About myself.

...what I will not do however is take the life of someone stealing my shit. Material goods are replaceable....taking a life to protect my flat screen isn't something I can live with.

Then you don't deserve a flat screen.



And here I thought Grind was being a selfish prick with his claim that guns are more important than the lives of our children.

Above we find 3POhmyGAWD topping the stupidity displayed in that comment
Then give away all of your silly possessions. They are meaningless and trivial. I respect people who are willing to act like human beings (at least like the ideals we have theorized, not necessarily the monsters we are naturally capable of being). I have committed a small portion of my life to caring for the poor, the beaten, the downtrodden, and the suffering.

Asshole delinquents who would break into your house and steal things deserve nothing short of a bullet. Your property is a natural right - a key element in the development of liberty and progress throughout the Western world.

That's it...make some excuses...dig that hole even deeper!
Talk to the people who have had their homes invaded. It is not just the material posessions that were taken. It is the feeling of safety and the sanctity of their home that was taken.

If you don't feel safe in your own home, where do you feel safe? Those who would break into someone's home and steal their things and their feeling of safety have thrown away their rights.

What drives crime?
Stupidity and indecency.

Simple answers. You like simple answers? Here's a simple equation...


And that's not even getting into some of the middle men....like depression from the poverty/desperation cycle and the self medicating that leads to chemical dependence....which also = crime.

Not to mention the temptation for a way out of that cycle. When you have nothing and the legitimate options are so limited, and you see some of the people you grew up with driving nice cars and having money in their wallets.... the gangster lifestyle looks like a valid option.

There's much more to it than simple indecency.
Hello. I am what I am. As I post more here you will see that I hold firm to my principles. I believe in God, family and country. I know right from wrong and detest those that do not. I am pro-military, pro-gun rights, pro Rule of Law and a defender of our Constitution. I have little patience for the fools that believe they can improve on the foundation of this nation by revising the Constitution and enacting "progressive concepts" into laws that steal our freedoms inch by inch, step by step.
Instead of , "Don't tread on me" , I say , "By God you'll not tread on me"!
Extremely skilled in the use of weapons and never afraid to use weapons to protect myself, my family and others if need arises.
In short, I am exactly the kind of man the liberals hate. I rather take pride in that....any true patriot does.

Welcome. Need more like you.
Funny....I don't hate anyone. I too am extremely skilled in the use of weapons and will protect the life of myself or others....what I will not do however is take the life of someone stealing my shit. Material goods are replaceable....taking a life to protect my flat screen isn't something I can live with.

As far as progressive ideology? I like SS, I like Medicare. Welfare? I'm iffy on. I'm OK with us helping someone down on their luck....however, I think the welfare system ought to be rolled back to FDR's original vision and bring back the WPA and the CCC and have people work on our massive infrastructure issues in return for that assistance.

Medicare is welfare. So is SS. Not so iffy are you pal?
So, because I am not willing to take a life over some materialistic item, I didn't deserve the item? Conservative logic at it's finest.

BTW, ever hear of.....INSURANCE? You want the fuckers shot? Once again....the compassion of Conservative Christians is once again on display. Equating two laptops and a broken window with a human life....oh yeah...your backpack too. You sure you're not with the Taliban?

You may be a Conservative, but I think Christ would be ashamed if this attitude is what his teachings brought about.

Yeah, Christ was really big on using the coercive powers of the federal government to take property from one individual and transfer it to another. That was his thing baby
It's the government's job to govern according to the will of the people and the needs of the nation.

They aren't governing according to my will. So much for that huh pal?

And they didn't govern according to the will of the anti war crowd during the Iraq War huh pal?

Are you going to offer anything other than boring platitudes and James Carville talking points?
There's very few laws I support which might be dictated by my faith. Laws against murder and theft, etc. I don't believe in banning porn, I support drug legalization, etc.

There is pretty much one issue I call Dems on who claim to be Christian - it involves murder. I'm even open to abolishing the death penalty. I would keep laws against vigilante justice on place, while fully condoning it where it occurs.

In other words, one of us will be calling the other out far more often. You may forget that Christian morality is primarily concerned with individual daily behavior while you are out trying to use the government to do your charitable work and social justice for you.
We get the point 3D....you'll turn the other cheek.....just don't fuck with your flat screen.
I mean I see 3-D's point of view. Ya know I don't think that any merchandise is worth even a criminals life.....but you don't fuck with a mans TV!!!
Simple answers. You like simple answers? Here's a simple equation...


And that's not even getting into some of the middle men....like depression from the poverty/desperation cycle and the self medicating that leads to chemical dependence....which also = crime.

Not to mention the temptation for a way out of that cycle. When you have nothing and the legitimate options are so limited, and you see some of the people you grew up with driving nice cars and having money in their wallets.... the gangster lifestyle looks like a valid option.

There's much more to it than simple indecency.

Isn't it strange how inner-city crime has increased while social, educational, and sports programs for inner-city youth have been defunded?

Simple answers. You like simple answers? Here's a simple equation...


And that's not even getting into some of the middle men....like depression from the poverty/desperation cycle and the self medicating that leads to chemical dependence....which also = crime.

Not to mention the temptation for a way out of that cycle. When you have nothing and the legitimate options are so limited, and you see some of the people you grew up with driving nice cars and having money in their wallets.... the gangster lifestyle looks like a valid option.

There's much more to it than simple indecency.

I live in the suburbs, not the projects. No one here has the need to be stealing laptops and backpacks out of my house - especially young punks. If they were in need of food and assistance, there are plenty of resources for them here. It's not like I'm a baker and they stole a loaf of bread.
Yeah, Christ was really big on using the coercive powers of the federal government to take property from one individual and transfer it to another. That was his thing baby

Did Christ not say " render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasars"? You are such an idiot.
They aren't governing according to my will. So much for that huh pal?

And they didn't govern according to the will of the anti war crowd during the Iraq War huh pal?

Are you going to offer anything other than boring platitudes and James Carville talking points?

Hey shit fer brains; we all know the government isn't doing it's job well. Did you just get to Earth or something? You are one serious fucking idiot.