harveters want no limit at all. no limit soldiers.

abortion until full term is baby murder fer sure.

From what I have seen, trimesters are sometimes measured differently. But generally speaking, a pregnancy of 9 month is three trimesters. So two trimesters would be 6 months. I myself don't think there should be abortions after that point. But then again, it isn't my decision to make. It may not be very ethical, but if a woman wants to have an abortion a little after that, she should be allowed to. That is what my thread is all about. If the choice is between not allowing abortions at all or aborting all fetuses, I say abort all fetuses!

Next, harvesting the organs of a fetus is illegal. And doing so would be very difficult. You would have to take the fetus whole out of the uterus without damaging it. Because if you damage it, you also damage the organs. Now, are you going to bring up that crap about fetal cells being used to make some kinds of food? That's one I had to shoot down elsewhere. Lastly, only the killing of a full term baby is murder.
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From what I have seen, trimesters are sometimes measured differently. But generally speaking, a pregnancy of 9 month is three trimesters. So two trimesters would be 6 months. .....
Your math skills are amazing! Kudos, dude! :hand:

Are you legal to buy a gun in your country? Even a single shot pistol? What about blackpowder?