About myself.

I said shut up moron. Which part did you misunderstand?

I didn't misunderstand any of it, I just ignored it. You don't get to tell me when to shut up. I know you wish you could, since I just completely PWNED that ass, and maybe your Liberal blogs let you do that, but here, you can't tell me when to shut up.
Neither Medicare nor SS is welfare. It is a system that we as American Citizens pay into from the time we Starr working to the time we stop. That's not welfare.

Of course they are. Do the benefits run out when what you receive exceeds that which you paid in?

You are an entitled little shit aren't you?
I didn't misunderstand any of it, I just ignored it. You don't get to tell me when to shut up. I know you wish you could, since I just completely PWNED that ass, and maybe your Liberal blogs let you do that, but here, you can't tell me when to shut up.

The fuck I can't. Shut up, Shut up, Shut the fuck up you hillbilly redneck moron.